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Purpose: launch a command and calculates duration

Usage: timer command (ie timer copy *.au3 \backup)


; Program Name:  Timer()
; Description:    Calculates the elapsed time between start-end of a monitored command
; Parameter(s):  Command to evluate from command line (ie: copy *.au3 c:\temp)
; Requirement(s):   None
; Return Value(s):  Elapsed Time
; Author(s):        Giuseppe Criaco <gcriaco@quipo.it>

#include <Date.au3>

Local $Hour, $Mins, $Secs

If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then
    #Region --- CodeWizard generated code Start ---
;MsgBox features: Title=Yes, Text=Yes, Buttons=OK, Icon=Critical
    MsgBox(16,"test","Command-line parameter not supplied")
    #EndRegion --- CodeWizard generated code End ---

$StartingTime = _NowTime(5)
$Timer = TimerInit()

$val = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CmdLineRaw,"",@SW_HIDE)

$EndingTime = _NowTime(5)

_TicksToTime(Int(TimerDiff($timer)), $Hour, $Mins, $Secs )
$ElapsedTime = StringFormat("%02i:%02i:%02i", $Hour, $Mins, $Secs)

#Region --- CodeWizard generated code Start ---
;MsgBox features: Title=Yes, Text=Yes, Buttons=OK, Icon=Info
MsgBox(64,"Time Calculator","Starting Time: " & $StartingTime & @CRLF & "Ending Time  : " & $EndingTime & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Elapsed Time:  " & $ElapsedTime)
#EndRegion --- CodeWizard generated code End ---
Edited by gcriaco
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Thanks, I was searching for this script! :lmao:

Can you please set your code into the


If I run beta I've these error:

Command-line parameter not supplied

Compile the script and launch at the Dos prompt:

timer command , where command is anything you want to monitor.

Example: timer xcopy c:\in\*.* d:\out

Trick: copy timer.exe to a directory pointed by the %path% variable (ie c:\windows\system32", so that is always available at the Dos prompt

Edited by gcriaco
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I've used this several times. like it and have some suggestions:

  • On the message box that gives the results, also display the name of the command that was timed.
  • Add an option to write the command name and the results to a single line in a 'CSV' or 'TSV' file. The user timing more than a couple of trials won't have write them down and then key them into a spreadsheet.
  • Include an option to run, not runwait several commands in parallel (this would be good for things that happen mostly in memory). Use arrays to keep track of the times and commands.
  • Include an option to run and/or runwait commands from a file. This with the first suggestion would allow a tester to setup a whole series of commands to be timed or the same command timed with different circumstances/parameters.
  • In the case of #4 it would be good to allow the user to include a comment with each command to help identify each trial in the output file.
  • As long as your granularity is one second you could include an option to use the ProcessExists function to capture the actual processing time of a command excluding the load time.
  • The 2 suggestions concerning running commands in parallel could also be used to stress test a computer.
I realize that it is easier to suggest things than to do them. At the same time you've got a good basic tool that could have much more usability. I'm happy to answer questions concerning any of the suggestions.


Purpose: launch a command and calculates duration

Usage: timer command (ie timer copy *.au3 \backup)


; Program Name:  Timer()
; Description:    Calculates the elapsed time between start-end of a monitored command
; Parameter(s):  Command to evluate from command line (ie: copy *.au3 c:\temp)
; Requirement(s):   None
; Return Value(s):  Elapsed Time
; Author(s):        Giuseppe Criaco <gcriaco@quipo.it>

#include <Date.au3>

Local $Hour, $Mins, $Secs

If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then
    #Region --- CodeWizard generated code Start ---
;MsgBox features: Title=Yes, Text=Yes, Buttons=OK, Icon=Critical
    MsgBox(16,"test","Command-line parameter not supplied")
    #EndRegion --- CodeWizard generated code End ---

$StartingTime = _NowTime(5)
$Timer = TimerInit()

$val = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $CmdLineRaw,"",@SW_HIDE)

$EndingTime = _NowTime(5)

_TicksToTime(Int(TimerDiff($timer)), $Hour, $Mins, $Secs )
$ElapsedTime = StringFormat("%02i:%02i:%02i", $Hour, $Mins, $Secs)

#Region --- CodeWizard generated code Start ---
;MsgBox features: Title=Yes, Text=Yes, Buttons=OK, Icon=Info
MsgBox(64,"Time Calculator","Starting Time: " & $StartingTime & @CRLF & "Ending Time  : " & $EndingTime & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Elapsed Time:  " & $ElapsedTime)
#EndRegion --- CodeWizard generated code End ---

[font="Verdana"]Thanks for the response.Gene[/font]Yes, I know the punctuation is not right...

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I've used this several times. like it and have some suggestions:

  • On the message box that gives the results, also display the name of the command that was timed.

  • Add an option to write the command name and the results to a single line in a 'CSV' or 'TSV' file. The user timing more than a couple of trials won't have write them down and then key them into a spreadsheet.

  • Include an option to run, not runwait several commands in parallel (this would be good for things that happen mostly in memory). Use arrays to keep track of the times and commands.

  • Include an option to run and/or runwait commands from a file. This with the first suggestion would allow a tester to setup a whole series of commands to be timed or the same command timed with different circumstances/parameters.

  • In the case of #4 it would be good to allow the user to include a comment with each command to help identify each trial in the output file.

  • As long as your granularity is one second you could include an option to use the ProcessExists function to capture the actual processing time of a command excluding the load time.

  • The 2 suggestions concerning running commands in parallel could also be used to stress test a computer.
I realize that it is easier to suggest things than to do them. At the same time you've got a good basic tool that could have much more usability. I'm happy to answer questions concerning any of the suggestions.


Thanks for suggestions.

I'll work on it ASAP.

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timer ver 1.1 released


Calculates the elapsed time since a given command started

Usage: timer [options] command/filename


-f filename text file with commands

Text file format:

- one command per row

- blank lines will be ignored

- comments (rows prefixed with ";") will be ignored

Examples: timer copy *.au3 c:\Backup

timer -f c:\Tmp\CmdList.txt

The output is appended to the file Timer.log


1.0 - 1/18/2006

- Initial release

1.1 - 1/20/2006

- Removed: Output Message box

- Added: Resource Info (version, description,...) in the exe file

- Added: The command name and the results are written in a log file

- Added: The command option "-f" to monitor commands from a file

Likely i'll continue to improve the script (see previous suggestions).

Edited by gcriaco
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This looks great, I'll probably try it out later today.


Edited spelling

timer ver 1.1 released


Calculates the elapsed time since a given command started

Usage: timer [options] command/filename


-f filename text file with commands

Text file format:

- one command per row

- blank lines will be ignored

- comments (rows prefixed with ";") will be ignored

Examples: timer copy *.au3 c:\Backup

timer -f c:\Tmp\CmdList.txt

The output is appended to the file Timer.log


1.0 - 1/18/2006

- Initial release

1.1 - 1/20/2006

- Removed: Output Message box

- Added: Resource Info (version, description,...) in the exe file

- Added: The command name and the results are written in a log file

- Added: The command option "-f" to monitor commands from a file

Likely i'll continue to improve the script (see previous suggestions).

Edited by Gene

[font="Verdana"]Thanks for the response.Gene[/font]Yes, I know the punctuation is not right...

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