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_IEGetObjById can't read a value from div id


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I'm trying to make a program to connect on my modem over web, since this is my only option to access my modem.

I want to edit my wi-fi network and manage ip-s connected to it.

But i get to a problem where i can't read a id from html when i login to my modem interface.

Problem is appear when i try to read id and click on the item to open menu with sub items to i can get to my wi-fi configuration.

Here is a code and image

#include <IE.au3>

Global $URL = ''

$ie = _IECreate ($URL, 0, 1, 1, 0) ; url, try attach, visible, wait, take focus
$user = _IEGetObjById($ie, 'Frm_Username')  ; get user field
_IEFormElementSetValue ($user, 'user')      ; set username
$pass = _IEGetObjById($ie, 'Frm_Password')  ; get password field
_IEFormElementSetValue($pass, 'user')       ; set password
$submit = _IEGetObjById($ie, 'LoginId')     ; get id of submit button
_IEAction($submit, 'click')                 ; click to submit / login

; here i got error
;~ --> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Warning from function _IEGetObjById, $_IESTATUS_NoMatch (mmNet)
;~ --> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IEAction(click), $_IESTATUS_InvalidDataType

$networkTab = _IEGetObjById($ie, 'mmNet')   ; get id of network div
_IEAction($networkTab, 'click')             ; click on Network tab

; this i try to read
;~ <td class="mid" id="mmNet">Network</td>



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Several possibilities comes to mind --

1. The page hasn't fully loaded. You could try adding an _IELoadWait after the initial _IEAction (where you current have the Sleep command)

2. Perhaps to page uses frames. Look at the example code in the help file under the entry for _IEFrameGetCollection. You could try running this to check for frames.

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I added a _IELoadWait and try to run code but same problem. I put _IECreate to make a visible window so i can see what it does.

It successfully open address, login to panel and opens me a panel, but won't click a "Network tab".

Then i used a _IEFrameGetCollection to get data after successfully login and i got this :


Frames Info - 2 frames found

ZXV10 H201L



Display primary information of this device: carrier, model name, serial number, batch number, hardware version, software version, boot loader version, DSL firmware version, etc. 

 Device Information 
 Network Interface
 User Interface
 VoIP Status




Path:Status-Device Information 


ModelZXV10 H201L
Serial NumberZTEEF01DB701969 
batch number07ddT030145
Hardware VersionV1.0.05
Software VersionV1.0.01_H1BT03
Boot Loader VersionV1.0.11
DSL Firmware Version4.


