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File Rewritting Advice Please

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I have a XML Document that contains Many Records

<Record><DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime><PointName>OSA</PointName><PointValue>57.38</PointValue></Record>

The Point Name and Point Value Changes, and the time changes. But I want to group the records into groups of points and values with the sametime.

I just want to know if Autoit 3 was well suited for rewritting a xml/text file or should i look for something else. Ive already looked at java script, xslt, some other crap i just need something simple. I think autoit can do it. but i just need to find a sure fire way to do it, and get it done in the next 24 hours cause.. well because my boss likes timelines.

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I have a XML Document that contains Many Records

<Record><DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime><PointName>OSA</PointName><PointValue>57.38</PointValue></Record>

The Point Name and Point Value Changes, and the time changes. But I want to group the records into groups of points and values with the sametime.

I just want to know if Autoit 3 was well suited for rewritting a xml/text file or should i look for something else. Ive already looked at java script, xslt, some other crap i just need something simple. I think autoit can do it. but i just need to find a sure fire way to do it, and get it done in the next 24 hours cause.. well because my boss likes timelines.

i am pretty sure there are some XML udf's in scripts and scraps, i haven't checked them out myself, but they may have functions that will help you. if you could give a slightly larger example of how the data currently looks, and how you'd like it to look afterwards, i can whip something up for you.
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i am pretty sure there are some XML udf's in scripts and scraps, i haven't checked them out myself, but they may have functions that will help you. if you could give a slightly larger example of how the data currently looks, and how you'd like it to look afterwards, i can whip something up for you.

attached is the XML in the string that it gets dumped to.

I need to add the xml version code to it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

and change the column names to the point names

Example: VAV1 VAV2 VAV3 VAV4 Furnace, OSA

Im looking to display it in a html table.

That looks like this:

DateTime | VAV1 | VAV2 | VAV3 | VAV4 | Furnace | OSA

Mar 17 2006 3:03:00:000PM Value | Value | Value | Value | Value | Value

Mar 17 2006 3:03:00:000PM Value | Value | Value | Value | Value | Value

Mar 17 2006 3:03:00:000PM Value | Value | Value | Value | Value | Value

Mar 17 2006 3:03:00:000PM Value | Value | Value | Value | Value | Value

Mar 17 2006 3:03:00:000PM Value | Value | Value | Value | Value | Value

So i think i need to rewrite each record to be a record of every value at that time.


<DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>
<DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>
<DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>
<DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>
<DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>
<DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>
<DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>
<DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>
<DateTime>Mar 17 2006  3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>

Would be more like


<DateTime>Mar 17 2006 3:03:00:000PM</DateTime>












Sorry if that doesnt make sense, got a noisy customer on the phone.

Thank you for anything you can spare.


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  • Moderators

I worked with RSS Feeds a bit here in this post, maybe the script can give you some ideas: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...ndpost&p=157116

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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You got it!!


Anyplace i can find more information on a few functions. like


and some other File Functions.

Im trying to evaluate what approach to make on this because my original XMLDoc is one line, basically a single string however long it needs to be to supply the data.

I guess though i could just read the line and parse off the nodes and have it take my file with one line, and write it to another file as proper xml.

So logically i think i know what i need to do. I wouldnt mind some pointers on the general ideas / functions to use and some warnings about files and loops because im sure with a file open, write, in a for..loop there are some major issues that can happen with faulty script.

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Ok Question then:


If my file is a single line of text reading:

I am a Line

Would the array end up being:

$aMyArray[1] = I

$aMyArray[2] = *space*

$aMyArray[3] = a

$aMyArray[4] = m

$aMyArray[5] = *space*

$aMyArray[6] = a

$aMyArray[7] = *space*

$aMyArray[8] = L

$aMyArray[9] = i

$aMyArray[10] = n

$aMyArray[11] = e

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Ok so no answer there. so Im trying a few things to see exactly how _FileReadToArray() works

Heres my code:

#include <File.Au3>
Dim $aPreXml
$PostXML= FileOpen("pccreport1.xml", 2)

Func Get_XML()

If Not _FileReadToArray("pccreport.xml", $aPreXml) Then
    MsgBox(4096,"Error", " Error reading log to Array    error:" & @error)
For $x = 1 to 10 step 1
    FileWrite($PostXML, $aPreXml[$x])
FileWrite($PostXML, @CR & "ArrayCount  = " & $aPreXml[0])
MsgBox(0, "Script Status", "Complete")

Heres my error:

>"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\CompileAU3\CompileAU3.exe" /run /beta /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Documents and Settings\Scott Corley\Desktop\HTML JS XML\Au3xml\ACCtoPCC_v2.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\beta" /UserParams

>Running AU3Check params: from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\au3check\

+>AU3Check ended.rc:0

>Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Scott Corley\Desktop\HTML JS XML\Au3xml\ACCtoPCC_v2.au3"

C:\Documents and Settings\Scott Corley\Desktop\HTML JS XML\Au3xml\ACCtoPCC_v2.au3 (18) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:

FileWrite($PostXML, $aPreXml[$x])

FileWrite($PostXML, ^ ERROR

+>AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0

>Exit code: 0 Time: 0.716

So what am i doing wrong. Im still staring at it to figure this out. im just not exactly sure what the error is saying.

P.S. i really do like this SciTE Editor. First time using it as opposed to notepad.

Thanks in advanced for any help/pointers/tips

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