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Help with Powersell Script


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Hey Guys,

I am almost there but feel I am missing something that is right in front of me and need another set of eyes.


I am trying to run the following powershell file with the following parameters. This works in powershell just fine.

Reset-LocalAdminPassword.ps1 -Password $secureString


I created an autoit script to do a few other things but from venturing in the forums I found some code and did the following:

;THIS COMMAND WILL RUN THE powershell script
$iDir = "C:\test\script\Reset-LocalAdminPassword.ps1"
Run('cmd /k C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File ' & '"' & $iDir & '-Password $secureString')


The problem is that when it runs it gives me a message that C:\test\script\Reset-LocalAdminPassword.ps1-Password $secureString' is not a valid ps1 file.

I cannot seem to get it to run the ps1 file with the -Password $secureString' parameter. It keeps cobining the ps1 path and the parameters all as one.

I am sure this is something I am overlooking but I have been battling with this for a few hours now and just don't know what I am missing.


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Consider this snippet and the difference between the two message boxes:

$sString = "hi"
MsgBox(0, 0, 'The var is: $sString')
MsgBox(0, 0, 'The var is: ' & $sString)

Also take a look at using ShellExecute(Wait), it's more versatile than Run(Wait).

Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF... All my base are belong to you.

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