Copyright © 2011 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Array(); menu_items['mmStatu']['smDevStatu']['langName'] = 'Device Information '; menu_items['mmStatu']['smDevStatu']['page'] = 'status_dev_info_t.gch'; menu_items['mmStatu']['smWanStatu'] = new Array(); menu_items['mmStatu']['smWanStatu']['langName'] = 'Network Interface'; menu_items['mmStatu']['smWanStatu']['page'] = 'IPv46_status_wan_if_t.gch'; menu_subitems['mmStatu']['smWanStatu'] = new Array(); menu_items['mmStatu']['smLanStatu'] = new Array(); menu_items['mmStatu']['smLanStatu']['langName'] = 'User Interface'; menu_items['mmStatu']['smLanStatu']['page'] = 'status_wlan_info_t.gch'; menu_subitems['mmStatu']['smLanStatu'] = new Array(); menu_items['mmStatu']['smVOIPStatu'] = new Array(); menu_items['mmStatu']['smVOIPStatu']['langName'] = 'VoIP Status'; menu_items['mmStatu']['smVOIPStatu']['page'] = 'status_voip_4less_t.gch'; meta_menu['mmNet'] = new Array(); meta_menu['mmNet']['langName'] = 'Network'; meta_menu['mmNet']['page'] = 'net_11n_conf_t.gch'; meta_menu['mmApp'] = new Array(); meta_menu['mmApp']['langName'] = 'Application'; meta_menu['mmApp']['page'] = 'app_ddns_conf_t.gch'; meta_menu['mmManager'] = new Array(); meta_menu['mmManager']['langName'] = 'Administration'; meta_menu['mmManager']['page'] = 'manager_user_conf_t.gch'; meta_menu['mmHelp'] = new Array(); meta_menu['mmHelp']['langName'] = 'Help'; meta_menu['mmHelp']['page'] = 'help_t.gch'; var selectPage = "status_dev_info_t.gch"; var selectSupId = "mmStatu"; function menuUpdate() { text = "<table class='menu' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>" + "<tbody>" + "<tr>" + "<td class='h1_mid'><a name='top'></a>" + "<table class='menu_table' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>" + "<tbody>"; for (var supId in meta_menu) { text = text + "<tr class='"; var temp = "' style='cursor:pointer' onclick=\"javascript:openLink('" + meta_menu[supId]['URL'] + "')\" onmouseover=\"altMenuClass(this,true)\" onmouseout=\"altMenuClass(this,false)\">" + "<td class='add'>&nbsp;</td>" + "<td class='mid' id='"+supId+"'>" + meta_menu[supId]['langName'] + "</td>" + "</tr>"; if( supId != selectSupId ) { text = text + "h1" + temp; continue; } else { text = text + "h1_s" + temp; } for ( var midId in menu_items[supId] ) { var stat = getMidMenuStat(supId, midId); if ( stat == "single" ) { if (menu_items[supId][midId]['page'] == selectPage) { text = text + "<tr class='h2_s' onmouseover=\"altMenuClass(this,true)\" onmouseout=\"altMenuClass(this,false)\">" + "<td class='add'>&nbsp;</td>" + "<td class='mid'>" + "<font id='"+midId+"'>" + menu_items[supId][midId]['langName'] + "</font></td>" + "</tr>"; getObj("title_path").innerHTML="Path:"+meta_menu[supId]['langName']+"-"+menu_items[supId][midId]['langName']; } else { text = text + "<tr class='h2_content' style='cursor:pointer' onclick='javascript:openLink(\"" + menu_items[supId][midId]['URL'] + "\")' onmouseover=\"altMenuClass(this,true)\" onmouseout=\"altMenuClass(this,false)\">" + "<td class='add'>&nbsp;</td>" + "<td class='mid'>" + "<font id='"+midId+"'>" + menu_items[supId][midId]['langName'] + "</font></td>" + "</tr>"; } } else if ( stat == "closed" ) { text = text + "<tr class='h2_content' style='cursor:pointer' onclick='javascript:OnMenuItemClick(\"" + supId + "\",\"" + midId + "\"); openLink(\"" + menu_items[supId][midId]['URL'] + "\")' onmouseover=\"altMenuClass(this,true)\" onmouseout=\"altMenuClass(this,false)\">" + "<td class='add'>&nbsp;</td>" + "<td class='mid'>" + "<span style='color:green; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:Arial'></span> " + "<font id='"+midId+"'>" + menu_items[supId][midId]['langName'] + "</font></td>" + "</tr>"; } else if ( stat == "open" ) { text = text + "<tr class='h2_s' onmouseover=\"altMenuClass(this,true)\" onmouseout=\"altMenuClass(this,false)\">" + "<td class='add'>&nbsp;</td>" + "<td class='mid'>" + "<span style='font-size:12.0pt; font-family:Arial'></span>" + "<font id='"+midId+"'>" + menu_items[supId][midId]['langName'] + "</font></td>" + "</tr>"; for (var subId in menu_subitems[supId][midId]) { if (menu_subitems[supId][midId][subId]['page'] == selectPage) { text = text + "<tr class='h3_s' onmouseover=\"altMenuClass(this,true)\" onmouseout=\"altMenuClass(this,false)\">" + "<td class='add'>&nbsp;</td>" + "<td class='mid'>" + "<font id='"+subId+"'>" + menu_subitems[supId][midId][subId]['langName'] + "</font></td>" + "</tr>"; getObj("title_path").innerHTML="Path:"+meta_menu[supId]['langName']+"-"+menu_items[supId][midId]['langName']+"-"+menu_subitems[supId][midId][subId]['langName']; } else { text = text + "<tr class='h3' style='cursor:pointer' onclick=\"javascript:openLink('" + menu_subitems[supId][midId][subId]['URL'] + "' )\" onmouseover=\"altMenuClass(this,true)\" onmouseout=\"altMenuClass(this,false)\">" + "<td class='add'>&nbsp;</td>" + "<td class='mid' colspan='2'>" + "<font id='"+subId+"'>" + menu_subitems[supId][midId][subId]['langName'] + "</font></td>" + "</tr>"; } } } } } text = text + "<tr class='h2_space'>" + "<td colspan='3'></td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr class='h2_help'>" + "<td class='add'></td>" + "<td class='mid_right'>" + "<div>" + "<ul>" + "<li class='help'>" + "<span style=\"cursor:pointer\" onclick=\"showHelp();\"><img id=\"sss\" src=\"img/help.gif\" border='0'><b style=\"color:rgb(62,62,62);padding-bottom:5px;padding-right:5px;\">"+"Help"+"</b></span>" + "</li>" + "</ul>" + "</div>" + "</td>" + "</tr>"; text = text + "</tbody>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</tbody>" + "</table>"; getObj("menu0").innerHTML=text; } function altMenuClass(ele) { var map = {"h1":"h1 bghover","h1 bghover":"h1","h1_s":"h1_s bghover h1_s_bgfix","h1_s bghover h1_s_bgfix":"h1_s","h2":"h2 bghover","h2 bghover":"h2","h2_s":"h2_s bghover","h2_s bghover":"h2_s","h2_content":"h2_content bghover","h2_content bghover":"h2_content","h3":"h3 bghover","h3 bghover":"h3","h3_s":"h3_s bghover","h3_s bghover":"h3_s"}; ele.className = map[ele.className] || ele.className; } function myOnLoad() { menuDisp(); addEvent(getObj("htmlBody"), "keydown", setenter); addEvent(getObj("htmlBody"), "keyup", setinnerHidden); addEvent(getObj("htmlBody"), "mousedown", setinnerHidden); fnBreakWordAll({word:15,re:'[\\w]'}); framedispalay('myiframe'); } myOnLoad();  


