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Is it possible to create a new exe from a compiled script file with functions

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Hello all, 

 what i actually mean is , can a compiled script have scripts that can create a new exe file .


main program is "prog.exe" which has functions of doing specific task, is there a code or possible to make "prog.exe" create another program called "prog2.exe" and then runs it. which "prog2.exe" also has it own functions to execute.

Will be glad to find some help, 

Thanks forum

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On 5/11/2017 at 6:25 PM, Subz said:

See the following:


You could also use the compiled script to run a .au3 file (see AutoIt specific command Line Switches in the link below)


i have already Compile my main tool into an exe file. 

my question is. Can the main program "main.exe "  create another exe file "main2.exe", and run it . 
the main2.exe also has it own functions to execute. .. 
i will run it on my laptop which doesnt have autoIt installed on it. 


1. the main program is main.exe which creates a folder and create a txt file and name it with the current date 

2. It then creates another .exe file called main2.exe and then runs it.

3. after it runs the main2.exe file then the main.exe closes itself from process.

4. now the main2.exe is the main program now, which will wait for new usb drives then copied the created text to it.



is it possible?

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So your main.exe would create an .au3 file correct?  Then you would need to copy Aut2exe.exe to a common place for example @ScriptDir and then use Aut2exe.exe to compile the main2.au3 file to main2.exe and run it or copy AutoIt3.exe to the @ScriptDir and use that to run the main2.au3 file.

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