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GUI help - adding and recording info


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ok well this is my plan. I want to make a GUI with input box's, Im trying to get healthy and junk so what i want to do is have it know what my daily cal intake is, and give me like, 10 box's to put in what ive eaten and add the total cals of each. Ok this is gunna get complicated so stay with me. Id like to have dropdown menu's (the 10 box's mentioned above) and have prerecorded items of food, ie/ apple, salad what have you, and ill have it programed to say how many cals they have before hand, so when it reads the drop down as me having clicked apple, it'll know that apple = 100cals or whatever it might be. THEN id like it to add all of them together (have a button or something that when clicked will d the adding mentioned) and let me know if ive exceeded the daily limit or not (if its possible, have it also say how many cals off i am) and have all that info then sent to a .txt file so i can save it. I know this sounds confusing (and almost impossible to me) but im sure out there is a autoit guru that can help me. Thanks for any tips in advance.

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this is all i got sofar

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version: 3.1.0
; Author:        A.N.Other <myemail@nowhere.com>
; Script Function:
;   Template AutoIt script.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

#region --- GuiBuilder code Start ---
; Script generated by AutoBuilder 0.6 Prototype

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

GuiCreate("Cal-culator", 364, 476,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
GUISetBkColor (000000)
$Button_1 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Calculate", 80, 410, 100, 30)
$Combo_2 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo2", 20, 230, 100, 21)
$Combo_3 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo3", 130, 230, 100, 21)
$Combo_4 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo4", 20, 130, 100, 21)
$Combo_5 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo5", 130, 130, 100, 21)
$Combo_6 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo6", 240, 180, 100, 21)
$Combo_7 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo7", 240, 130, 100, 21)
$Combo_8 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo8", 20, 180, 100, 21)
$Combo_9 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo9", 130, 180, 100, 21)
$Combo_10 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo10", 240, 230, 100, 21)
$Combo_11 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo11", 20, 280, 100, 21)
$Label_12 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Breakfast", 120, 110, 120, 20)
$Input_13 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Input13", 20, 360, 100, 20)
$Label_14 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Cals burnt", 20, 340, 100, 30)
$Label_15 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Lunch", 120, 160, 110, 20)
$Label_16 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Dinner", 120, 210, 100, 20)
$Label_17 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Snacks throught the day", 120, 260, 120, 20)
$Combo_18 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo18", 130, 280, 100, 21)
$Combo_19 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo19", 240, 280, 100, 21)
$Group_20 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Food Intake", 10, 100, 340, 220)
$Input_21 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Input21", 150, 360, 100, 20)
$Label_22 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Time spent at gym", 150, 340, 120, 30)
$Pic_23 = GuiCtrlCreatePic( "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\halter-03.gif", 120, 10, 120, 80)

While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
    Case Else
#endregion --- GuiBuilder generated code End ---

also, how do i change Text color???

Edited by go0b3r
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Hmm sorry i dont know much bout gui's yet, I changed it a bit, im trying to make 3 dropdowns side by side, all giving the same items of which you pick one, but now that i changed it its not working, someone help lol, heres the changed script

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version: 3.1.0
; Author:        A.N.Other <myemail@nowhere.com>
; Script Function:
;   Template AutoIt script.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

#region --- GuiBuilder code Start ---
; Script generated by AutoBuilder 0.6 Prototype

