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FileRead return line#

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Is there a way to use the fileread command to read a particular line of text then return the line number.

In the case of the text below, I would like a command to find "[daterange]" then return a line number in that file.

Then I can take the line number and add one to use the FileReadLine("filename", line) command to effectively read the next line of text which is the actual date range.




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Is there a way to use the fileread command to read a particular line of text then return the line number.

In the case of the text below, I would like a command to find "[daterange]" then return a line number in that file.

Then I can take the line number and add one to use the FileReadLine("filename", line) command to effectively read the next line of text which is the actual date range.




You might try _FileReadToArray instead of filereadline, then just search the array

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


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I agree on the array, but for sh**s and giggles, I decided to try this (will work only if it's the first word of the line you are looking for):

$Fread = StringStripCR(FileRead(@DesktopDir & '\MyOwnWorkBreather.txt'))
StringReplace(StringLeft($Fread, StringInStr($Fread, @LF & '[daterange]')), @LF, '')
If @extended Then MsgBox(64, 'Info', 'Found on line: ' & @extended + 1)


File Content:










Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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In the case of the text below I would like to open the text file and search for the text string "Number of marc records processed: " then extract the rest of the line.

Can autoit do something like this?

Building catalog file

To : Tue Oct 10 16:08:24 2006

Time Elapsed : 0 hr. 5 min. 23 sec

Number of marc records processed: 350054

Largest input marc record: 12936

Largest input marc data size: 12501

Largest uncompressed data portion: 11776

Fields with no entry in the DDF: 6163876

Largest output marc record size: 12936

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