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I apologize for my poor coding skills, but only on occasion do I have a need to automate a repetitious task to save time.  In a nutshell the following code is supposed to go to a website, save the site using Scrapbook (a plugin used by an older version of Firefox), rename the folder in Windows Explorer that Scrapbook assigns a random name for and then moves on to the next website, of which there are hundreds.  Everything works, except after the address bar gets populated with the URL, it's like the ENTER key never gets pushed.  The weird thing is, this worked yesterday before I left to go home and when I came in this morning it didn't work.  The next thing I'll be trying to learn is to loop this with a the list of the websites.  Thank you for your help!

WinActivate( "[CLASS:MozillaWindowClass]" ) ;Apply focus to the open Mozilla firefox window
Send("^k") ;Apply focus to the address bar
Send("www.WEBSITE.com {ENTER}") ;Send the website to the address bar
Sleep(10000) ;Wait for the website to fully open
Send("!c") ;Opens the drop down menu for Scrapbook
Send("{ENTER}") ;Selects the default drop down selection of save
WinActivate( "[CLASS:CabinetWClass]" ) ;Applies focus to the open Windows Explorer window where the websites are saved
Send("{SPACE}") ; Selects a folder in the folders list
Send("{HOME}") ;Moves to the top folder
Send("{F2}") ;Keyboard shortcut to rename the folder
Send("www.WEBSITE.com {ENTER}") ;Applies the new name to the folder




Thanks for the reply, I tried your suggestion and unfortunately it did not work, it's as if the code inserts the URL for the webpage and then the address bar looses focus, so the enter command has no effect.


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