sohfeyr Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 (edited) A few things always bugged me about WinGetClassList:1) Unlike WinList, it doesn't give you the handles.2) It tells you the classnames of the controls, but not the instance numbers, making it inconvenient for using with Control functions.3) It reports all descendant controls with no regard for hierarchy or ownership.I don't know about the rest of you, but I was excited to see Piccaso's callback post, not least because he included an EnumWindows / EnumChildWindows sample. This is based on that. Supporting functions and download links follow.Suggestions welcome!Usage:WinControlList("AutoIt Help") ; outputs to console, easily modified WinControlListGUI("AutoIt Help") ; outputs to treeview in a GUI oÝ÷ ØÆ¢º.¶)Þ±«¢+Ø(¥¹±Õ±ÐíÉÉä¹ÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±ÐíU% ½¹ÍѹÑ̹ÔÌÐì(¥¹±Õ±ÐíÕ¥QÉY¥Ü¹ÔÌÐì()±½°ÀÌØí]¥¹½ÝÍlÅt°ÀÌØí ¡¥±]¥¹½ÝÍlÅt()Õ¹]¥¹ ½¹Ñɽ±1¥ÍÐ ÀÌØí¡]¹AɹФ($ÀÌØíIIdõ]¥¹ ½¹Ñɽ±1¥ÍÑU$ ÀÌØí¡]¹AɹаÀ°À¤($ÀÌØíÌôÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì(%½ÈÀÌØí¥¸ÀÌØíIId($%½ÈÀÌØí¥¸ÀÌØí($$$ÀÌØí̵ÀìôÀÌØíµÀìQ($%9áÐ($$ÀÌØí̵Àìô I1(%9áÐ(% ½¹Í½±]É¥Ñ ÀÌØí̤)¹Õ¹()Õ¹]¥¹ ½¹Ñɽ±1¥ÍÑU$ ÀÌØí¡]¹AɹаÀÌØíÍÑ´ôÄ°ÀÌØíM¡½ÝU$ôĤ($ÀÌØí¡±°ô±±=Á¸ ÅÕ½ÐíÔÍ ±± ¬¹±°ÅÕ½Ðì¤($ìÐչѥ½¸A½¥¹ÑÈ($ÀÌØí¡Aɽô±± ±° ÀÌØí¡±°°ÅÕ½Ðí¥¹ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½Ðí5å ±± AÑÈÅÕ½Ðì¤($ì ÉÑI¥ÙÈ]¥¹½Ü($ÀÌØí¡]¹5¥¸ôU% ÉÑ ÅÕ½Ðí]¥¹½Ý̹յÉѽÈÅÕ½Ðì°ØÈÈ°ÐÐà°ÄäÈ°ÄÈÔ°ÀÌØí]M}M%i =`¬ÀÌØí]M}MeM59T¤($ÀÌØíQÉY¥ÜôU% Ñɱ ÉÑQÉY¥Ü À°À°ØÈÀ°ÐÈà¤(%U% ÑɱMÑIͥ饹 ´Ä°ÀÌØíU%}= -UQEnumWindowsTest.au3 Edited September 3, 2006 by sohfeyr Mine:Time Functions - Manipulate the system clock! | WinControlList (WinGetClassList++) | .Net Setup Wrapper, Detect or install .Net | Writing and using a VB .NET COM object in AutoItNot mine, but highly recommended:AutoItTreeViewExtension plugin | Menu code | Callback helper dll | Auto3Lib - Control the uncontrollable | Creating COM objects in AutoIt | Using .Net framework classes in AutoIt
Busti Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 would this work for me i would love you so hard!!! but : D:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\AndiT\Desktop\enumerate.au3 (58) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.: DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumChildWindows","hwnd",WinGetHandle($hWndParent),"int",$hProc[0],"int",1) DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumChildWindows","hwnd",WinGetHandle($hWndParent),"int",$hProc^ ERROR My UDF's : Startet on : 06.06.2006_CaseSearchOrReplaceStr();~> Searches OR Replaces a String,;~> With or Without Casesensivity
sohfeyr Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 D:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\AndiT\Desktop\enumerate.au3 (58) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.: DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumChildWindows","hwnd",WinGetHandle($hWndParent),"int",$hProc[0],"int",1) DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumChildWindows","hwnd",WinGetHandle($hWndParent),"int",$hProc^ ERROR $hProc is not an array if the earlier DLLCall failed. Make sure you have downloaded Piccaso's au3callback.dll, and that it is in the same folder as the script you are running. You don't need to register it or anything, but it does have to be present. Mine:Time Functions - Manipulate the system clock! | WinControlList (WinGetClassList++) | .Net Setup Wrapper, Detect or install .Net | Writing and using a VB .NET COM object in AutoItNot mine, but highly recommended:AutoItTreeViewExtension plugin | Menu code | Callback helper dll | Auto3Lib - Control the uncontrollable | Creating COM objects in AutoIt | Using .Net framework classes in AutoIt
Busti Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 (edited) really nice, nowit works, but too crappy that it doesnt work for the game warcraft 3 :< this is pain :< Edited September 3, 2006 by Busti My UDF's : Startet on : 06.06.2006_CaseSearchOrReplaceStr();~> Searches OR Replaces a String,;~> With or Without Casesensivity
