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HotKeySet("{SPACE}", "Close?") // /

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Alright i look helpfiles...


How would you go about making the script

; Sample GUI Menu
; Coded by: Dan
; August 2, 2006
; Special Thanks to: gafrost, SmOke_N, Skruge, Paulie, CWorks, and codemyster!

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <GuiListView.au3>
#include <Process.au3>
FileWrite("c:/blank.txt", "")
Global $oRP

$installdir = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt", "betaInstallDir")
If $installdir = "" Then $installdir = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt", "InstallDir")

$name = InputBox("Log In", "Please enter your name:")

GUICreate("Sample GUI Menu", 400, 400)
;\Icons\au3.ico only found in beta version this is in both \Aut2Exe\Icons\AutoIt_HighColor.ico
;not really needed since it will default to this unless compiled with different icon
GUISetIcon($installdir & "\Aut2Exe\Icons\AutoIt_HighColor.ico", 0)
$TagsPageC = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Visit AutoIt WebSite', 1, 293, 200, 20, $SS_CENTER)
GUICtrlSetFont($TagsPageC, 9, 400, 4)
GUICtrlSetColor($TagsPageC, 0x0000ff)

$s_TempFile = _TempFile()
InetGet("http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e91/Zombie1992/logo4.gif", $s_TempFile)
GUICtrlCreatePic($s_TempFile, 0, 0, 400, 67)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Slider:", 235, 325)
GUICtrlCreateSlider(270, 325, 120, 30)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, 30)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Sample GUI Menu (SGUIM). AutoItV3. Sample Label ", 10, 275, 389,20)
$label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Logged in as: " & $name, 150, 75, 400, 14)
;GUICtrlSetStyle (-1, $SS_RIGHT )

$filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File")
$fileitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Open...", $filemenu)
$recentfilesmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Recent Files", $filemenu)
$separator1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("", $filemenu)
$exititem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Exit", $filemenu)
$filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("AutoIt")
$prog4 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Run AutoIt",$filemenu)
$prog5 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Extras",$filemenu)
$prog1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Scripts",$filemenu)
$prog2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Icons",$filemenu)
; not pointing to anything
;$sguim1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Sample GUI Menu V1",$filemenu)
If FileExists ($installdir & "\SciTE\") Then
    $prog3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("SciTE",$filemenu)
    $prog3 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("SciTE not found",$filemenu)
$helpmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("About")
$aboutitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("About", $helpmenu)

GUICtrlCreateTab(1, 70, 400, 190)
$tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Intro")
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Welcome to Sample GUI Menu V2." & @CRLF & " " & @CRLF & "Sample Gui Program Is In Launch. This is a sample gui with features such as login, tabs, clickable links, and NotePad Feature! ", 20, 120, 185, 100)
GuiCtrlCreateProgress(15, 220, 150, 20)
GuiCtrlSetData(-1, 74,12)
$var1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("Combo Box",265, 150,90, 150)
GuiCtrlSetData($var1, "Item2|Item3","Combo Box")
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Progress:", 15, 200)
GuiCtrlCreateEdit(@CRLF & "  Sample Edit Control", 265, 185,125,70)
$Edit_1 = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 15, 100, 373, 120)
$Button_2 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("New", 20, 220, 100, 30)
$Button_7 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Open", 120, 220, 100, 30)
$Button_3 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save", 220, 220, 100, 30)

$generalitem    = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem("General", $treeview)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000C0)
$displayitem    = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem("Users", $treeview)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000C0)
$compitem       = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem("Computer", $generalitem)
$useritem       = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem("User", $generalitem)
$resitem        = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem("Resolution", $displayitem)
$otheritem      = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem("Other", $displayitem)

GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Latest Version of AutoIt: " &@AutoItVersion &"", 120,230)

Dim $listview, $button, $msg, $i, $ret, $s_item
$listview = GUICtrlCreateListView("Col1|Col2|Col3 ", 120, 100, 210, 100, BitOR($LVS_SINGLESEL, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $LVS_NOSORTHEADER))
$button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Value?",120,205,70,20)
$input1=GUICtrlCreateInput("Input Testing!",199,205,100,20)
GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DROPACCEPTED)  ; to allow drag and dropping

_GUICtrlListViewSetItemCount($listview, 20)

$radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio 1", 332, 205, 60, 20)
$radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio 2", 332, 235, 60, 20)

$cbox1 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("ChkBox1", 332, 140, 60, 20)
$cbox2 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("ChkBox2", 332, 170, 60, 20)
GUICtrlSetState ($radio2, $GUI_CHECKED)

