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Does anyone have an Ideea for Count number letter?

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The ideea was to count 1 + 1 if a letter is pressed ,, i made this ,, but the problem get's  that the keyboard if the letter is pressed and  keept pressed  it's count milions times  so in end i not get only 1 for that letter ...

1 Does anyone have an ideea somehow i can do this ?

2 To disable double  press letter , 

3 It must count 1 only first time  the letter is pressed and  ignore all others double,, 

4 i remain out of my ideeas arhhht

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That sounds very much like you are coding a keylogger - please read this announcement and convince me that you are within the rules before we go any further.


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 only if  a fix Letter is pressed  like K

So how many keys are you tracking?


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so i can read if   is a movement on a mecanical part

Are you just looking for user input to the keyboard or mouse? If so, then _Timer_GetIdleTime might be useful.


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ahh i see,, it's a new think,, didin't know , i will try think how to use it ,,


thx Melba23


Trayed but  hmm i think i do not know how to use it ,, i only get  differite results with it , each time else value of   _Timer_GetIdleTime  

Edited by GameIDevelp
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If you need to check for user input, you keep checking the value returned by the function in a loop or in an Adlib function. Then when the value drops, it means the user has made an input. Something like this:

#include <Timers.au3>

Global $nIdleTimer = 0

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Exit")

AdlibRegister("_Check_For_Input", 1000) ; Check for input every second

While 1

Func _Check_For_Input()

    ; Get time idle
    $nIdleSince = _Timer_GetIdleTime()
    ; Now check against last reading
    If $nIdleSince < $nIdleTimer Then
        ; User has actioned mouse or keyboard
        ConsoleWrite("User action at: " & @SEC & @CRLF)
    ; Store current idle return
    $nIdleTimer = $nIdleSince

Func _Exit()

Please ask if you have any questions.


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so i understand that at each second less then a second will check if ,, well adapting to my need ,, check if i get an input from any ,,, and count as 1 but  after the time expire and make again the check  and the button is keep pressed and after the time expire will  count as 2 ,,   it's wrong again  becauze it's count 2 and so one after each period,   but the key pressed was pressed only 1 time only was keep pushed for loong time, ,,     i am wrong?,, 


I did found something ,, the Control panel Keyboard filter do exactly what i need ,  i turned on and off and  it  allow only 1 time to be count ,, even if  i press many times or is keept pressed a letter , so is what i need ,, but  now i dunno how to open the filter from control panel with autoit and turn it on and off  , cuz i get no exe to the control panel application ,,, i use win 10, dunno how to get the handle of it ,, o.o

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I am afraid that you have now confused me completely. Your last post makes it sound as though you are really looking to count key presses - which makes what you are doing unacceptable as it is a de facto keylogger.

Please explain why you are trying to do this - what are you trying to achieve? We obviously have a serious language barrier here and I am not at all sure that we are even in the same book, let alone on the same page.


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1 hour ago, Melba23 said:

I am afraid that you have now confused me completely. Your last post makes it sound as though you are really looking to count key presses - which makes what you are doing unacceptable as it is a de facto keylogger.


i think yes i confused you,   but no i only needed the keyboard for get an event outside of pc , i like robotics staff ,, i only need a button , keyboard key button to trigger an event so i could use it with autoit ,  i no need to know what letter button is pressed and even if is a number or simbol,  just needed the event , on and off  ,, but i see is not a good ideea, thx for the trays  i apreciated,   

And english is not my native language , apologise for that. 

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Determining when any key is pressed and released is, alas, exactly what is prohibited. if you can limit the requirement to a specific key then _IsPressed should be what you need.


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Glad we got there in the end.


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