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Clipboard not properly pasted into window


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Hi everyone,

I having a problem with paste the contents of the clipboard into a window.

this is happening with the command [ send, %clipboard% ]

when pasting the clipboard contents into a window, this command cutting random the first one,two, tree or four characters from the clipboard contents (when pasted)

Sometimes the contents of the clipboard is pasted ok!

I tried to check if the clipboard is properly filled out, every time the loop is running this was OK.

hereby a the little piece of my script where the problem always appears in the last line "Send, %Clipboard%"

I also tried the command send, {^v} but that didn't seem to work at all.

the keydelays i also implemented for tis problem (with no result)


*** Part of the script ****

; copy the filename to the clipboard

MouseMove, 35,67

LeftClick, 180,212


send, {HOME}

send, {SHIFTUP}

send, {CTRLDOWN}

send, C

send, {CTRLUP}

; check if the clipboard is properly filled out

SplashTextOn, 400, 100, Voorbeeld, De inhoud van het klembord= %clipboard%

Sleep, 2000


sleep, 1000

send, {enter}

; Print to PDF

send, {ALT}F

send, P

WinMove, Save PDF File As,, 0, 0, default, default

SetKeyDelay, 100

Send, %Clipboard%




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I just tried a bunch of characters and as you said there were some characters

that seem to randomly be cut off, but this was something I expected since the

text contained some characters that will be treated as special characters.

So, could you give me an example of what kind of text that works and text that

do not work ?

Also, you should note that {^v} should be ^v.

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thanks for your comments,




the pasted file-names look almost the same:

AE -1401.isf

AE -1701.isf

AE -2604.isf

AE -3572.isf

AT -1403.isf

AX -2782.isf

the strange thing i see is that the pasted text is cutting of at the front side (i.e.: E -1401.isf, -2604.isf, etc)

Edited by jhon
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Hello guy's

I think i have found the problem, the new window is not every time present when the text is pasted......

now i set a sleep, command before the "sent, %cilpboard% " command.

it seems that this solves my problem,

thanks for your help anyway.....

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