#include <IE.au3>

Global $URL = ''

$ie = _IECreate ($URL, 0, 1, 1, 0) ; url, try attach, visible, wait, take focus
$user = _IEGetObjById($ie, 'Frm_Username')  ; get user field
_IEFormElementSetValue ($user, 'user')      ; set username
$pass = _IEGetObjById($ie, 'Frm_Password')  ; get password field
_IEFormElementSetValue($pass, 'user')       ; set password
$submit = _IEGetObjById($ie, 'LoginId')     ; get id of submit button
_IEAction($submit, 'click')                 ; click to submit / login

_IELoadWait($ie, 5000) ; after login to modem panel

Local $oFrames = _IEFrameGetCollection($ie)
Local $iNumFrames = @extended
Local $sTxt = $iNumFrames & " frames found" & @CRLF & @CRLF
Local $oFrame = 0
For $i = 0 To ($iNumFrames - 1)
    $oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection($ie, $i)
    $sTxt &= _IEPropertyGet($oFrame, "innertext") & @CRLF
ConsoleWrite("Frames Info - " & $sTxt & @CRLF)

And this is an image of a panel



Edited by stojko22
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So you've identified that there are frames invoived. That's good. Now you need to figure out which frame contains the desired element. Then you would add something like this --

oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection($ie, 0)          ; assumes the first frame is the desired one
$networkTab = _IEGetObjById($oFrame, 'mmNet')   ; get id of network div
_IEAction($networkTab, 'click')                 ; click on Network tab


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