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Move variables to antother function

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Hi there!

I would really need some help, hope you can help me :D

This is my code:


func antaldatorer()
$wsid = InputBox("Ominstallation - PeDeploy", "Ange datornamn för de tre datorer som ska installeras om, ex: W65401010; W65401011; W65401012 ", "W6540", " M")
if @error  Then Exit

$ws1 = StringMid($wsid, 1, 9)
$ws2 = StringMid($wsid, 12, 9)
$ws3 = StringMid($wsid, 23, 9)
$null = StringMid($wsid, 230, 9)

if $ws2 = $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation1()
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation2()
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 <> $NULL then ominstallation3()


My question is, how do i get the variables (and its values) $ws1, $ws2 and $ws3 to the functions ominstallation1(), ominstallation2() and ominstallation3()?

Thanx for your help!

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make an array and call your function with it in return element

ie :

Dim $array[4]

$table = antaldatorer()

put all you variable in the array

and put this a the end of your function : return($array)

Edited by pinkfoyd
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Put them in a Global scope, that way each function can use them... Example

Global $ws1, $ws2, $ws3

func antaldatorer()
$wsid = InputBox("Ominstallation - PeDeploy", "Ange datornamn för de tre datorer som ska installeras om, ex: W65401010; W65401011; W65401012 ", "W6540", " M")
if @error  Then Exit

$ws1 = StringMid($wsid, 1, 9)
$ws2 = StringMid($wsid, 12, 9)
$ws3 = StringMid($wsid, 23, 9)
$null = StringMid($wsid, 230, 9)

if $ws2 = $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation1()
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation2()
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 <> $NULL then ominstallation3()

EndFuncoÝ÷ Øêî±êZ­©µêìjëh×6antaldatorer()

func antaldatorer()
$wsid = InputBox("Ominstallation - PeDeploy", "Ange datornamn för de tre datorer som ska installeras om, ex: W65401010; W65401011; W65401012 ", "W6540", " M")
if @error  Then Exit

$ws1 = StringMid($wsid, 1, 9)
$ws2 = StringMid($wsid, 12, 9)
$ws3 = StringMid($wsid, 23, 9)
$null = StringMid($wsid, 230, 9)

if $ws2 = $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation1($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation2($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 <> $NULL then ominstallation3($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)


Func ominstallation1($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Put them in a Global scope, that way each function can use them... Example

Global $ws1, $ws2, $ws3

func antaldatorer()
$wsid = InputBox("Ominstallation - PeDeploy", "Ange datornamn för de tre datorer som ska installeras om, ex: W65401010; W65401011; W65401012 ", "W6540", " M")
if @error  Then Exit
$ws1 = StringMid($wsid, 1, 9)
$ws2 = StringMid($wsid, 12, 9)
$ws3 = StringMid($wsid, 23, 9)
$null = StringMid($wsid, 230, 9)
if $ws2 = $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation1()
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation2()
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 <> $NULL then ominstallation3()

EndFuncoÝ÷ Øêî±êZ­©µêìjëh×6antaldatorer()

func antaldatorer()
$wsid = InputBox("Ominstallation - PeDeploy", "Ange datornamn för de tre datorer som ska installeras om, ex: W65401010; W65401011; W65401012 ", "W6540", " M")
if @error  Then Exit
$ws1 = StringMid($wsid, 1, 9)
$ws2 = StringMid($wsid, 12, 9)
$ws3 = StringMid($wsid, 23, 9)
$null = StringMid($wsid, 230, 9)
if $ws2 = $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation1($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation2($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 <> $NULL then ominstallation3($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)


Func ominstallation1($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)
Thank you! Global worked like a sharm :D
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Using Globals, when they can be awoided, is a bad habit that will bite your tail at some point down the road. So , you would be better of passing arguments.


func antaldatorer()
$wsid = InputBox("Ominstallation - PeDeploy", "Ange datornamn för de tre datorer som ska installeras om, ex: W65401010; W65401011; W65401012 ", "W6540", " M")
if @error  Then Exit

$ws1 = StringMid($wsid, 1, 9)
$ws2 = StringMid($wsid, 12, 9)
$ws3 = StringMid($wsid, 23, 9)
$null = StringMid($wsid, 230, 9)

if $ws2 = $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation1($ws1, $ws2)
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 = $NULL then ominstallation2($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)
if $ws2 <> $NULL and $ws3 <> $NULL then ominstallation3($ws1, $ws2, $ws3)

; ByRef: Pass by reference. Changes done in ominstallation1 will affect calling function
; $ws3 = "W6540": Default value is W6540, You don't have to use this argument possition 
; in the calling function if you accept the default value.
Func ominstallation1(ByRef $ws1, $ws2, $ws3 = "W6540")
   ;Do job
Func ominstallation1(ByRef $ws1, $ws2, $ws3 = "W6540")
   ;Do job
Func ominstallation1(ByRef $ws1, $ws2, $ws3 = "W6540")
   ;Do job
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