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Create Radio Buttons From File Input?

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I'm wanting to create radio buttons from file input. Could be csv but, for now, just single column data. I have used FileReadLine to create an array of data and output this to a list. But I do not know how to implement this in radio buttons.

I am by no means a programmer, so I ask for your ideas (and hopefully some code example).


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take a look at this:

only added a few lines to the help file example in the for...next loop. just displays it, I didn't do any more work than that, but you can finish it the way you wish.

GuiCreate ("My first AutoIt GUI"); start the definition 
GuiSetControl ("label", "Please Enter ?", 10,10); add prompt info 
$nInput = GuiSetControl ("input", "", 10,30); add the input area 
$nOk    = GUISetControl ("button", "OK", 20,70); add the button that will close the GUI 
For $i=1 To 4
$var = IniRead("myfile.ini", "section1", $i, "Null") 
;IniWrite("myfile.ini", "section1", $i, "this is a new value"); used this to make the file
GuiSetControl("radio", $var,200,10+($i*20))

GuiWaitClose (); to display the dialog box 
if $nOK= GuiRead () then; to verify if OK was click 
  $input = GuiRead ($nInput); get the type value 
  msgbox(0,"Result", $input); will display the typed value 

I would personally just put a delimited line for it, and use string split. You can then get the size of the array to fill in your radio buttons. ( make sure to know the limits of the gui size, or adjust it with your info.



GuiCreate ("My first AutoIt GUI"); start the definition
$nOk    = GUISetControl ("button", "OK", 10,10); add the button that will close the GUI
dim $out[$x[0]+1]

For $i=1 To $x[0]
$out[$i]=GuiSetControl("radio", $x[$i],10,20+($i*20),300)

GuiWaitClose (); to display the dialog box
if $nOK= GuiRead () then; to verify if OK was click
For $i=1 To $x[0]
 $input = GuiRead ($out[$i]); get the type value
If $input<>4 Then  msgbox(0,"Result"&$i, $x[$i]); will display the clicked value
Edited by scriptkitty

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.

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GuiCreate ("My first AutoIt GUI"); start the definition

$nOk    = GUISetControl ("button", "OK", 10,10); add the button that will close the GUI
dim $out[$x[0]+1]

For $i=1 To $x[0]
$out[$i]=GuiSetControl("radio", $x[$i],10,20+($i*20),300)

GuiWaitClose (); to display the dialog box
if $nOK= GuiRead () then; to verify if OK was click
For $i=1 To $x[0]
$input = GuiRead ($out[$i]); get the type value
If $input<>4 Then  msgbox(0,"Result"&$i, $x[$i]); will display the clicked value

or you can use the filereadline, and use the loop to make your controls that way. Use the @error to know when the end of the file is found.

not to be confusing so:


this reads the entire file by finding the filesize and using the fileread

then I replace the LF in @CRLF so that each line ends with one character @CR

Then I split it all up into and array by the @CR.

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.

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