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Hai everyone...

I have a question at here..

$coord = PixelSearch( 0, 0, 20, 300, 0xFF0000 )

If Not @error Then

MsgBox(0, "X and Y are:", $coord[0] & "," & $coord[1])


if i wan that Pixelsearch is search inside the game client only not the desktop? coz the game client is only window mode not full screen mode. what did i add? and where did i add it?

For example: game client name is "abc online game"

Can we make the pixelsearch search in Round shape?

Try to get this working 1st, if i face any problem in develop the program, i will asking inside here again.

Thx for help.

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You would use Client Coords from the AutoInfo tool (Options >> Coord Mode >> Client) and you would use Opt('MouseCoordMode', 2) and Opt('PixelCoordMode', 2) at the very top of your script before everything else (the 2 tells the mouse and pixel functions to check the client coords for the applications).

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Thx SmOke_N for help.

If there have two client with same title, how did i load the client that i want.

$pid = WinGetProcess("Untitled - Notepad")

MsgBox(0, "PID is", $pid)

this command look like no work on that two client same title. What should i change?

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what about changing title? Go on with PID or just avtivate the window you wanna search in.

Hope that helps

So long,


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Thx th.meger for helping.

How do i make a PixelSearch function when the client was minimize? izit posible to do it? what the command that i need to use?

No, you are not able to.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Sorry, i was asking wrong question on wingetprocess. But also thx for helping.

This is the question that i going to ask.

WinActivate("Title", "")

if there have two client with same title, how to solve this problem?

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One more question here.

That PixelSearch function. only search a smaller pixel on picture, did i can set PixelSearch for bigger abit pixel on picture? coz on that picture also have the same color just the one i wan to search is bigger. How to i ajust the pixel search for the size pixel that i wan?

izit possible to search using picture, for example i got abc.bmp picture, then i wan search this picture on the screen, when it match then msgbox "Picture found"

Anyone can do me a simple coding on it? i do a searching on the side already, but it quite a lot until i cannot catch up which was the main point of picture search.

I just know the script on marco. this the example.

VBSCall Call FindPic(0,0,1024,768,"Confirm.bmp",0.9,intX,intY)

If intX<>-1 and intY<>-1

VBSCall Call SetCursorPos(509,420)

LeftClick 1


Hope someone can help me do in autoit.

THX for helping..

Edited by BoyBoy
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That PixelSearch function. only search a smaller pixel on picture, did i can set PixelSearch for bigger abit pixel on picture? coz on that picture also have the same color just the one i wan to search is bigger. How to i ajust the pixel search for the size pixel that i wan?

Can't help you there because there is only a standrad size pixel. There are no such things as bigger pixels, or am I understanding you wrongly? a 800x600 resolution means a 800x600 resolution. Standrad Pixel Size.

izit possible to search using picture, for example i got abc.bmp picture, then i wan search this picture on the screen, when it match then msgbox "Picture found"

Use PixelSearch and Hash together.

Sorry, i was asking wrong question on wingetprocess. But also thx for helping.

This is the question that i going to ask.

WinActivate("Title", "")

if there have two client with same title, how to solve this problem?

Use Window Handles.


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Did autoit can read the client memory like marco?

here have a sample marco, can someone make it into autoit script?

VBSCall Call ReadMemory(&h012DA2D0,1,bluemax)

If blue <= 1000

KeyPress 121 1

&h012DA2D0 is the memory for the client which is mp memory. How did i do this in autoit? it is possible to do it?

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Did autoit can read the client memory like marco?

here have a sample marco, can someone make it into autoit script?

VBSCall Call ReadMemory(&h012DA2D0,1,bluemax)

If blue <= 1000

KeyPress 121 1

&h012DA2D0 is the memory for the client which is mp memory. How did i do this in autoit? it is possible to do it?

Look at PixelSearch() Shade variation, I have no idea what 1000 is though. For KeyPress look at Send(). For memory functions look at maybe this: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...12651&hl=Memory

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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I was testing on Hero Online, i using Artmoney, Gamemaster, try to search the game memory, but cannot work, after i search it, the result was empty. Did anyone have better program to search the game memory? that game was using xTrap security. Or anyway to bypass the xTrap security, so i can search the game memory for doing my AutoIt script?

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