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AutoIT Automation for Excel list user & password login

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Hi to all expert, I need to create an automation login a website with the given username and password. After login I need to automate some task in there and then logout and then login other username and password with complete the task until the list in excel is over. How do I create an automation with the loop login username & password while complete the task aswell. I know there might be other thread but I hope I can get the answer or redirect me to the right place. thank you 



; Create a browser window and navigate to Australia Post
$oIE = _IECreate("https://mylocalsample.com/login/")
$hwndIE = _IEPropertyGet ($oIE, "hwnd")
WinSetState($hwndIE, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
; get pointers to the login form and username, password and signin fields
Local $o_form = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "mblogin")
Local $o_login = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($o_form, "userid")
Local $o_password = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($o_form, "password")
Local $username = "Paul"
Local $password = "ps4123"
; Set field values and submit the form
_IEFormElementSetValue($o_login, $username)
_IEFormElementSetValue($o_password, $password)
;_Submit login
;Click the Manifest Link
_IENavigate($oIE, "https://mylocalsample.com/login/generateManifest/")
;Select Manifest BRISBANE
Local $o_manifest = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "manifest")
_IEAction($o_manifest, "focus")
_IEAction($o_manifest, "selectall")
ClipPut ("Direct Entry Australia")
_IEAction($o_manifest, "paste")
;_IEAction($o_manifestStartDate, "focus")Minus 30Days
Local $o_manifestStartDate = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "manifestStartDate")
Local $oAppl = _Excel_Open()
Local $oMyDocDir = @MyDocumentsDir & "\Date.xlsx"
If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_RangeCopy Example", "Error Copy Date" & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended)
; Open Workbook 1
Local $oWorkbook1 = _Excel_BookOpen($oAppl, $oMyDocDir, True)
Local $oRange = $oWorkbook1.ActiveSheet.Range("A4")
_Excel_RangeCopyPaste($oWorkbook1.ActiveSheet, $oRange) ;paste it to program like notepad, wordpad, DMS, or msword
;WinActivate("New Zealand Post - Customs Manifests - Internet Explorer", "")
_IEAction($o_manifestStartDate, "focus")
_IEAction($o_manifest, "selectall")
_IEAction($o_manifestStartDate, "paste")
;_IEAction($o_manifestEndDate, "focus")Today
Local $o_manifestEndDate = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "manifestEndDate")
_IEAction($o_manifestEndDate, "focus")
Local $o_manifestPort = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "manifestPort")
_IEAction($o_manifestPort, "focus")
_IEAction($o_manifestPort, "selectall")
ClipPut ("Brisbane")
_IEAction($o_manifestPort, "paste")
Local $o_selectedManifestDate = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "selectedManifestDate")
_IEAction($o_selectedManifestDate, "focus")
Local $o_ConfirmManifest = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "generateManifestButton")
_IEAction($o_ConfirmManifest, "focus")
_IEAction($o_ConfirmManifest, "click")
Local $o_LodgementRef = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "lodgementRef")
_IEAction($o_LodgementRef, "focus")
ClipPut ("BNE")
_IEAction($o_LodgementRef, "paste")
Local $o_ContinueM = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "dijit_form_Button_0_label") ; dijit_form_Button_1_label cancel
_IEAction($o_ContinueM, "click")
_IENavigate($oIE, "https://mylocalsample.com/login/?logout")

Local $o_form = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "mblogin")
Local $o_login = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($o_form, "userid")
Local $o_password = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($o_form, "password")
Local $username = "Raymond"
Local $password = "Overigh23"
; Set field values and submit the form
_IEFormElementSetValue($o_login, $username)
_IEFormElementSetValue($o_password, $password)
;_Submit login
;Click the Manifest Link
_IENavigate($oIE, "https://mylocalsample.com/login/generateManifest/")
;Select Manifest BRISBANE
Local $o_manifest = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "manifest")
_IEAction($o_manifest, "focus")
_IEAction($o_manifest, "selectall")
ClipPut ("Direct Entry Australia")
_IEAction($o_manifest, "paste")
;_IEAction($o_manifestStartDate, "focus")Minus 30Days
Local $o_manifestStartDate = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "manifestStartDate")
Local $oAppl = _Excel_Open()
Local $oMyDocDir = @MyDocumentsDir & "\Date.xlsx"
If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_RangeCopy Example", "Error Copy Date" & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended)
; Open Workbook 1
Local $oWorkbook1 = _Excel_BookOpen($oAppl, $oMyDocDir, True)
Local $oRange = $oWorkbook1.ActiveSheet.Range("A4")
_Excel_RangeCopyPaste($oWorkbook1.ActiveSheet, $oRange) ;paste it to program like notepad, wordpad, DMS, or msword
;WinActivate("New Zealand Post - Customs Manifests - Internet Explorer", "")
_IEAction($o_manifestStartDate, "focus")
_IEAction($o_manifest, "selectall")
_IEAction($o_manifestStartDate, "paste")
;_IEAction($o_manifestEndDate, "focus")Today
Local $o_manifestEndDate = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "manifestEndDate")
_IEAction($o_manifestEndDate, "focus")
Local $o_manifestPort = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "manifestPort")
_IEAction($o_manifestPort, "focus")
_IEAction($o_manifestPort, "selectall")
ClipPut ("Brisbane")
_IEAction($o_manifestPort, "paste")
Local $o_selectedManifestDate = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "selectedManifestDate")
_IEAction($o_selectedManifestDate, "focus")
Local $o_ConfirmManifest = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "generateManifestButton")
_IEAction($o_ConfirmManifest, "focus")
_IEAction($o_ConfirmManifest, "click")
Local $o_LodgementRef = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "lodgementRef")
_IEAction($o_LodgementRef, "focus")
ClipPut ("BNE")
_IEAction($o_LodgementRef, "paste")
Local $o_ContinueM = _IEGetObjByID($oIE, "dijit_form_Button_0_label") ; dijit_form_Button_1_label cancel
_IEAction($o_ContinueM, "click")
_IENavigate($oIE, "https://mylocalsample.com/login/?logout")




Edited by 9tailsfox
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Yes, I will. As you can see I just created very simple script but If it able to read the username and password in the excel column. In the future I just need to update the Excel list not the au3 script. 




Thank you :-)

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Also, as a friendly reminder, please ensure you've read and are adhering to the forum rules when it comes to website automation. :)


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