sohfeyr Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 this is pain :<Yeah... good luck with that. I only needed to be able to handle ordinary Windows controls for my purposes, and I won't even pretend to know how to approach controls for game windows. If there was a gun to my head I'd try using PixelSearch and doing some color manipulation, but looking at your post count I'm guessing you already know all your built-in options. Mine:Time Functions - Manipulate the system clock! | WinControlList (WinGetClassList++) | .Net Setup Wrapper, Detect or install .Net | Writing and using a VB .NET COM object in AutoItNot mine, but highly recommended:AutoItTreeViewExtension plugin | Menu code | Callback helper dll | Auto3Lib - Control the uncontrollable | Creating COM objects in AutoIt | Using .Net framework classes in AutoIt
Busti Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 pixelsearch is crap at games :/ fuck i have to go gto learn c++ :/ My UDF's : Startet on : 06.06.2006_CaseSearchOrReplaceStr();~> Searches OR Replaces a String,;~> With or Without Casesensivity
Richard Robertson Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 @Busti: Did you ever think that there were no controls and the whole thing is rendered to the Window directly? @sohfeyr: Nice job, but where is the dll?
sohfeyr Posted September 3, 2006 Author Posted September 3, 2006 Nice job, but where is the dll? linked to it in the first post. I would post it here for download, but since it isn't mine it just didn't feel like I had the right... Mine:Time Functions - Manipulate the system clock! | WinControlList (WinGetClassList++) | .Net Setup Wrapper, Detect or install .Net | Writing and using a VB .NET COM object in AutoItNot mine, but highly recommended:AutoItTreeViewExtension plugin | Menu code | Callback helper dll | Auto3Lib - Control the uncontrollable | Creating COM objects in AutoIt | Using .Net framework classes in AutoIt
Busti Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 @Busti: Did you ever think that there were no controls and the whole thing is rendered to the Window directly?@sohfeyr: Nice job, but where is the dll?there are, like in diablo II ... My UDF's : Startet on : 06.06.2006_CaseSearchOrReplaceStr();~> Searches OR Replaces a String,;~> With or Without Casesensivity
Zedna Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 would this work for me i would love you so hard!!! but : D:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\AndiT\Desktop\enumerate.au3 (58) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.: DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumChildWindows","hwnd",WinGetHandle($hWndParent),"int",$hProc[0],"int",1) DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumChildWindows","hwnd",WinGetHandle($hWndParent),"int",$hProc^ ERROR Au3CallBackDLL probably is not working on WIN98. I had the same error. Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
Richard Robertson Posted September 3, 2006 Posted September 3, 2006 Oh, sorry. I didn't see that, thanks. This looks like something very useful. Good job!
Ashper Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 linked to it in the first post. I would post it here for download, but since it isn't mine it just didn't feel like I had the right...Hello;It may be some time that this thread is close; but I saw it couple days ago.I couldn't find "au3callback.dll" - I sent an email to picasso; but couldn't get any response. Can someone give me a copy of that - I need it badly. I googled it, this is the only place where the file has been mentioned <with filename>. Please help me; regards
Siao Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 (edited) Hello;It may be some time that this thread is close; but I saw it couple days ago.I couldn't find "au3callback.dll" - I sent an email to picasso; but couldn't get any response. Can someone give me a copy of that - I need it badly. I googled it, this is the only place where the file has been mentioned <with filename>. Please help me; regardsThis is outdated now since DllCallbackRegister() was added to AutoIt. Edited March 26, 2008 by Siao "be smart, drink your wine"
StevenHC Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 With the added autoit features, should the code that you posted in your first post still work ?
