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extract from *.txt unkown string after keyword

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I have got about 300 *.txt with passwords, IP Adresses, ... that I want to import into the keepass programm via csv import. The First step I think is to extract it into an ini file. 


each password.txt is inside a specific folder name


the password.txt contains:

user: specific1

password: specific_start_then_random

user: specific2

password: random


The idea is to go in each folder, open the txt file  and


for user specific1:

search for "password: specific_start" and then copy the next signs until there is LF or CLRF into an ini file


for user specific2:

search for "password: " and then copy the next signs until there is LF or CLRF into an ini file


can you give me a short plan with wich commands I should work?




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Hi @mseidel, and welcome to the AutoIt forums :welcome:

You could try _FileListToArray() to get the list of all .txt files you have, then loop through the array returned, use FileRead() to read the content of the i-file, and extract all the Users and Passwords stored in it, which then you can do whatever you want.

Could you please provide a real-world (reproducible) example of a Password.txt file? :)

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300+ files with IP addresses, user names and passwords? Please explain just what these are and what you intend doing with them.


P.S. And just to be absolutely clear - this is the Mod team determining the legality of the thread, so everyone else please keep out.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry for my late answer, I havn't got an email.

I'm working in an IT company an the Passwords are generated from the work at customers.


An example of the txt file:





Serial: 8027600364000017831

User: root
Password: xYk7zWQjpYpU

User: wbadmin
Password: CFK394682

Contract-ID: Ev23K-sdCp7?tZ*T



to "extract" the Password I think something like (?<=root\nPassword:\s)*(?=\s) should work or do you have a better idea?





Edited by mseidel
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You work in IT and store customer usernames and passwords in clear text? Please tell me you are joking!


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Disgraceful! Well, we are certainly not going to encourage such appalling behaviour - thread closed.

And can we please have the name of your company to make sure we have nothing to do with it in the future.


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ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
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Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
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