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Threads with Autoit?


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Sigh, I wish.

Single Threaded application :)

If u really need multi-thread, you can

A)Run more then 1 script

B)Use C++ or something equal

I think there have been people have made minor things (MsgBoxs) on a second thread but, I dont see much in that field.


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Is it possible to create threads with autoit?

I didn't find any functions for that in the Refeence.


if you searched you would've found two "closed" postes about this.

I'm sure you will find your answer there.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace"-Jimi Hendrix

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True threading is beyond AutoIt and really there seems to be no better way to make Valik mad than to suggest implementing it. (He has good reasons - browse the forums.)

I've been able to fake it by branching scripts into asynchronous processes and communicating across the registry or file system using

RunWait(@AutoItExe & " /AutoIt3ExecuteScript " & ScriptDir & "\srcfiles\branchproc.au3")

With judicious use of this technique, registry calls, and some shrewd choices in terms of Run() vs RunWait(), I've been able to set up a subsystem that starts to look and feel a lot like multithreading (as long as nobody opens Task Manager) :)

If you still want to try for true threading, there is always neogia's coroutine dll or Uten's threaded dll. There may be more out there, but those are the one's I'm most aware of.

Edited by sohfeyr
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True threading is beyond AutoIt and really there seems to be no better way to make Valik mad than to suggest implementing it. (He has good reasons - browse the forums.)

I've been able to fake it by branching scripts into asynchronous processes and communicating across the registry or file system using

RunWait(@AutoItExe & " /AutoIt3ExecuteScript " & ScriptDir & "\srcfiles\branchproc.au3")

With judicious use of this technique, registry calls, and some shrewd choices in terms of Run() vs RunWait(), I've been able to set up a subsystem that starts to look and feel a lot like multithreading (as long as nobody opens Task Manager) :)

If you still want to try for true threading, there is always neogia's coroutine dll or Uten's threaded dll. There may be more out there, but those are the one's I'm most aware of.

Neogia made a .dll for it? Did I miss something :P ? (Shuddup Gary!)

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Neogia made a .dll for it? Did I miss something :) ? (Shuddup Gary!)

You're right! My bad, must have been thinking of something else. Even that effort is just cross-process calls, and the credit for that should go to ChrisL (see neogia's post for link). Even so, it might be worth this poster taking a look at.

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