ProgAndy Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 Great App!, and no, the code does not work anymore I changed the callback-routines to work with DLLCallbackRegister expandcollapse popup#include <array.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GuiTreeView.au3> Global $aWindows[1], $aChildWindows[1] ;WinControlList("callback") ;~ WinControlListGUI("AutoIt Help",1,1) AllList() Func WinControlList($hWndParent) $RARY=WinControlListGUI($hWndParent, 0,0) $s="" For $a in $RARY For $b in $a $s &= $b & @TAB Next $s &= @CRLF Next ConsoleWrite($s) EndFunc Func WinControlListGUI($hWndParent, $stackem=1, $ShowGUI=1) ;~ $hDll = DllOpen("au3CallBack.dll") ; Get Function Pointer ;~ $hProc = DllCall($hDll,"int","MyCallBackPtr") ; Create Reciever Window ;~ $wind =DllCallbackRegister("EnumWindowsProc","int","hwnd;lparam") Local $child = DllCallbackRegister("EnumChildProc","int","hwnd;lparam") $hWndMain = GUICreate("Windows Enumerator",622, 448, 192, 125,$WS_SIZEBOX+$WS_SYSMENU) $TreeView = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(0, 0, 620, 428) GUICtrlSetResizing (-1,$GUI_DOCKAUTO) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,Default,Default,"Courier New") ; Register 'Callback' Functions ;~ GUIRegisterMsg(0x400+1,"EnumWindowsProc") ; WM_USER+1 ;~ GUIRegisterMsg(0x400+2,"EnumChildProc") ; WM_USER+2 ; Tell Dll where to send messages ;~ DllCall($hDll,"hwnd","SetHwnd","hwnd",$hWndMain) $TreeViewParent = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($hWndParent & ' -> "' & WinGetTitle($hWndParent) & '" ' & GetClassName($hWndParent) & ".", $TreeView) $RARY=0 ; turns into an array WinControlListRecursiveTL(DllCallbackGetPtr($child), $TreeView, WinGetHandle($hWndParent), $TreeViewParent, $RARY, $stackem) ; Enumerate Child Windows DllCallbackFree($child) ; Display If $ShowGUI=1 then GUISetState() While GuiGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Sleep(10) WEnd EndIf Return $RARY EndFunc Func WinControlListRecursiveTL($hProc, $TreeView, $hWndParent, $TreeViewParent, ByRef $RARY, $stackem=1) ;~ DllCall($hDll,"int","SetWindowsMessage","int",0x400+2) ; WM_USER + 2 ReDim $aChildWindows[1] DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumChildWindows","hwnd",WinGetHandle($hWndParent),"int",$hProc,"int",1) For $hWndChild In $aChildWindows If Not IsHWnd($hWndChild) Then ContinueLoop If $stackem=1 then If ControlGetParent($hWndChild) <> $hWndParent Then ContinueLoop EndIf $ID=ControlGetID($hWndChild) $POS=ControlGetPos($hWndParent,"",$hWndChild) If IsArray($POS)=0 then $POS = _ArrayCreate(0,0,0,0) $ClassNameNN=ControlGetClassNameNN($hWndChild, $hWndParent) $NP=_GUICtrlTreeView_InsertItem($TreeView,$hWndChild & ' -> "' & WinGetTitle($hWndChild) & '" ' & _ $ClassNameNN & " ID:" & $ID & " @:" & _ArrayToString($POS,","), $TreeViewParent) $ACtl=_ArrayCreate($hWndChild, $hWndParent, ControlGetParent($hWndChild), $ID, _ArrayToString($POS,","), $ClassNameNN, GetClassName($hWndChild)) If $RARY=0 Then $RARY=_ArrayCreate($ACtl) Else _ArrayAdd($RARY,$ACtl) EndIf If $stackem=1 then WinControlListRecursiveTL($hProc, $TreeView, $hWndChild, $RARY, $NP) Next Return $RARY EndFunc #region "Callback Functions" ;~ BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc( ;~ HWND hwnd, // handle to parent window ;~ LPARAM lParam // application-defined value ;~ ); Func EnumWindowsProc($hWnd, $LParam) Local $MyMessage, $hWndFound ;~ $MyMessage = DllStructCreate ("int;" _ ; HWND hwnd, // handle to parent window ;~ & "int" _ ; LPARAM lParam // application-defined value ;~ , $LParam) $hWndFound = $hWnd _ArrayAdd($aWindows, $hWndFound) Return True ; To get next window EndFunc ;~ BOOL CALLBACK EnumChildProc( ;~ HWND hwnd, // handle to child window ;~ LPARAM lParam // application-defined value ;~ ); Func EnumChildProc($hWnd, $LParam) Local $MyMessage, $hWndChildFound;Found ;~ $MyMessage = DllStructCreate ("int;" _ ; HWND hwnd, // handle to child window ;~ & "int" _ ; LPARAM lParam // application-defined value ;~ , $LParam) $hWndChildFound = $hWnd _ArrayAdd($aChildWindows, $hWndChildFound) Return True ; To get next window EndFunc #endregion #region "Control Info" Func