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

GuiCreate("Cal-culator", 364, 476,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
GUISetBkColor (000000)
$Button_1 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Calculate", 80, 410, 100, 30)
$Combo_4 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Apple", 20, 230, 100, 21)
$Combo_4 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Egg white omelet|Toast","nothing")
$Combo_3 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo3", 130, 230, 100, 21)
$Combo_2 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo4", 20, 130, 100, 21)
$Combo_5 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo5", 130, 130, 100, 21)
$Combo_5 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Egg white omelet|Toast","nothing")
$Combo_6 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Borscht", 20, 180, 100, 21)
$Combo_6 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Salad|Chili","Nothing")
$Combo_7 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo7", 240, 130, 100, 21)
$Combo_7 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Egg white omelet|Toast","nothing")
$Combo_8 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Borscht", 20, 180, 100, 21)
$Combo_4 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Salad|Chili","Nothing")
$Combo_9 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Borscht", 20, 180, 100, 21)
$Combo_9 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Salad|Chili","Nothing")
$Combo_10 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo10", 240, 230, 100, 21)
$Combo_11 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo11", 20, 280, 100, 21)
$Label_12 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Breakfast", 120, 110, 120, 20)
$Input_13 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Input13", 20, 360, 100, 20)
$Label_14 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Cals burnt", 20, 340, 100, 30)
$Label_15 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Lunch", 120, 160, 110, 20)
$Label_16 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Dinner", 120, 210, 100, 20)
$Label_17 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Snacks throught the day", 120, 260, 120, 20)
$Combo_18 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo18", 130, 280, 100, 21)
$Combo_19 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo19", 240, 280, 100, 21)
$Group_20 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Food Intake", 10, 100, 340, 220)
$Input_21 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Input21", 150, 360, 100, 20)
$Label_22 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Time spent at gym", 150, 340, 120, 30)
$Pic_23 = GuiCtrlCreatePic( "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\halter-03.gif", 120, 10, 120, 80)

While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
    Case Else
#endregion --- GuiBuilder generated code End ---
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oh, i c... i think: does this help?

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version: 3.1.0
; Author:        A.N.Other <myemail@nowhere.com>
; Script Function:
;   Template AutoIt script.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

#region --- GuiBuilder code Start ---
; Script generated by AutoBuilder 0.6 Prototype

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

GuiCreate("Cal-culator", 364, 476,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$Button_1 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Calculate", 80, 410, 100, 30)
$Combo_4 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Apple", 20, 230, 100, 21)
$Combo_4 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Egg white omelet|Toast","nothing")
$Combo_3 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo3", 130, 230, 100, 21)
$Combo_2 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo4", 20, 130, 100, 21)
$Combo_5 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo5", 130, 130, 100, 21)
$Combo_5 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Egg white omelet|Toast","nothing")
$Combo_6 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Borscht", 20, 180, 100, 21)
$Combo_6 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Salad|Chili","Nothing")
$Combo_7 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo7", 240, 130, 100, 21)
$Combo_7 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Egg white omelet|Toast","nothing")
$Combo_8 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Borscht", 20, 180, 100, 21)
$Combo_4 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Salad|Chili","Nothing")
$Combo_9 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Borscht", 20, 180, 100, 21)
$Combo_9 = GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Salad|Chili","Nothing")
$Combo_10 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo10", 240, 230, 100, 21)
$Combo_11 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo11", 20, 280, 100, 21)
$Label_12 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Breakfast", 120, 110, 120, 20)
GUICtrlSetColor($Label_12, 0xffffff)
$Input_13 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Input13", 20, 370, 100, 20)
$Label_14 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Cals burnt", 20, 340, 100, 30)
GUICtrlSetColor($Label_14, 0xffffff)
$Label_15 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Lunch", 120, 160, 110, 20)
GUICtrlSetColor($Label_15, 0xffffff)
$Label_16 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Dinner", 120, 210, 100, 20)
GUICtrlSetColor($Label_16, 0xffffff)
$Label_17 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Snacks throught the day", 120, 260, 120, 20)
GUICtrlSetColor($Label_17, 0xffffff)
$Combo_18 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo18", 130, 280, 100, 21)
$Combo_19 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("Combo19", 240, 280, 100, 21)
$Group_20 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Food Intake", 10, 100, 340, 220)
$Input_21 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Input21", 150, 370, 100, 20)
$Label_22 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Time spent at gym", 150, 340, 120, 30)
GUICtrlSetColor($Label_22, 0xffffff)
$Pic_23 = GuiCtrlCreatePic( @ScriptDir & "halter-03.gif", 120, 10, 120, 80)

While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
    Case Else
#endregion --- GuiBuilder generated code End ---
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