I am trying to create an autologin script for a website we use at work.
Although the website is public, I obfuscated the $url deliberately, so it won't show up in public web searchs.
Also username and password are not the working one 😁
#include <IE.au3>
;$url is delibered obfuscated so it wont be indexed by searchrobots!!!
$url = "https://o" & "rdermanager." & "teca" & "llianc" & "e.net/new" & "app/" & "auth/login"
$oIE = _IECrea
You have to trigger an "input" event on each of the input elements. The following code works for me --
#include <IE.au3>
$url = "https://o" & "rdermanager." & "teca" & "llianc" & "e.net/new" & "app/" & "auth/login"
$oIE = _IECreate($url)
$oDoc = _IEDocGetObj($oIE)
$oEvt = $oDoc.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
$oEvt.initEvent("input", True, False)
$oUsername = _IEGetObjById($oIE,"login-txt-username")