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What other options besides Pause and RunWait?

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I know this isn't the best code in the world but I'm just trying to learn. I'm wondering if there's some happy medium between a RunWait and actually putting a pause in the Red area below. You see, if a computer is offline then the logparser has to time out before I can go on to the next computer on my list. I would rather not wait any longer that 3 seconds before going on to the next one as if the computer is online it normally only takes about 0.3 seconds to get the result. I would rather just leave that one blank and go on.

Is pause and RunWait my only 2 options?

Func CreateVar1() ;gathers the image type and IPAddress of each computer that was gathered by GatherComp Function

$mfile = FileOpen("MYMACHINES.txt", 0)

If $mfile = -1 Then Return

While 1

$var1 = FileReadLine($mfile)

If @error = -1 Then

FileClose ($mfile)



$sCmd2Run2 = "logparser ""SELECT Value INTO ip.txt FROM ""\\"&$var1&"\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP"" WHERE ValueName = 'DhcpIPAddress'"" -i:REG -o:TSV -headers:off"

$sErrorStatus = RunWait($sCmd2Run2, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)

$ipfile= Fileopen("ip.txt", 0)

$var2= FileReadLine($ipfile)

If @error = -1 Then

FileClose ($ipfile)




FileOpen($ofile, 1)

FileWriteLine ($ofile,$var1 & "," & $var2)


FileDelete ( "ip.txt" )





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yup, that works great!! Thanks!!

Of course now that that works I found a new problem where some machines somehow have 2 DhcpIPAddresses but that's another story... Perhaps I can get the IP address from DNS or perhaps just by pinging it.. We'll see..

Thanks !!! :D

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