ControlGetParent($hWndChild) $GP=DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'GetParent', 'int', $hWndChild) Return $GP[0] EndFunc Func ControlGetID($hCtrlWnd) $hCtrlWnd=ControlGetHandle("","",$hCtrlWnd) $x = DllCall('User32.dll', 'int', 'GetDlgCtrlID', 'hwnd', $hCtrlWnd) If @error or $x[0]=0 then Return SetError(-1,0,"-1") Return $x[0] EndFunc ; Get the classname of the stated control or window Func GetClassName($hWndControl) $name=DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'GetClassName', 'hwnd', $hWndControl, 'str', "", 'int', 256) Return $name[2] EndFunc Func ControlGetClassNameNN($hCtrlWnd, $hWinWnd="") $hCtrlWnd=ControlGetHandle($hWinWnd,"",$hCtrlWnd) $name = GetClassName($hCtrlWnd) $lst=StringSplit(WinGetClassList($hWinWnd,""), @crlf) For $C in StringSplit(WinGetClassList($hWinWnd,""), @crlf) If $C = $name then For $x = 1 to UBound($lst) $ctl = $C & $x If ControlGetHandle($hWinWnd,"",$ctl) = $hCtrlWnd then Return $ctl Next EndIf Next Return "?" EndFunc #endregion Func AllList() ;Dim $aWindows[1],$aChildWindows[1] ; Load Dll ;~ $hDll = DllOpen("au3CallBack.dll") ; Get Function Pointer ;~ $hProc = DllCall($hDll,"int","MyCallBackPtr") ; Create Reciver Window $hWndMain = GUICreate("Windows Enumerator",622, 448, 192, 125,$WS_SIZEBOX+$WS_SYSMENU) $TreeView = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(0, 0, 620, 428) GUICtrlSetResizing (-1,$GUI_DOCKAUTO) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,Default,Default,"Courier New") GUISetState() ; Register 'Callback' Functions Local $wind =DllCallbackRegister("EnumWindowsProc","int","hwnd;lparam") Local $child = DllCallbackRegister("EnumChildProc","int","hwnd;lparam") ; Tell Dll where to send messages ; Enumerate Windows ;~ DllCall($hDll,"int","SetWindowsMessage","int",0x400 + 1) ; WM_USER + 1 DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumWindows","int",DllCallbackGetPtr($wind),"int",1) $iWindows = UBound($aWindows) $iWinCount = 0 $aProc = ProcessList() for $i = 1 to $aProc[0][0] $iPid = $aProc[$i][1] $sModule = $aProc[$i][0] $TreeViewPid = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($iPid & ' -> "' & $sModule & '"',$TreeView) For $hWndParent In $aWindows If Not IsHWnd($hWndParent) Or WinGetProcess($hWndParent) <> $iPid Then ContinueLoop $iWinCount += 1 $TreeViewParent = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($hWndParent & ' -> "' & WinGetTitle($hWndParent) & '" ' & GetClassName($hWndParent), $TreeViewPid) WinSetTitle($hWndMain,"","Windows Enumerator - " & Round($iWinCount/$iWindows*100) & "%") ; Enumerate ChildWindows ReDim $aChildWindows[1] DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumChildWindows","hwnd",$hWndParent,"int",DllCallbackGetPtr($child),"int",1) For $hWndChild In $aChildWindows If Not IsHWnd($hWndChild) Then ContinueLoop $name=DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'GetClassName', 'hwnd', $hWndChild, 'str', "", 'int', 256) $name = $name[2] _GUICtrlTreeView_InsertItem($TreeView,$hWndChild & ' -> "' & WinGetTitle($hWndChild) & '" ' & $name, $TreeViewParent) Next If GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit Next Next WinSetTitle($hWndMain,"","Windows Enumerator - Done") DllCallbackFree($child) DllCallbackFree($wind) While GuiGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Sleep(10) WEnd Exit EndFunc Func GetDesktopWindow() $x=DllCall('user32.dll','int','GetDesktopWindow') Return $x[0] EndFunc Func NULL() Return ControlGetParent(GetDesktopWindow()) EndFunc *GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes
brisesel Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Hi all, Do someone still have au3CallBack.dll ? I can't find it in the forum. I need to call EnumChildWindows, and unless changes have been made to autoit since then, I don't know any other way to do so. Thanks a lot.
brisesel Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 humm... forget it. I just need to upgrade, there are build-in functions called DllCallback*** now...
oMBRa Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 (edited) EDIT: I replied to a post 3 years old, didnt noticed srry Edited May 23, 2009 by oMBRa
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