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How to change date format when using _DateTimeFormat?

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My goal here is to press a key combination to send the current date in this format, for example:

(the hotkey is not the problem...what I want is for this particular format to show up)


At the moment I have a hotkey set to run this script that I found in the help file:


#include <Date.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

; Show current date/time in the pc's format
;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Pc Long format", _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 1))     ;(not using this line of the script)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Pc Short format", _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 2))

The result that shows up is


What adjustments can I make to have this formatting show up instead:


Thanks for any ideas.


And how can I get this date and formatting to be in the Clipboard for easy pasting into names of Firefox articles I save.

That's why I'm interested in this. I like to save articles, and I put the date at the end of the article name,

but Windows does not allow slashes in the filenames.




I don't see this particular formatting option in the dropdown menu on this Windows 10

"change date and time formats" settings.





Edited by frew
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... if the problem is only the "/" char because is not allowed in filenames, then you could change it with a minus for example using the StringReplace() function like in this way:

StringReplace(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 2), "/", "-")

... and put it in the clipboar using the ClipPut() function in this way

ClipPut(StringReplace(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 2), "/", "-"))



image.jpeg.9f1a974c98e9f77d824b358729b089b0.jpeg Chimp

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Thanks for the idea.

So now I have this script in order to get the exact results I want.
I'm a little embarrassed to show it, because I just keep modifying it until it
gets the results I want...so here it is:


;when I click Ctrl+S to save a webpage in Firefox, when the dialog box comes up,
;I then press my hotkey I have set up, in this case I use Alt+1, and that runs
;this script to get the result that I want, in this case _5-27-18

#include <Date.au3>;edit: that #include <Date.au3> only showed up as #include until this edit

;note that Ctrl+S brings up the dialog box with the name field webpage name fully selected

;gets the mouse not over any other files in the dialog box,
;otherwise for some reason the other files names may show up in the name field
MouseMove(470, 920, 0)

;for some reason Send("{End}") does not affect the name field unless I
;move away from it with Tab then back to it,
;and for some reason I have to Tab 3, then Shift+Tab 2
Send("{TAB 3}")
Send("+{TAB 2}")

;after doing all that Tabbing, now End will go to the end of the name field

;gets rid of the .html at the end of the filename for now
Send("{BS 5}")

Send("_", 1);1 flag to send the underscore "Raw"

;this line is Chimps idea, at AutoIt forum, works nicely to replace slashes with dashes
;and puts the time now into the clipboard
ClipPut(StringReplace(_DateTimeFormat(_NowCalc(), 2), "/", "-"))

;then I modify the formatting "manually" a little further to get the exact result I want
Send("{Left 2}")
Send("{BS 2}")

;then I click Enter to save the file with the date at the end formatted how I like it

I know it's not the best or most elegant way, but it works.

Thanks for any other ideas too.

Edited by frew
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