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Send string to specific row


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Alright I have done some simple things using AutoIT but now I have a little and most likely stupid problem.

I already have a working script where I use ControlSend to send strings in different textboxes in a program I use at work. Now I would like to know if there is a simple way to send something to specific row. For example if there would be a notepad file with 3 rows:

  1. Test1
  2. Test2
  3. Test3

Now I would like to send something to row 2 after the Test2 text. Should I just use something like @CRLF or arrow keys to get focus to correct place as I was planning or any smarter way to work this out?

Sorry for the stupid question. I usually find the answer reading forums and help files but for some reason not this one.

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43 minutes ago, l3ill said:

Instead of Send use FileWriteLine to write to your text file and use the line parameter.

Not sure if I can use that. Well maybe I could but then I'd need to rewrite the whole thing but my goal is to just add text to the end of specific line. Notepad was maybe a bad example since I'm not actually using it.

Right now I already got a handle of the program where I want to send strings. Like these:

   ControlSend($examplehandle, "", "[NAME:ToTextBox]", $sometext) ;Receiver of the email
   ControlSend($examplehandle, "", "[NAME:SubjectTextBox]", "Hello") ;Subject of the email

Those are single line text boxes so no problem sending strings there. Third text box where I want to send text is the email message itself which already contains some text. Let's say:


My name is [mynamehere]

Best Regards,

Any way to use ControlSend or some other method using $handle to send my name there?



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Here is an example using Notepad that appends text to a specified line number.

#include <String.au3>

; -------- Create Notepad example ------------
If ProcessExists("notepad.exe") = 0 Then
    Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad]", "")
    ControlSetText($hWnd, "", "Edit1", "Hello!" & @CRLF & "My name is " & @CRLF & "Best Regards," & @CRLF)
; ------ End of Create Notepad example ----------

Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad]", "")

Local $sText = ControlGetText($hWnd, "", "Edit1")
Local $appendage = "[mynamehere]"
Local $iLineNum = 2 ; <<<<<<< Enter line number to append text to here.

ControlSetText($hWnd, "", "Edit1", _AppendText2Line($sText, $appendage, $iLineNum))

Func _AppendText2Line($sText, $appendage, $iLineNum)
    Local $iPos = StringInStr($sText, @CRLF, 0, $iLineNum)
    Return _StringInsert($sText, $appendage, ($iPos = 0) ? StringLen($sText) : $iPos - 1) ; If @CRLF is not in $sText, then $appendage is appended to end of $sText.
EndFunc   ;==>_AppendText2Line


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4 hours ago, Malkey said:

Here is an example using Notepad that appends text to a specified line number.

#include <String.au3>

; -------- Create Notepad example ------------
If ProcessExists("notepad.exe") = 0 Then
    Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad]", "")
    ControlSetText($hWnd, "", "Edit1", "Hello!" & @CRLF & "My name is " & @CRLF & "Best Regards," & @CRLF)
; ------ End of Create Notepad example ----------

Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad]", "")

Local $sText = ControlGetText($hWnd, "", "Edit1")
Local $appendage = "[mynamehere]"
Local $iLineNum = 2 ; <<<<<<< Enter line number to append text to here.

ControlSetText($hWnd, "", "Edit1", _AppendText2Line($sText, $appendage, $iLineNum))

Func _AppendText2Line($sText, $appendage, $iLineNum)
    Local $iPos = StringInStr($sText, @CRLF, 0, $iLineNum)
    Return _StringInsert($sText, $appendage, ($iPos = 0) ? StringLen($sText) : $iPos - 1) ; If @CRLF is not in $sText, then $appendage is appended to end of $sText.
EndFunc   ;==>_AppendText2Line



I think this will just do the trick. Wow, surprisingly hard, thought there would've been easier way to do this. Thanx a lot! Gonna try this one on my script :)

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