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file upload on ftp


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i´m searching for a skript which do that:

it downloads a directory from my ftp. in this directory is a keylogger. the keylogger will start after the download. after 30min the script should upload the keylog.txt on my ftp,then wait 30minutes and upload keylog2.txt on myftp,wait 30 min and upload keylog3.txt,...

so i can see wtf my brother do on my pc when i´m on the school-computer ;>

i show you what i did for my script:





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i´m searching for a skript which do that:

it downloads a directory from my ftp. in this directory is a keylogger. the keylogger will start after the download. after 30min the script should upload the keylog.txt on my ftp,then wait 30minutes and upload keylog2.txt on myftp,wait 30 min and upload keylog3.txt,...

so i can see wtf my brother do on my pc when i´m on the school-computer ;>

i show you what i did for my script:





It would be easier to put a password on your computer so he cant use it. :P

Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time ......T.S. Elliot
Suspense is worse than disappointment................Robert Burns
God help the man who won't help himself, because no-one else will...........My Grandmother

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You can't just simply UPLOAD with AU3. Control an external program with control IDs to do the job.

[sarcasm]ofcourse you cant. there udf around the board that "claim" to do this. but infact the author is a nub[/sarcasm]

check my signature

My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll

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i did.. but it dont work.. i use that skript:

but i dont know where to write ftpname,pw,.. and file path



; Function Name: _FTPOpen()

; Description: Opens an FTP session.

; Parameter(s): $s_Agent - Random name. ( like "myftp" )

; $l_AccessType - I dont got a clue what this does.

; $s_ProxyName - ProxyName.

; $s_ProxyBypass - ProxyByPasses's.

; $l_Flags - Special flags.

; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll

; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an indentifier.

; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR

; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren.



Func _FTPOpen($s_Agent, $l_AccessType = 1, $s_ProxyName = 'etspawn', $s_ProxyBypass = 'test', $l_Flags = 0)

Local $ai_InternetOpen = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'long', 'InternetOpen', 'str', $s_Agent, 'long', $l_AccessType, 'str', $s_ProxyName, 'str', $s_ProxyBypass, 'long', $l_Flags)

If @error OR $ai_InternetOpen[0]= 0 Then


Return 0


Return $ai_InternetOpen[0]

EndFunc ;==> _FTPOpen()



; Function Name: _FTPConnect()

; Description: Connects to an FTP server.

; Parameter(s): $l_InternetSession - The Long from _FTPOpen()

; $s_ServerName - Server name/ip.

; $s_Username - Username.

; $s_Password - Password.

; $i_ServerPort - Server port ( 0 is default (21) )

; $l_Service - I dont got a clue what this does.

; $l_Flags - Special flags.

; $l_Context - I dont got a clue what this does.

; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll

; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an indentifier.

; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR

; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren



Func _FTPConnect($l_InternetSession, $s_ServerName, $s_Username, $s_Password, $i_ServerPort = 0, $l_Service = 1, $l_Flags = 0, $l_Context = 0)

Local $ai_InternetConnect = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'long', 'InternetConnect', 'long', $l_InternetSession, 'str', $s_ServerName, 'int', $i_ServerPort, 'str', $s_Username, 'str', $s_Password, 'long', $l_Service, 'long', $l_Flags, 'long', $l_Context)

If @error OR $ai_InternetConnect[0] = 0 Then


Return 0


Return $ai_InternetConnect[0]

EndFunc ;==> _FTPConnect()



; Function Name: _FTPPutFile()

; Description: Puts an file on an FTP server.

; Parameter(s): $l_FTPSession - The Long from _FTPConnect()

; $s_LocalFile - The local file.

; $s_RemoteFile - The remote Location for the file.

; $l_Flags - Special flags.

; $l_Context - I dont got a clue what this does.

; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll

; Return Value(s): On Success - 1

; On Failure - 0

; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren



Func _FTPPutFile($l_FTPSession, $s_LocalFile, $s_RemoteFile, $l_Flags = 0, $l_Context = 0)

Local $ai_FTPPutFile = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'int', 'FtpPutFile', 'long', $l_FTPSession, 'str', $s_LocalFile, 'str', $s_RemoteFile, 'long', $l_Flags, 'long', $l_Context)

If @error OR $ai_FTPPutFile[0] = 0 Then


Return 0


Return $ai_FTPPutFile[0]

EndFunc ;==> _FTPPutFile()



; Function Name: _FTPDelFile()

; Description: Delete an file from an FTP server.

; Parameter(s): $l_FTPSession - The Long from _FTPConnect()

; $s_RemoteFile - The remote Location for the file.

; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll

; Return Value(s): On Success - 1

; On Failure - 0

; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren



Func _FTPDelFile($l_FTPSession, $s_RemoteFile)

Local $ai_FTPPutFile = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'int', 'FtpDeleteFile', 'long', $l_FTPSession, 'str', $s_RemoteFile)

If @error OR $ai_FTPPutFile[0] = 0 Then


Return 0


Return $ai_FTPPutFile[0]

EndFunc ;==> _FTPDelFile()



; Function Name: _FTPRenameFile()

; Description: Renames an file on an FTP server.

; Parameter(s): $l_FTPSession - The Long from _FTPConnect()

; $s_Existing - The old file name.

; $s_New - The new file name.

; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll

; Return Value(s): On Success - 1

; On Failure - 0

; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren



Func _FTPRenameFile($l_FTPSession, $s_Existing, $s_New)

Local $ai_FTPRenameFile = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'int', 'FtpRenameFile', 'long', $l_FTPSession, 'str', $s_Existing, 'str', $s_New)

If @error OR $ai_FTPRenameFile[0] = 0 Then


Return 0


Return $ai_FTPRenameFile[0]

EndFunc ;==> _FTPRenameFile()



; Function Name: _FTPMakeDir()

; Description: Makes an Directory on an FTP server.

; Parameter(s): $l_FTPSession - The Long from _FTPConnect()

; $s_Remote - The file name to be deleted.

; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll

; Return Value(s): On Success - 1

; On Failure - 0

; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren



Func _FTPMakeDir($l_FTPSession, $s_Remote)

Local $ai_FTPMakeDir = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'int', 'FtpCreateDirectory', 'long', $l_FTPSession, 'str', $s_Remote)

If @error OR $ai_FTPMakeDir[0] = 0 Then


Return 0


Return $ai_FTPMakeDir[0]

EndFunc ;==> _FTPMakeDir()



; Function Name: _FTPDelDir()

; Description: Delete's an Directory on an FTP server.

; Parameter(s): $l_FTPSession - The Long from _FTPConnect()

; $s_Remote - The Directory to be deleted.

; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll

; Return Value(s): On Success - 1

; On Failure - 0

; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren



Func _FTPDelDir($l_FTPSession, $s_Remote)

Local $ai_FTPDelDir = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'int', 'FtpRemoveDirectory', 'long', $l_FTPSession, 'str', $s_Remote)

If @error OR $ai_FTPDelDir[0] = 0 Then


Return 0


Return $ai_FTPDelDir[0]

EndFunc ;==> _FTPDelDir()



; Function Name: _FTPClose()

; Description: Closes the _FTPOpen session.

; Parameter(s): $l_InternetSession - The Long from _FTPOpen()

; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll

; Return Value(s): On Success - 1

; On Failure - 0

; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren



Func _FTPClose($l_InternetSession)

Local $ai_InternetCloseHandle = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'int', 'InternetCloseHandle', 'long', $l_InternetSession)

If @error OR $ai_InternetCloseHandle[0] = 0 Then


Return 0


Return $ai_InternetCloseHandle[0]

EndFunc ;==> _FTPClose()

Edited by bambus
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paah.. shit english.. :P

dont know what you mean Oo

you got msn,icq,..? or speak ger ? ^^

^^ in this topic is an example which explains how to use the UDF :lmao:

in german:

In dem Thead den Du gepostet hast gibt es ein Beispiel das den Umgang mit den UDF's erklärt.

Wenn Du lieber in deutsch posten möchtest guck Dir mal das Forum von peethebee an:

deutsches Autoiforum

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[sarcasm]ofcourse you cant. there udf around the board that "claim" to do this. but infact the author is a nub[/sarcasm]

check my signature

Oh, I'm very sorry for the misleading information, I was unaware of these UDFs. I feel really embarassed now... :P

I don't know what to say, just respect.

P.S. I just saw in your UDF this:

$l_AccessType   - I dont got a clue what this does.

Isn't this the transfer mode that you have to set on client's side for the connection?

Sorry again..

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More simple way

use ftp program of windows


ftp -s:filename.ftp

in autoit

_rundos("ftp -s:filename.ftp") ;donot forget to include the process.au3

you can write the filename.ftp with autoit using filewrite ofcource

you can send commands in the filename.ftp

and upload download etc

just open cmd window (start run "cmd")

type ftp -?

and see options

commands to put in filename.ftp could be

put bla.txt

cd somefolder

pwd ;gets the current folder

Also this works connect to a ftp site with ftp.exe and type help see all commands



for some help on ftp commands

Please donot make keyloggers for evil things we got enough fake hackers on this planet.

Edited by MrSpacely
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