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Problem with WinActivate


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I have a VBScript in which I start a program and send keystrokes. This is run through the Windows Scheduler. My problem is that it does not seem to always activate the Window, so my application just sits. Below is the snippet of code that I use to start the program, activate the window and send keys.

Any ideas on why it will not activate the window. I am getting a return result of 0 from WinWaitActive rather than a 1, which means it was successful.


VBScript Code:

AutoIT.Run ServerUTL1751Path, Replace(Trim(UCase(ServerUTL1751Path)), "\UTL1751.EXE", "")

If Err.number <> 0 Then

Log.ErrorMessage Err.number, Err.Description, "Error running " & ServerUTL1751Path & ": "


End If

WScript.Sleep 10000


AutoIT.WinActivate "Premier Application Deployment Manager"

AutoITResult = ""

AutoITResult = AutoIT.WinWaitActive("Premier Application Deployment Manager", "", 60)

Log.WriteLog "The first WinWaitActive result was " & AutoITResult, True

If AutoITResult = 0 Then

Log.WriteLog "The first WinWaitActive failed", True

End If

Log.WriteLog "First Winactive status: " & AutoIT.WinActive, True

WScript.Sleep 10000

AutoIT.Send "{Alt}FSD"

WScript.Sleep 10000

AutoITResult = ""

AutoITResult = AutoIT.WinWaitActive("Premier Application Deployment Manager", "", 60)

Log.WriteLog "The second WinWaitActive result was " & AutoITResult, True

If AutoITResult = 0 Then

Log.WriteLog "The second WinWaitActive failed", True

End If

Log.WriteLog "Second Winactive status: " & AutoIT.WinActive, True

WScript.Sleep 10000

AutoIT.Send "{F8}"

WScript.Sleep 10000

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I have included the WinActivate but the same problem occurs. My application does not receive the keystrokes.

Here is my code with the WinActivate:


Log.WriteLog "Starting " & ServerUTL1751Path, True

AutoIT.Run ServerUTL1751Path, Replace(Trim(UCase(ServerUTL1751Path)), "\UTL1751.EXE", "")

If Err.number <> 0 Then

Log.ErrorMessage Err.number, Err.Description, "Error running " & ServerUTL1751Path & ": "


End If

AutoITResult = ""

AutoITResult = AutoIT.WinWait ("Premier Application Deployment Manager", ,60)

Log.WriteLog "WinWait result was " & AutoITResult, True

If AutoITResult = 0 Then

Log.WriteLog "The WinWait failed", True

End If


AutoIT.WinActivate "Premier Application Deployment Manager"

AutoITResult = ""

AutoITResult = AutoIT.WinWaitActive("Premier Application Deployment Manager", "", 60)

Log.WriteLog "The first WinWaitActive result was " & AutoITResult, True

If AutoITResult = 0 Then

Log.WriteLog "The first WinWaitActive failed", True

End If

Log.WriteLog "First Winactive status: " & AutoIT.WinActive, True

WScript.Sleep 10000

AutoIT.Send "{Alt}FSD"

WScript.Sleep 10000

AutoITResult = ""

AutoITResult = AutoIT.WinWaitActive("Premier Application Deployment Manager", "", 60)

Log.WriteLog "The second WinWaitActive result was " & AutoITResult, True

If AutoITResult = 0 Then

Log.WriteLog "The second WinWaitActive failed", True

End If

Log.WriteLog "Second Winactive status: " & AutoIT.WinActive, True

WScript.Sleep 10000

AutoIT.Send "{F8}"

WScript.Sleep 10000

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