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hotkeyset for all keys?


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is there a way to <insert topic name here>

and get the key that was pressed? i understand if this sounds like im trying to make a keylogger, if so it's fine if u dont help me.

Edited by cdkid
AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!
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is there a way to <insert topic name here>

and get the key that was pressed? i understand if this sounds like im trying to make a keylogger, if so it's fine if u dont help me.

can you explain just a little more

1 topic

sounds like you want a hotkey

2 first line <blah>

looks like html

3 get key pressed

sounds like _IsPressed()




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heh, thanks gamerman, just what i wanted :lmao:


hhmm, that seems only to work with numbers & special keys (backpsace, tab etc)

Edited by cdkid
AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!
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let me clarify what it is that im doing...

im making a log of my key frequencies, just cuz im curious. so what i want is (in psuedo-code)

set all buttons to execute function 'updatelog'

updatelog will make $array[keynum] go up by 1

it will then write to a file 'chr($array[keynum]) - pressed $array[keynum] tims

...hope this helps


AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!
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Ya, I think the people at autoit make sure it's not easy to make 'bad' programs. You can use this to see the keys that do work and the asc code for them.

Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 1)

For $i = 0 To 255
    HotKeySet(Chr($i), "HotKeyFunc")

$timer = ""
While True
    If $timer <> "" Then
        If TimerDiff($timer) > 500 Then $timer = ToolTip("")

Func HotKeyFunc()
    ToolTip("@HotKeyPressed@@CRLF@-----@CRLF@" & Asc(@HotKeyPressed), 10, 10)
    $timer = TimerInit()
    HotKeySet(@HotKeyPressed, "HotKeyFunc")


Lol, I found the problem. It's in the helpfile.

"Up to 64 simultaneous hotkeys per script may be registered."

Edited by gamerman2360
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nevermind i've figured it out, thanks again GamerMan

AutoIt Console written in C#. Write au3 code right at the console :D_FileWriteToLineWrite to a specific line in a file.My UDF Libraries: MySQL UDF Library version 1.6 MySQL Database UDF's for AutoItI have stopped updating the MySQL thread above, all future updates will be on my SVN. The svn location is:kan2.sytes.net/publicsvn/mysqlnote: This will still be available, but due to my new job, and school hours, am no longer developing this udf.My business: www.hirethebrain.com Hire The Brain HireTheBrain.com Computer Consulting, Design, Assembly and RepairOh no! I've commited Scriptocide!
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