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FileInstall() and fileversion of file it holds

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Why not just look up the version of the DLL you want to install when you write your script and hard code the value. You can then optionally use fileinstall to install the DLL if the DLL in the target location already exists but is older than the version you have in your script.
Something like this

#include <Misc.au3>

$sInstallPath = "c:\InstallPath\somefile.dll"
If _VersionCompare ("",FileGetVersion("$sInstallPath)) = 1 Then


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well, main point of this topic - is to make script self-sufficient and not rely on hard-coded values, ini-files or something like that.  For now I use  "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before" plus some registry settings or make it hardcode dll versions in main script automatically. I wanted direct solution without need manual actions on every recompile or any helper scripts.

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