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Color Choose

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i am trying to update my BOT that i made my first time

well i need a bit like this

i make it for an game

if i am in the game and i press hunt then there come a little dialog with a green yellow red or black MOBS

so i want to make a check box with colors green yellow red and black

and if i check the green check box on and let the bot going to start that he only search for the green MOBS and then click on it

but if i choose for the green and yellow that he only search for green and yellow then click on it and fight against it

could some one please help me with it

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well oke but i know how to make the check box thing only not how to make the if green then only press green but i go show you

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "quit")

GUICreate("BOT V1.1",300,300 ); will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered
GUISetState (@SW_SHOW); will display an empty dialog box

GUICtrlCreateLabel ("dit is een BOT die je DW warrior traint", 10, 30, $widthCell)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("druk op start om de BOT te laten beginnen",10, 45, $widthCell)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("druk een keer Esc om de BOT te laten stoppen",10,60, $widthCell)

$start = GUICtrlCreateButton ("start", 100, 250,50)

GUISetState (); will display an dialog box with 2 button

; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()

If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit
If $msg = $start Then ExitLoop


While 2
MouseMove (900, 700, 50)
MouseClick ("left", 900,700,2,50)
MouseMove (980, 670, 50)
Mouseclick ("left",980,670,2,80)

Func quit()
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well i did change it now look to script now

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "quit")

GUICreate("BOT V1.1",300,300 ); will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered
GUISetState (@SW_SHOW); will display an empty dialog box

GUICtrlCreateLabel ("dit is een BOT die je DW warrior traint", 10, 30, $widthCell)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("druk op start om de BOT te laten beginnen",10, 45, $widthCell)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("druk een keer Esc om de BOT te laten stoppen",10,60, $widthCell)

$start = GUICtrlCreateButton ("start", 100, 250,50)
GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("red" ,100,150)
GUISetState (); will display an dialog box with 2 button

; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()

If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit
If $msg = $start Then ExitLoop


While 2
MouseMove (900, 700, 50)
MouseClick ("left", 900,700,2,50)
MouseMove (980, 670, 50)
Mouseclick ("left",980,670,2,80)

Func quit()

now i only need is that he look only for the color and click it if i choose the color

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you need to learn about


Guictrlread... for the checked box



PixelSearch ( left, top, right, bottom, color [, shade-variation] [, step]] )


if BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($Item),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHERCKED then
$my_color = 0xFF0000

$var = PixelSearch( 0, 0, 20, 300, $my_color )
If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $var[0], $var[1])



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1 time

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "quit")

GUICreate("BOT V1.1",300,300 ); will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered
GUISetState (@SW_SHOW); will display an empty dialog box

GUICtrlCreateLabel ("dit is een BOT die je DW warrior traint", 10, 30, $widthCell)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("druk op start om de BOT te laten beginnen",10, 45, $widthCell)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("druk een keer Esc om de BOT te laten stoppen",10,60, $widthCell)

$start = GUICtrlCreateButton ("start", 100, 250,50)
$Red_box = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("red" ,100,150)
GUISetState (); will display an dialog box with 2 button

; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()

If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit

If $msg = $start Then 
    if BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($Red_box),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED then
    $my_color = 0xFF0000

;While 2
;MouseMove (900, 700, 50)
;MouseClick ("left", 900,700,2,50)
;MouseMove (980, 670, 50)
;Mouseclick ("left",980,670,2,80)

While 3
$var = PixelSearch( 0, 0, 900, 700, $my_color )
If Not @error Then MouseClick("left", $var[0], $var[1])

Func quit()



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why do you use while 3?? and not 1?

It doesnt matter what non-zero number you use as your While expression.

AutoIt Scripts:Aimbot: Proof of Concept - PixelSearching Aimbot with several search/autoshoot/lock-on techniques.Sliding Toolbar - Add a nice Sliding Toolbar to your next script. Click the link to see an animation of it in action!FontInfo UDF - Get list of system fonts, or search to see if a particular font is installed.Get Extended Property UDF - Retrieve a files extended properties (e.g., video/image dimensions, file version, bitrate of song/video, etc)
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