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General question about keyboards and programs.


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Is there a way I can use Autoit to have my keyboard only work on a certain program (injecting?)

I want the keys to be sent to the program, while it is minimized.


Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Read the documentation in the help file on how to use ControlSend.

Thanks :whistle: I've been looking for a helping guide.

So the basic setup is

ControlSend ( "title", "text", controlID, "string" [, flag] )

Now say I want to send the a few keys to the program and that's all (or if it's easier, just the whole keyboard), how would I go about separating them in the string section? Commas? Slashes?

I'm going to be using a botting program and I want to use AutoIt to send the keys to the minimized program. Will this work?

Edited by Chambs
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my apologies. I think i may have misunderstood you question. say you press the a key do you want that key to be sent to your minimised window only?

if so you would have to use


func Function_a()

ControlSend ( "title", "text", controlID, "a" [, flag] )


If you want to send a series of keys you dont need to seperate the string it will send the keys seperatly eg if you had "abcd+e" it will send a then b then c then d then Shift+e. if flag=1 then it will actually send + sign instead of shift look up "Send" in the helpfile for more info.

Edited by Cue
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