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Unicode outpout from RUN command


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I am using the RUN command to with the standard_i/o_flag - $STDOUT_CHILD to run xcopy. the output is going into file text.

The problem is that the run command does not support unicode, and hebrew letters are comming as unknown signs.

Any ideas hoe to get correct output?


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Can you be a little more descriptive of what you are trying to accomplish, maybe a code sample. If you're trying to do what I think you're trying to do, I may have something that will help you.

Agreement is not necessary - thinking for one's self is!



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I think what you need to do is change your active code page. the command chcp [nnn] will change it. Change this before you run the dos commands. Change it back afterwards. I do not know what the active code page # is for your language, but there are plenty of references online.

However, you may still have problems. I am unsure that xcopy even supports 16bit encoding. So, if the characters you seek are 16bit, you will not get display correctly because a lot of dos is only 8bit encoding, likely resulting in ? marks in the unknown character positions.

If your characters are in the ASCII realm, the active code page should do it.


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I think what you need to do is change your active code page. the command chcp [nnn] will change it. Change this before you run the dos commands. Change it back afterwards. I do not know what the active code page # is for your language, but there are plenty of references online.

However, you may still have problems. I am unsure that xcopy even supports 16bit encoding. So, if the characters you seek are 16bit, you will not get display correctly because a lot of dos is only 8bit encoding, likely resulting in ? marks in the unknown character positions.

If your characters are in the ASCII realm, the active code page should do it.


Ok, I cna now be more specific.

When the cmd program run, the output is going into text file. The content of the text file includes the unicode caracters correctly, includes the hebrew ones.

Now, I am using the command _FileReadToArray("MyTextFile.txt",$as_Body) to put the text file data into array and then send it via email.

The _FileReadToArray("MyMirror.txt",$as_Body) command change the hebrew unicode caracters into garbage bad caracters inside the array.

Any ides how to use the _FileReadToArray command correctly?

Thank, Berger.

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Can you post the Hebrew file for an experiment ?

EDIT: AutoIT does not support Unicode, so that may be your problem, but there still may be a workaround.

Edited by Fossil Rock

Agreement is not necessary - thinking for one's self is!



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  • 1 month later...

Any ides how to use the _FileReadToArray command correctly?

It is my edition of _File*Array commands for UNICODE files... May be read mode not set correctly... but simple Read-mode work correctly in my tests, while RAW-mode skip some file open errors (if file not exist)

Func _FileReadUnicodeToArray ($sFilePath, ByRef $aArray)
    Local $hFile = FileOpen ($sFilePath, 0)
    If $hFile = -1 Then
        SetError (1)
        Return 0
    Local $uData = FileRead ($hFile, FileGetSize($sFilePath))
    $aArray = StringSplit (StringStripCR (_WCStrToString ($uData)), @LF)
    FileClose ($hFile)
    Return 1

Func _FileWriteUnicodeFromArray ($sFilePath, ByRef $a_Array, $i_Base = 0, $i_UBound = 0)
    Local $hFile
    If Not IsArray ($a_Array) Then
        SetError (2)
        Return 0
    Local $last = UBound($a_Array) - 1
    If $i_UBound < 1 Or $i_UBound > $last Then $i_UBound = $last
    If $i_Base < 0 Or $i_Base > $last Then $i_Base = 0
    $hFile = FileOpen ($sFilePath, 2)
    If $hFile = -1 Then
        SetError (1)
        Return 0
    FileWrite ($hFile, _StringToWCStr ($a_Array [$i_Base], 1))
    For $x = $i_Base + 1 To $i_UBound
        $a_Array [$x] = @CRLF & $a_Array [$x]
        FileWrite ($hFile, _StringToWCStr ($a_Array [$x]))
    Return 1

Func _StringToWCStr (ByRef $sString, $mark = 0)
    Local $sizeIn = StringLen ($sString), $sizeOut= BitShift ($sizeIn, -1)
    Local $bufOut, $ptrOut, $wordOut
    If $sizeIn =0 Then
        If $mark Then Return Chr(0xFF) & Chr(0xFE)
        Return ''
    If $mark Then
        $bufOut = DllStructCreate ("byte[" & $sizeOut +2 & "]")
        DllStructSetData ($bufOut, 1, Chr(0xFF) & Chr(0xFE))
        $ptrOut = DllStructGetPtr ($bufOut)
        $ptrOut +=2
        $bufOut = DllStructCreate ("byte[" & $sizeOut & "]")
        $ptrOut = DllStructGetPtr ($bufOut)
    Local $ret = DllCall ("Kernel32.dll", "int", "MultiByteToWideChar", _
        "int", 0, _
        "int", 0, _
        "str", $sString, _
        "int", $sizeIn,  _
        "ptr", $ptrOut,  _
        "int", $sizeOut )
    If $ret [0] Then
        Return DllStructGetData ($bufOut, 1)
        $ret = DllCall ("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLastError")
        SetError ($ret [0])

Func _WCStrToString (ByRef $wcString)
    Local $sizeIn= StringLen ($wcString), $sizeOut = BitShift ($sizeIn, 1)
    If $sizeIn =0 Then Return ''
    Local $bufOut= DllStructCreate ("char[" & $sizeOut & "]")
    Local $bufIn = DllStructCreate ("byte[" & $sizeIn  & "]")
    Local $ptrIn = DllStructGetPtr ($bufIn)
    DllStructSetData ($bufIn, 1, $wcString)
    If DllStructGetData ($bufIn, 1, 1) =-1 AND DllStructGetData ($bufIn, 1, 2) =-2 Then
        $ptrIn   +=2
        $sizeOut -=1
    Local $ret = DllCall ("Kernel32.dll", "int", "WideCharToMultiByte", _
        "int", 0, _
        "int", 0, _
        "ptr", $ptrIn, _
        "int", $sizeOut, _
        "ptr", DllStructGetPtr ($bufOut), _
        "int", $sizeOut, _
        "int", 0, _
        "int", 0 )   
    If $ret [0] Then
        Return DllStructGetData ($bufOut, 1)
        $ret = DllCall ("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetLastError")
        SetError ($ret [0])
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