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Get highlighted text, after hitting hotkey

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Trying to use a clipget() along with send() (ctrl c) to copy the text, after I hit a hotkey, but it does not work...anyone have a suggestion?


#include <Misc.au3>
HotKeySet('!w', 'GetHighlightedWord')
While 1

Func GetHighlightedWord()
    ;_SendEx('^c') have tried this function as well
    $sWord = ClipGet()
    MsgBox(0, 'What is in the clipboard?', $sWord)

EndFunc   ;==>GetHighlightedWord

Func _SendEx($ss, $warn = "")
    Local $iT = TimerInit()
    While _IsPressed("10") Or _IsPressed("11") Or _IsPressed("12")

        If $warn <> "" And TimerDiff($iT) > 1000 Then
            MsgBox(0, "Warning", $warn)
EndFunc   ;==>_SendEx


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the problem seems to be that while you are pressing  Alt-w, the GetHighlightedWord() is as well executed nearly at the same time (while your fingers are still pressing down the keyboard keys), having as final result a sum of keypresses, 2 keys pressed by You (Alt-w) and 2 keys pressed by the Send() function (Ctrl-c)
(Alt+w+Ctrl+c as result)
If you add a little delay before the Send('^c') function giving you the time to release your fingers, the function will work.....

#include <Misc.au3>
HotKeySet('!w', 'GetHighlightedWord')
While 1

Func GetHighlightedWord()
    Sleep(1000) ;  <-- gives you the time to release your fingers from the keyboard
    ;_SendEx('^c') have tried this function as well
    $sWord = ClipGet()
    MsgBox(0, 'What is in the clipboard?', $sWord)

EndFunc   ;==>GetHighlightedWord

Func _SendEx($ss, $warn = "")
    Local $iT = TimerInit()
    While _IsPressed("10") Or _IsPressed("11") Or _IsPressed("12")

        If $warn <> "" And TimerDiff($iT) > 1000 Then
            MsgBox(0, "Warning", $warn)
EndFunc   ;==>_SendEx



image.jpeg.9f1a974c98e9f77d824b358729b089b0.jpeg Chimp

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On 8/25/2016 at 2:48 PM, Chimp said:

the problem seems to be that while you are pressing  Alt-w, the GetHighlightedWord() is as well executed nearly at the same time (while your fingers are still pressing down the keyboard keys), having as final result a sum of keypresses, 2 keys pressed by You (Alt-w) and 2 keys pressed by the Send() function (Ctrl-c)
(Alt+w+Ctrl+c as result)
If you add a little delay before the Send('^c') function giving you the time to release your fingers, the function will work.....

#include <Misc.au3>
HotKeySet('!w', 'GetHighlightedWord')
While 1

Func GetHighlightedWord()
    Sleep(1000) ;  <-- gives you the time to release your fingers from the keyboard
    ;_SendEx('^c') have tried this function as well
    $sWord = ClipGet()
    MsgBox(0, 'What is in the clipboard?', $sWord)

EndFunc   ;==>GetHighlightedWord

Func _SendEx($ss, $warn = "")
    Local $iT = TimerInit()
    While _IsPressed("10") Or _IsPressed("11") Or _IsPressed("12")

        If $warn <> "" And TimerDiff($iT) > 1000 Then
            MsgBox(0, "Warning", $warn)
EndFunc   ;==>_SendEx


I had to add 2000 to the sleep...I will keep playing with it, to see if the number can be reduced...thanks

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Try this: highlite word or sentence and drag to the drop-window, the script:

#include <GuiRichEdit.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

Local $hGui, $iMsg
$hGui = GUICreate("Dropbox", 150, 150, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_BORDER), BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW))
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_ONTOP)
$hRichEdit = _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($hGui, "", 0, 0, 150, 150, -1)
_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetEventMask($hRichEdit, $ENM_SELCHANGE)
While True
    $iMsg = GUIGetMsg()
        Case $iMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $iWparam, $iLparam)
    #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $iWparam
    Local $hWndFrom, $iCode, $tNMHDR, $tEnLink, $cpMin, $cpMax, $tMsgFilter
    $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $iLparam)
    $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom"))
    $iCode = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code")
    Switch $hWndFrom
        Case $hRichEdit
                Case $iCode = $EN_SELCHANGE
EndFunc   ;==>WM_NOTIFY

Func Checklink()
    Local $sURL, $arrValidURL
    $sURL = _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetText($hRichEdit)
    $arrValidURL = StringRegExp($sURL, "(?s)((ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?)", 2)

    _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetText($hRichEdit, "")
    If UBound($arrValidURL) > 0 Then
        ;// Gueltige URL ok, mach irgendwas damit
        ConsoleWrite($arrValidURL[0] & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>Checklink

waiting for new drop input in the RTF-Control, you have only to change the action after line #44.

