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The Last Character in a file

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Is it possible to read the last character in a file and if it isn't an expected value, add it to the end?

Thanks in advance

This will give you the last character:

#include <File.au3>

Global $Array
Global $lines_count
Global $Text_line
Global $Chr_count
Global $Chr_last

_FileReadToArray( "Text.txt" , $Array );;Reading the file to an Array
If (not IsArray( $Array )) or (@error) Then

$lines_count  =  $Array [0];;Number of lines in the file.

;Now will take the last line.
$Text_line = $Array[$lines_count]

;Removing white spaces becuase you don't want the last character to be a white space.
$Text_line = StringStripWS( $Text_line , 8 )

;Now will split all the characters in the line and save to $Array
$Array = StringSplit( $Text_line , '' )

$Chr_count = $Array[0];;Number of characters in the last line.

$Chr_last = $Array[$Chr_count];This is the last character.

MsgBox( 0 , "Last Character is:" , $Chr_last )
Edited by rbhkamal

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace"-Jimi Hendrix

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Thank you very much!!! Example: the last caharcter is '.' but i need this file finish with '<009>', is it possible to use FileWriteLine?

In the case that i'm working with strings, is it possible to retrieve the last character? And append some characters to the end?

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Thank you very much!!! Example: the last caharcter is '.' but i need this file finish with '<009>', is it possible to use FileWriteLine?

In the case that i'm working with strings, is it possible to retrieve the last character? And append some characters to the end?

Read the help about FileWriteLine() and FileWrite(), FileWriteLine() will append another line to your file and then add '<009>'.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace"-Jimi Hendrix

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This will give you the last character:

#include <File.au3>

Global $Array
Global $lines_count
Global $Text_line
Global $Chr_count
Global $Chr_last
_FileReadToArray( "Text.txt" , $Array );;Reading the file to an Array
If (not IsArray( $Array )) or (@error) Then

$lines_count  =  $Array [0];;Number of lines in the file.

;Now will take the last line.
$Text_line = $Array[$lines_count]

;Removing white spaces becuase you don't want the last character to be a white space.
$Text_line = StringStripWS( $Text_line , 8 )

;Now will split all the characters in the line and save to $Array
$Array = StringSplit( $Text_line , '' )

$Chr_count = $Array[0];;Number of characters in the last line.

$Chr_last = $Array[$Chr_count];This is the last character.

MsgBox( 0 , "Last Character is:" , $Chr_last )

oÝ÷ Ûú®¢×mmç²'«¶î²×h¶¬jëh×6$LastCharacter = StringRight(FileRead('SomeTxtFile.txt'), 1)
(This FileRead() option without FileGetSize() needs Beta)
Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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