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Probably easy, but i don't know


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So here is the deal, i want to be able to dominate this game "King of the Buttons"

Its easy enough, push spacebar a bunch of times and it adds up the clicks for you and gives you points...


Thats the game if anyone wants to try

So i need a script that will click on the game screen (center of my screen) after i open autoit and then will push spacebar REALLY REALLY fast, untill i push esc to stop it...

So far i have this... and i'm pretty sure i am doing nothing right. I spent 2 hours looking for guides or anything and couldn't come up with anything... so i'm asking for help.. PLEASE!

; Prompt the user to run the script - use a Yes/No prompt (4 - see help file)

$answer = MsgBox(4, "AutoIt Example (English Only)", "This will push spacebar untill you push ESC, Run?")

; Check the user's answer to the prompt (see the help file for MsgBox return values)

; If "No" was clicked (7) then exit the script

If $answer = 7 Then

MsgBox(0, "AutoIt", "OK. Bye!")



HotkeySet("{Esc}", "_Terminate"); End Program

AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 1)



goto, myloop

the whole "loop" thing didn't work... and i don't think my esc to terminate works either, but i really don't know... Any help?

Edited by Fella
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; Prompt the user to run the script - use a Yes/No prompt (4 - see help file)
$Answer = MsgBox(4, "AutoIt Example (English Only)", "This will push spacebar untill you push ESC, Run?")

; Check the user's answer to the prompt (see the help file for MsgBox return values)
; If "No" was clicked (7) then exit the script
If $Answer = 7 Then
    MsgBox(0, "AutoIt", "OK. Bye!")

$Window = "King of the Buttons"

If WinExists($Window) Then
    MouseClick("left", @DesktopWidth / 2, @DesktopHeight / 2)
    MsgBox(0, "Error", $Window & " window was not found!")

AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 5)
HotkeySet("{Esc}", "_Terminate"); End Program

While 1
    Send("{SPACE}") ;Send Space as fast as possible

;Function that is called when ESC is pressed
Func _Terminate()

EDIT: Bug Fix..

It seems to click too fast for the game to register...

Edited by Zib
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