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_INetGetSource and Instagram

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I'm working on a little script to snag full sized images off of Instagram.  I learned some time ago that the URL for IG photos was buried inside the page source. So, I've written a little script that examines the source of an Instagram page and extracts a full sized image to my hard drive.  It works great, but I've run into a small snag.  It seems that _INetGetSource works with some Instagram URLs, but not others, and I'm stumped as to why.  Consider the following:

#include <Inet.au3>

$URL1 = 'https://www.instagram.com/p/BHI5ZMtBy51/'
$URL2 = 'https://www.instagram.com/p/BJKLKFtDzYaLmsBoi_MiYTgUI70SEtB6L7ZdL40/'

ConsoleWrite(_INetGetSource($URL1, 1) & @CR)

ConsoleWrite("And then..." & @CR)

ConsoleWrite(_INetGetSource($URL2, 1) & @CR)

The first ConsoleWrite retrieves the page source just fine, while the last ConsoleWrite doesn't return anything and doesn't set error.

I know that Instagram does some funny things, and I can see that the second URL is much longer than the first one, but I can't see why it's not working.

If you have any insights, I'd love to hear them.

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The second link  is broken, just tried to open in explorer a typical 404 site appears. Changing your script to

$sData=_INetGetSource($URL2, 1)
If @error Then

i get:

And then...
13  0


If it's a dynamic created link you have to post the url which creating it.

Edited by AutoBert
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35 minutes ago, dmlarsen30 said:

When I cut and paste the URL into my chrome browser, I'm taken to the Instagram page for the image I'm trying to capture.

When i cut and paste in FireFox i get a 404, maybe the url is in your Chromee-cache, but not in the IE-cache

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Fascinating....When I cut and paste the URL into IE, I get a 404 error too.  But, when I manually navigate back to my friends page, the URL is displayed as:


I have no idea what's going on, but there's definitely something odd about it.  

Oh well, perhaps I'll try another approach. It might make more sense for me to rewrite my script to control Chrome directly rather than using _InetGetsource.

Thanks very much for your help.


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I believe I've figured out what's going on. My friend has his account set to "private". I follow him and he follows me, so I had forgotten all about it. But, that explains why I can't use  _InetGetsource to access his page.

Again, thanks for your suggestions!

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