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AutoIT with new webmail Yahoo


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Thanks for your fast answer!

I already read this.

I attahced my source code.

I try to Get this frame object: "attachmentDownloadFrame"

and the _IETagNameGetCollection cannot find anything ;)

Actually maybe I don't understand the Yahoo source code

#include <IE.au3>
; Create a browser window and navigate to Yahoo

$sWebMail = "www.yahoomail.com"
$sTextToFind_Compose = "Compose"
$sSignOut = "Sign Out"
$username = "xxxx"
$password = "xxxx"

$oIE = _IECreate ($sWebMail)
_IELoadWait ($oIE)

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
$title = WinGetTitle("Yahoo", "")
WinSetState($title, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
; get pointers to the login form and username, password and signin fields
$o_form = _IEFormGetObjByName ($oIE, "login_form")
$o_login = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($o_form, "login")
$o_password = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($o_form, "passwd")

; Login and Password
; Set field values and submit the form
_IEFormElementSetValue ($o_login, $username)
_IEFormElementSetValue ($o_password, $password)
_IEFormSubmit ($o_form, 0)
_IELoadWait ($oIE)

; Compose New Message
_IELoadWait ($oIE)

$oFrame = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "attachmentDownloadFrame"); get a reference to the contents frame
;_IEClickLinkByText($oFrame, "Attach"); click on a link in the contents frame
$sTextToFind_AttachFiles = "Attach"
$oTDs = _IETagNameGetCollection($oFrame, "")
MsgBox(4096, "Test", $oTDs, 10)
For $oTD in $oTDs 
   MsgBox(4096, "Test", $oTD.innerText, 10)
    If String($oTD.innerText) = $sTextToFind_AttachFiles Then
        _IEAction($oTD, "click")

_IELoadWait ($oIE)
Edited by canlimero
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#include <IE.au3>
; Create a browser window and navigate to Yahoo
$url = "www.yahoomail.com"
$sSignOut = "Sign Out"
$username = "XXXX"
$password = "xxxx"

$oIE = _IECreate ($url, 1)
$title = "Yahoo"
WinSetState($title, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
$o_form = _IEFormGetObjByName ($oIE, "login_form")
$o_login = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($o_form, "login")
$o_password = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($o_form, "passwd")

_IEFormElementSetValue ($o_login, $username)
_IEFormElementSetValue ($o_password, $password)
_IEFormSubmit ($o_form, 0)
_IELoadWait ($oIE)

ControlSend($title, "", "Internet Explorer_Server1", "^+p"); Yahoo had a shortcut to hit "compose"

$oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "compose")
$oAttach = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "attachfiles")
; Attach stuffs here

$oAttachForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "attachments")
$oAttachFiles = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oAttachForm, "attachtop")

I used a shortcut key command for composing a new message, and only hit the add attachments button, and then the attach files button on that page. Hopefully that helps you get on your way.

IE Dev ToolbarMSDN: InternetExplorer ObjectMSDN: HTML/DHTML Reference Guide[quote]It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don't have to. - Walter Linn[/quote]--------------------[font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Post a reproducer with less than 100 lines of code.[/font]
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Yeah, you didn't provide any source.

IE Dev ToolbarMSDN: InternetExplorer ObjectMSDN: HTML/DHTML Reference Guide[quote]It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don't have to. - Walter Linn[/quote]--------------------[font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Post a reproducer with less than 100 lines of code.[/font]
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