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Error from _IEFormElementOptionSelect

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2 minutes ago, Subz said:

So do you have two forms on the page with the same ID?  Strange that it appears twice as Id should only be used once per page.

If you also add after the For $oOption In $oOptions

ConsoleWrite($oOption.InnerText & @CRLF)

What does that return?

Here is the output

--> Press Ctrl+Alt+Break to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop
ID: peLateReason
Name: peLateReason

01 - Operations was working with the customer or problem reporter to validate impact
02 - Operations was working with IBM support to validate impact
03 - Operations was working with a third-party vendor to validate impact
04 - A technical problem delayed validation
05 - Issue was not initially designated a critical event, or the severity changed
06 - Multiple situations were occurring at the same time
07 - Other Technical Problem (Additional Explanation Required)
08 - Other (Additional explanation required)
ID: peExceptionReason
Name: peExceptionReason
ID: peLateReason
Name: peLateReason

01 - A telephony problem at the Operator's site delayed notification
02 - A telephony problem at the Helpdesk site delayed notification
03 - The Helpdesk queue wait time exceeded the time limit for this step
04 - The Helpdesk did not answer and no voicemail was available
05 - Helpdesk contact information was not documented in the correct place
06 - Documentation was responding slowly or was unavailable
07 - Issue was not initially designated a critical event, or the severity changed
08 - Multiple situations were occurring at the same time
09 - Other Technical Problem (Additional Explanation Required)
10 - Other (Additional Explanation Required)
ID: peLateReason
Name: peLateReason

01 - A telephony problem at the Operator's site delayed notification
02 - A telephony problem outside the Operator's site delayed notification
03 - A problem with OneContact impeded contacting support
04 - Support contact information was not documented in the correct place or was not current
05 - Documented IBM support group did not respond or was not available
06 - Documented customer support group did not respond or was not available
07 - Documentation was responding slowly or was unavailable
08 - Issue was not initially designated a critical event, or the severity changed
09 - Multiple situations were occurring at the same time
10 - Other Technical Problem (Additional Explanation Required)
11 - Other (Additional explanation required)
ID: peExceptionReason
Name: peExceptionReason
ID: peLateReason
Name: peLateReason

01 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late by the customer
02 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late by Level 1 Operations
03 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late by an IBM Support Area
04 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late by an External Vendor/Support Area
05 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late due to a monitoring error
06 - Operations was working with the problem reporter to identify problem details
07 - Operations was working with Level 1 Operations to identify problem details
08 - Operations was working with IBM support to identify problem details
09 - Operations was working with a vendor to identify problem details
10 - Issue was not initially designated a critical event, or the severity changed
11 - Problem with OneView impeded creation or transfer of the OneView entry
12 - Multiple situations were occurring at the same time
13 - The Recovery Manager was notified of the critical issue late by Operations
14 - The Recovery Manager was notified of the critical issue late by an IBM Support Area
15 - The Recovery Manager was notified of the critical issue late by an External Vendor/Support Area
16 - Recovery Manager was working with the account team to validate critical impact
17 - Contact information for managers was difficult to find or inaccurate
18 - Resolution Eminent / Waiting on Validation
19 - Other Technical Problem (Additional Explanation Required)
20 - Other (Additional Explanation Required)
ID: peExceptionReason
Name: peExceptionReason
ID: peLateReason
Name: peLateReason

01 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late by the customer
02 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late by Level 1 Operations
03 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late by an IBM Support Area
04 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late by an External Vendor/Support Area
05 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late due to a monitoring error
06 - Operations was working with the problem reporter to identify problem details
07 - Operations was working with Level 1 Operations to identify problem details
08 - Operations was working with IBM support to identify problem details
09 - Operations was working with a vendor to identify problem details
10 - Issue was not initially designated a critical event, or the severity changed
11 - Problem with OneView impeded creation or transfer of the OneView entry
12 - Multiple situations were occurring at the same time
13 - The Recovery Manager was notified of the critical issue late by Operations
14 - The Recovery Manager was notified of the critical issue late by an IBM Support Area
15 - The Recovery Manager was notified of the critical issue late by an External Vendor/Support Area
16 - Recovery Manager was working with the account team to validate critical impact
17 - Contact information for managers was difficult to find or inaccurate
18 - Resolution Eminent / Waiting on Validation
19 - Other Technical Problem (Additional Explanation Required)
20 - Other (Additional Explanation Required)
Name: outage.ticketingSystem
Name: outage.changeSystem
Name: outage.type
Name: outage.critical
Name: outage.severity
Name: outage.origSeverity
Name: outage.hasSla
Name: outage.ownership
Name: outage.causedByGdc
Name: currentWaitState
Name: webSession.userProfileId
Name: webSession.status
ID: peExceptionReason
Name: peExceptionReason
ID: peLateReason
Name: peLateReason

01 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late by the customer
02 - Operations was notified of the critical issue late due to a monitoring error
03 - Problem with OneView impeded creation or transfer of the OneView entry
04 - Operations was working with support to identify problem details
05 - Operations was working with the problem reporter to identify problem details
06 - Issue was not initially designated a critical event, or the severity changed
07 - Multiple situations were occurring at the same time
08 - Other Technical Problem (Additional Explanation Required)
09 - Other (Additional Explanation Required)


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From my first post can you change 

"Other (*Additional Information Required)"


"Other (Additional Explanation Required)"

It basically should match the Output of $oOption.InnerText

Edited by Subz
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5 minutes ago, sammy1983 said:

You mean like this?

If StringStripWS($oOption.InnerText, 7) = "09 - Other (Additional Information Required)" Then $oOption.Selected = True


Wow.. Superb.. This worked like charm. How did you do that?

Local $oSelects = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "Select")
Local $oOptions
For $oSelect In $oSelects
    ConsoleWrite("ID: " & $oSelect.id & @CRLF & "Name: " & $oSelect.name & @CRLF)
    If $oSelect.id = "peLateReason" Then
        $oOptions = _IETagNameGetCollection($oSelect, "Option")
        For $oOption In $oOptions
            ConsoleWrite($oOption.InnerText & @CRLF)
            If StringStripWS($oOption.InnerText, 7) = "09 - Other (Additional Explanation Required)" Then $oOption.Selected = True


Edited by sammy1983
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Thanks a ton Subz for all the efforts. I have marked your code in my archive of codes. I need one last help. There is a textbox as well and I need to type just a dot (.) in it. How to do that?

<textarea name="peCompletionNotes" cols="80" rows="10" id="peCompletionNotes" onchange="javascript:checkLength(this,2044);" spellcheck="true"></textarea>


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I would like to thank Subz and Danp2 for all your efforts in solving this mystery. Especially Subz who impressed me with his in-depth coding and giving me a chance to think out of the box. Thanks a ton again, Subz.

As always, YOU GUYS ROCKS!!!

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Circling back, it would still be interesting to know why the original attempts failed to find the desired element. What is the output from the following code?

$oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection($oIE, 0)
$oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($oFrame, "outage_processEventComplete")
$Reason = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "peExceptionReason")
_IEFormElementOptionSelect($Reason, "10 - Other (Additional Explanation Required)")


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