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hello all...is there a way in which i can find the MIDDLE coordinates for the rectangle i provide the pixelchecksum for??? like i have a little button on the screen...and i do pixelchecksum on it...and can i make a script that searches for a provided pixelchecksum amount and click in the middle of that rectangle once it finds that the pixelchecksum matches....i realize that this would use a lot of cpu because it will search ALOT...but u can provide sum extra information like how big the rectangle is, and where it is likely to be....help please, if u dont understand, tell me which part and ill explain more....

thank you

[font="Fixedsys"][size="3"][u][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"] [/font][/u][/size][/font]

Posted (edited)

If I understand correctly, you want something like this:

Local $Left = 20
Local $Top = 20
Local $Right = 100
Local $Bottom = 100

If PixelChecksum($Left, $Top, $Right, $Bottom) = [Checksum] Then
    MouseClick('', ($Left + $Right) / 2, ($Top + $Bottom) / 2)

Edit: I believe I'm mistaken. Sorry about that.

I think that you could achieve what you want using a PixelSearch() or two, followed by some specially crafted PixelGetColor() calls. The idea would be to first find (for instance) the top-left pixel of the area that you want to find -- perhaps this pixel is even unique to the entire screen already. If it isn't, you'd need to check some other pixels obviously.

Edited by LxP

I wrote this exact thing... I get a pixel color under the mouse and a pixelchecksum of pixels +5 -5 in all directions... giving me an 11x11 square... I pixelsearch for the center pixel then check the rectangle -5 +5 in all directions... if no match, I pixelsearch the rest of that Y coordinate for my pixel, then start pixelsearch from the next Y at X=0. This is the trick... I do this all the way down the screen...

remember pixelsearch whole screen... when you get a hit, check then pixelsearch the rest of that line then pixelsearch at next 0,Y through the rest of the screen... do this until pixelsearch fails or pixelchecksum succeeds...


larry, once i search for that center pixel, wat if there r other pixels with the same color?? pixel search might just get another pixel...and wen it fails to match, how will i tell it to skip that pixel and find another pixel with the same color....

thank you

[font="Fixedsys"][size="3"][u][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"] [/font][/u][/size][/font]


man im sorry, i dont get it...plus u messed up on the line

"$xy = PixelSearch($x,$y,@desktopwidth - 1,$ypixel)" i think its supposed to be

"$xy = PixelSearch($x,$y,@desktopwidth - 1,$ypixel, $pcolor)"

and wen i get the pixel of the center, am i supposed to find the pixelchecksum of +5 pixels around that center pixel?? or can i get the pixelchecksum of a BIGGER or smaller box around that center???

[font="Fixedsys"][size="3"][u][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"] [/font][/u][/size][/font]


the center pixel coordinate, does it have to be PERFECTLY in the center?? and i can use a BIG rectangle too rite??? like maybe 23X23(just an example)

[font="Fixedsys"][size="3"][u][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"] [/font][/u][/size][/font]


ok larry, i almost got u, or maybe i already completely got u....for an example can u PLEASE make a script that searches for ur avatar's face....let the left eye be the pixel color, and the rectangle should be the face only...make me that so i can see how u really do it...im really sorry for being such a noob and wasting ur time

[font="Fixedsys"][size="3"][u][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"] [/font][/u][/size][/font]

  • Moderators

Larry I found your script very useful so I made some additions to it.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Global $msg = "Move the mouse to a pixel" & @LF & _
        "that is unique as possible." & @LF & _
        "I will record the area around" & @LF & _
        "into PixelSearch.ini. Press" & @LF & _
        "CTRL + ` (Tilda key) to record."
Global $xy,$pixel

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Stop")

While 1
    $xy = MouseGetPos()
    $ColorDec = PixelGetColor($xy[0],$xy[1])
    $ColorHex = Hex($ColorDec, 6)
    $position = ("X=" & $xy[0] & "  " & "Y=" & $xy[1])
    ToolTip("Pixel Position = " & $position & @LF & "Pixel Color Hex = " & $ColorHex & @LF & "Pixel Color Dec = " & $ColorDec & @LF & @LF & $msg)

Func record()
    Local $chksum = PixelChecksum($xy[0] - 5,$xy[1] - 5,$xy[0] + 5,$xy[1] + 5)
    $answer = MsgBox(4100,"","Pixel Area Recorded." & @LF & @LF & "Your Position Was " & $position & @LF & "Your Hex Color Was " & $ColorHex & @LF & "Your Dec Color Was " & $ColorDec & @LF & @LF & "Would you like to view the INI file?")
    If $answer = 6 Then 
        Run("notepad.exe .\PixelSearch.ini")

Func Stop()
  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

- run "Pixel Area Find.au3"

- bring up the forum and have my avatar visible

- press ` (tilda key)

The mouse will move to my avatar...


Edited by 1905russell

If you use big daddy's script for recording

then on the Pixel Area Find.au3

Global $pixel = Int(IniRead(".\PixelSearch.ini","Main","PixelColor","-1"))

should be

Global $pixel = Int(IniRead(".\PixelSearch.ini","Main","PixelColorDec","-1"))

there are three other changes to make this work

So using big daddy's script to record - this will work.

Global Const $SM_VIRTUALWIDTH = 78
Global Const $SM_VIRTUALHEIGHT = 79

Global $pixel = Int(IniRead(".\PixelSearch.ini","Main","PixelColorDec","-1"))
Global $chksum = IniRead(".\PixelSearch.ini","Main","PixelCheckSum","-1")
If $pixel = -1 Or $chksum = -1 Then
    MsgBox(4096,"Error","Could not read INI")

$VIRTUALDESKTOPWIDTH = DLLCall("user32.dll","int","GetSystemMetrics","int",$SM_VIRTUALWIDTH)
$VIRTUALDESKTOPHEIGHT = DLLCall("user32.dll","int","GetSystemMetrics","int",$SM_VIRTUALHEIGHT)


While 1
    ToolTip("Press ` (Tilda key) to" & @LF & "find the area in PixelSearch.ini.")

Func find()
    $x = 0
    $y = 0
    While 1
        $xy = PixelSearch($x,$y,$VIRTUALDESKTOPWIDTH - 1,$ypixel,$pixel)
        If @error And $ypixel = ($VIRTUALDESKTOPHEIGHT - 1)Then
            MsgBox(4096,"Error","Could not find area.")
        ElseIf @error Then
            $y = $ypixel + 1
            $ypixel = ($VIRTUALDESKTOPHEIGHT - 1)
            $x = 0
        ElseIf String($chksum) = String(PixelCheckSum($xy[0]-5,$xy[1]-5,$xy[0]+5,$xy[1]+5)) Then
            ToolTip("There it is.")
            $y = $xy[1]
            $ypixel = $y
            $x = $xy[0] + 1

Thanks for the lesson Larry

Why did I have to convert both $chksum and PixelSearch to strings for this to work? Both these rounded intergers never equaled zero when deducted. Difference in 1000s? Match 3.x - 3.x= +2000. Both len 12? Why - Thanks?

  • Moderators

I could have sworn I read this post a while ago... and now it's at the top?

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


I could have sworn I read this post a while ago... and now it's at the top?

I edited a sep 2nd posting today and it got lost back there. So I redid it as a today posting. How did you see it before I only figured it out today?
  • Moderators

I edited a sep 2nd posting today and it got lost back there. So I redid it as a today posting. How did you see it before I only figured it out today?

I read it when you first posted it.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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