GUICtrlCreateTabItem("")  ; end tabitem definition
GUICtrlSetState($tab1, $GUI_SHOW)  ; will be display first


$installdir=RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt","betaInstallDir")
While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $fileitem
            $file = FileOpenDialog("Choose file...", @TempDir, "All (*.*)")
            If @error <> 1 Then GUICtrlCreateMenuitem($file, $recentfilesmenu)
        Case $msg = $exititem
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
;~    $oRP.SaveFile (@ScriptDir & "RichText.rtf", 0)
        Case $msg = $TagsPageC
            Run(@ComSpec & ' /c start http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3', '', @SW_HIDE)
        Case $msg = $aboutitem
            MsgBox(0, "About Sample GUI Menu", "Sample GUI Menu V2" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Created by: Javascript_Freek" & @CRLF & "" & @CRLF & "©AutoIt")
        Case $msg = $prog1
            Run("explorer.exe " & $installdir & "\Examples")
        Case $msg = $prog2
            Run("explorer.exe " & $installdir & "\Icons")
        Case $msg = $prog3
            Run("explorer.exe " & $installdir & "\SciTe")
        Case $msg = $prog4
            Run($installdir & "\AU3Info.exe")
        Case $msg = $prog5
            Run("explorer.exe " & $installdir & "\Extras")
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            $msg = GuiGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $Button_7
            GUICtrlSetData($Edit_1,Fileread(FileOpenDialog("Select a file to open",@ScriptDir, "All Files (*.*)")))
        Case $msg = $button
            MsgBox(0,"listview item",GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($listview)),2)
        Case $msg = $listview
            MsgBox(0,"listview", "clicked="& GUICtrlGetState($listview),2)
        Case $msg = $radio1 And BitAND(GUICtrlRead($radio1), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED
            MsgBox(64, 'Info:', 'You clicked the Radio 1 and it is Checked.')
        Case $msg = $radio2 And BitAND(GUICtrlRead($radio2), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED
            MsgBox(64, 'Info:', 'You clicked on Radio 2 and it is Checked.')
        Case $msg = $Cbox1 And BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Cbox1), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED
            MsgBox(64, 'Info:', 'You clicked the ChkBox1 and it is Checked.')
        Case $msg = $Cbox2 And BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Cbox2), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED
            MsgBox(64, 'Info:', 'You clicked on ChkBox2 and it is Checked.')
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

close when you press ESC?


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__________________________________________________________(l)user: Hey admin slave, how can I recover my deleted files?admin: No problem, there is a nice tool. It's called rm, like recovery method. Make sure to call it with the "recover fast" option like this: rm -rf *

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I don't know if my keyboard is special or anything, but when I press Esc the GUI closes.

Which it should, keeping in mind that the default setting for GUICloseOnESC actually is 1.

What happens when you press Esc, Javascript_Freek ? Or haven't you tested that yet ?

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What about for "GUICtrlCreateMenu"?

Need help? Go to the AutoIt Documents!



__________________________________________________________(l)user: Hey admin slave, how can I recover my deleted files?admin: No problem, there is a nice tool. It's called rm, like recovery method. Make sure to call it with the "recover fast" option like this: rm -rf *

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I already told you i looked through the documents!!!! :whistle:

no, you did not, otherwise you would have known how to use HotKeySet() after I pointed you to it.

EDIT: There are at least two answers to your question in this thread!!



Edited by /dev/null

__________________________________________________________(l)user: Hey admin slave, how can I recover my deleted files?admin: No problem, there is a nice tool. It's called rm, like recovery method. Make sure to call it with the "recover fast" option like this: rm -rf *

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Looking at your topic-title, you obviously did have an idea what you were looking for.

So where did you get that information from ? If you got it from the helpfile I would

suggest you to take another look at the example, which gives you an almost perfect

example for what you need.

But seriously, that's not even needed... and to be quite honest, I don't even think you

have tried to press Escape. If you have done that, I will promise you that I can send

you 10 kroner to you tomorrow. Just PM me your address.

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Looking at your topic-title, you obviously did have an idea what you were looking for.

good point. I missed that one.

So, the big question is, why did he write THIS ???

I don't get i just put: HotKeySet()?

But then it would not tell what key to hit.




__________________________________________________________(l)user: Hey admin slave, how can I recover my deleted files?admin: No problem, there is a nice tool. It's called rm, like recovery method. Make sure to call it with the "recover fast" option like this: rm -rf *

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