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GUI in function


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I have a GUI which at some point calls a function which will create another GUI,

I am using OnEventMode in my script , but I can't use it in/after the 2nd GUI,

here is a sample script,

How can I make it work?

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

$win1 = GUICreate("Win 1", 250, 70,-1,-1,$WS_CAPTION)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is win1", 10, 10)
$win = GUICtrlCreateButton("win2", 40, 40,80)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "win2")
$ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ok", 140, 40,80)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ok")
While 1

Func ok()

Func win2()

$win2 = GUICreate("Win 2", 250, 70,-1,-1,$WS_CAPTION)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is win2", 10, 10)
$ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ok", 100, 40,80)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ok")
While 1

Edited by SHAHRAM
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it's strange,

it worked in this simple script,

but I have a little more script which does some other functions before getting to the 2nd window, and the window disapears immediately, the reason i put the sleep there,

I will try to see if I can find why the 2nd window dispears immediately without the sleep in the function?????

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I will try to see if I can find why the 2nd window dispears immediately without the sleep in the function?????

As for the loop in the function, when you call the function, the 2nd Gui is created and then it gets trapped in the loop with the Sleep. This means that control is never returned from the function which the OnEvent message system is waiting for. The result is an unresponsive Gui that accepts no messages as the loop is never ending within the function.
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Remove the loop in the function and then try executing the script.


found the problem,

I had an extra "exit" somwehre causing just a simple exit after the 2nd GUI,

problem solved.

The variable is expiring. When you declare a variable in local scope, it is destroyed when the function ends. The GUI code in AutoIt must have automatic cleanup routines.


I am aware of that.

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