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try this and see if it clicks the edit button

Yes it does works. So do ControlClick("", "Guides", "&Edit") and ControlClick("","Guides",controlID). ControlClick("","Guides",controlID) doesn't work, though, when Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) is commented out. I wonder if that's the same problem I'm facing with ControlGetPos() when using the controlID.

However, the problem I'm facing is trying to click the 'X' close button in the top-right corner of the palette, which doesn't have a controlID, classNameNN, or text associated with it. So I need to get the position of the palette (which does have a controlID and classNameNN) and then click the coordinates where the 'X' is located.

Let me try setting Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) before calling ControlGetPos() with the controlID and see if that works.

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Well I've just discovered that the controlIDs do change, albeit randomly it seems, i.e. I can run through my test a few times and it will work, then randomly it won't and when I check, I notice the controlID has changed.

However, when it was working, I was using

$pos = ControlGetPos("","",controlID)

It would seem that for these types of controls, the title match mode needs to be set to 4 for it to work using the controlID.

Anyway, I've gone to using

$pos = ControlGetPos("","Guides","")
MouseClick("left", $pos[2] - 10, 10)

without having to fuss with setting the title match mode and it works spendidly.

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