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zip code info (UDF)

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Hey guys, I want to make a udf fro this site:


instead of 60544 you could enter your zip

I was just woundering if there is and easy way to grab for example: 44,284 from the population after I grab the source.

does anyone know off the top of your head how to do it.

right before the number is the text:

Population (2000):

and after is a break:


so I need to grab the text after "Population (2000): " and before the very next "<br>"

I tried Stringinstr then StringRight. . . it just didn't work right.

Could their be a UDF for the string grab, maybe something like:

StringGrab($string, $beforeStr, $afterStr)

Thank you

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Try this:

;This is straight from the source
$string = "Population (2000): 44,284<br>"
;The first number will always be 20 characters from the start.
;With out the population number the whole string would be 23 characters long.
;So we subtract 23 from the total length to find out how many characters to capture.
$pop = StringMid($string, 20, StringLen($string)-23) 
MsgBox(0, "", $pop)
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Try this:

;This is straight from the source
$string = "Population (2000): 44,284<br>"
;The first number will always be 20 characters from the start.
;With out the population number the whole string would be 23 characters long.
;So we subtract 23 from the total length to find out how many characters to capture.
$pop = StringMid($string, 20, StringLen($string)-23) 
MsgBox(0, "", $pop)
Wow, thanks that was very helpful but is there a way to search the entire source for a string in a table for example the third row<tr>, second column<td> and return that string.

actually the internet explorer UDF may have something like that, I will check that.

thanks again

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Maybe something like this will get you started:

#include <IE.au3>

; Create an IE Browser
$oIE = _IECreate()

; Navigate to your URL
_IENavigate($oIE, "http://www.city-data.com/zips/60544.html")

; Get a reference to the First table on the webpage (where the data is stored)
; note that object indexes are 0-based, so the first table is index 0
$oTable1 = _IETableGetObjByIndex($oIE, 0)

; Read the table cells into a 2-D array
$aDetails = _IETableWriteToArray($oTable1)

; Write the array contents out to the console
For $i = 0 to Ubound($aDetails, 2) - 1

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WOW check this out :)

I want to add more and even have it download the satilite view

Possible UDF???

$zip = InputBox("", "Enter 5 digit zip code", 90210)

if StringIsDigit ( $zip ) Then

if StringLen ( $zip ) = 5 Then

InetGet( "http://www.city-data.com/zips/" & $zip & ".html", @ScriptDir & "\zip.html", 1 )

if FileReadline( @ScriptDir & "\zip.html" ) <> "" Then

$citystate = FileReadLine ( @ScriptDir & "\zip.html" , 120 )

$pop = FileReadLine ( @ScriptDir & "\zip.html" , 121 )

$homes = FileReadLine ( @ScriptDir & "\zip.html" , 124 )

$homes = StringMid( $homes, 16 )

$homes = StringtrimRight( $homes, 4)

$homes = StringReplace( $homes, ",", "")

$citystate = StringMid($citystate, StringInStr ( $citystate, ".html" ) + 7 )

$citystate = StringTrimRight ( $citystate, 8 )

$citystate = StringSplit( $citystate, "," )

$city = $citystate[1]

$state = $citystate[2]

$state = StringMid($citystate[2], 2 )

$pop = StringMid($pop, 20, StringLen($pop)-23)

$pop = StringReplace( $pop, ",", "" )

MsgBox(0, "", "City Name: " & $city & @CRLF & "State Name: " & $state & @CRLF & "Population: " & $pop & @CRLF & "Homes: " & $homes)




func onautoitexit()

FileDelete( @ScriptDir & "\zip.html" )


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