Edited by AutoBert
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21 hours ago, AutoBert said:

Try this: highlite word or sentence and drag to the drop-window, the script:

I am unable to perform this action, and I am not sure what this does, as I was able to type in the box - I assume that the consolewrite (line 44) allows me to do something?

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3 minutes ago, AutoBert said:

If you aren't able to Drag & Drop try the example to _ClipBoard_SetViewer. After start copy some text in browser or other app and have a look in the Memo Gui.

I am able to see the information in the GUI after hitting Ctrl C, but not sure how that is going to help me with what I am trying to do?

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"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." 

"Everybody catches up with everyone, eventually" 

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1 minute ago, nitekram said:

I am able to see the information in the GUI after hitting Ctrl C, but not sure how that is going to help me with what I am trying to do?

Then a good starting point is to open the helpfile, reading the Language Reference. The example shows how to get ClipBoard and put data in Edit-Control.

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I am not sure I understand...I am trying to automate the population of the clipboard. By hitting one hot key, that will both start my function and copy the highlighted text. If this will do that, great, but I have never messed with these functions before, so I would need a primer to go with the examples?

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"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." 

"Everybody catches up with everyone, eventually" 

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12 minutes ago, AutoBert said:

Geting highlited text is very difficult, the example i showed is not so complicated, so i don't understood why you don't know how to change for your needs.

It could be, because I am not that smart lol

The example you showed has me drag my highlighted text to a window, which I was not able to get to work...all I want is to be able to hit a hotkey, and from that function call, copy the highlighted text with sending ctrl c - coping the info to the clipboard. The delay that was mentioned before...I was able to put in a command to write to the console, and that was just enough delay to get the function working...the below code works as I want it, but I will be looking at these functions to see how I might be able to use them in the future for a clipboard keeper I have wanted to create.


#include <Misc.au3>
HotKeySet('^!w', 'GetHighlightedWord')
While 1

Func GetHighlightedWord()
    ;Sleep(2000) ;  <-- gives you the time to release your fingers from the keyboard
    ConsoleWrite('anything here for a delay')
    ;_SendEx('^c') have tried this function as well
    $sWord = ClipGet()
    MsgBox(0, 'What is in the clipboard?', $sWord)

EndFunc   ;==>GetHighlightedWord

Func _SendEx($ss, $warn = "")
    Local $iT = TimerInit()
    While _IsPressed("10") Or _IsPressed("11") Or _IsPressed("12")

        If $warn <> "" And TimerDiff($iT) > 1000 Then
            MsgBox(0, "Warning", $warn)
EndFunc   ;==>_SendEx


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"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." 

"Everybody catches up with everyone, eventually" 

"As you teach others, you are really teaching yourself."

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3 hours ago, AutoBert said:

If you aren't able to Drag & Drop try the example to _ClipBoard_SetViewer. After start copy some text in browser or other app and have a look in the Memo Gui.

If want selected text, the mentioned esample  (_ClipBoard_SetViewer) is the easiest way. Just a right click and a click on copy item and the selected text is in result of _ClipBoard_GetData(). But i prefer the Drag & Drop example, here is the selected text in the result of _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetText. I prefer this way, as it fetches only was i realy want. 

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Remember doing this at some point, script was something like...

Func GetHighlightedWord()
    Until ClipGet() <> ""

Probably had a timeout, and a test that "" actually got put in the clipboard.

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2 hours ago, JohnOne said:

Remember doing this at some point, script was something like...

Func GetHighlightedWord()
    Until ClipGet() <> ""

Probably had a timeout, and a test that "" actually got put in the clipboard.

That looks like it would work as well...thanks.

All by me:

"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." 

"Everybody catches up with everyone, eventually" 

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