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how can do this ??


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hi guys i have  a  txt

'<Variation>' & _
'<SKU>!22</SKU>' & _
'<StartPrice>12.00</StartPrice>' & _
'<Quantità>2.00</Quantità>' & _
'<VariationSpecifics>' & _
'<NameValueList>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>32</ Valore>' & _
'<SKU>!22!23</SKU>' & _
'<VariationSpecifics>' & _
'<NameValueList>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia coppa</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>A</ Valore>' & _
'</NameValueList>' & _
'</VariationSpecifics> ' & _
'</Variation>' & _
'<Variation>' & _
'<SKU>!23</SKU>' & _
'<StartPrice>11.00</StartPrice>' & _
'<Quantità>1.00</Quantità>' & _
'<VariationSpecifics>' & _
'<NameValueList>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>34</ Valore>' & _
'<SKU>!22!23</SKU>' & _
'<VariationSpecifics>' & _
'<NameValueList>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia coppa</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>A</ Valore>' & _
'<SKU>!23</SKU>' & _
'<VariationSpecifics>' & _
'<NameValueList>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia coppa</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>AA</ Valore>' & _
'</NameValueList>' & _
'</VariationSpecifics> ' & _
'</Variation>' & _

i want transform in this mode

'<Variation>' & _
'<SKU>!22</SKU>' & _
'<StartPrice>12.00</StartPrice>' & _
'<Quantità>2.00</Quantità>' & _
'<VariationSpecifics>' & _
'<NameValueList>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>32</ Valore>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia coppa</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>A</ Valore>' & _
'<SKU>!23</SKU>' & _
'<StartPrice>11.00</StartPrice>' & _
'<Quantità>1.00</Quantità>' & _
'<VariationSpecifics>' & _
'<NameValueList>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>34</ Valore>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia coppa</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>A</ Valore>' & _
'<Nome>Taglia coppa</ Nome>' & _
'<Valore>AA</ Valore>' & _

consider the !22 and !23  can change  is variable in text , but is always !number

how is possible to do ???  with  regexp ?? ? ?





Edited by faustf
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you could use regexp, or Microsoft.XMLDOM

the regexp could look something like:


but better, would be:

$oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$oXML.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath")
$sXML = "<Variation><SKU>!22</SKU><Quantità>2.00</Quantità></Variation>"
$oNodes = $oXML.selectNodes("//*[contains(./text()[last()],'!') and boolean(number(substring(substring-after(./text()[last()],'!'), 1, 2)))]");select elements, containing [!][0-9]{1,2}
MsgBox(0, "", $oNodes.Length);show number of matches

You then simply extract the text from node, run a regexp "![0-9]{1,2}" in 1 of 2 ways:

1: use the autoit StringRegExp to get the exact string and replace the part of the string with StringInStr, StringMid and StringLen

2: use "VBScript.RegExp" to get match position with the results and again use StringMid and StringLen to replace the "variables"

then set the text of node to the string you just processed and save the xml before exit


Also your xml is broken. you have a "VariationSpecifics" element that is not closed.

Edited by genius257
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