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Retrieving Time zone offset

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I have searched both the help file and the forums, but could not find an answer.

How could I find the offset from GMT in hours of the computer's time zone?

For example, if the computer is set to US Mountain time, it would give me "-7".

I am trying to convert a given time to GMT.

Thanks ;)

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why does this topic keep dying?

Looks like you have to put in the effort yourself to try and get the dllcall working ...

You could check the Registry for some of the info on the timezone ...

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Look at my Radar.au3 project - it's in my signature.

I used these API calls there. But I discovered that number of hours was in that structure wrong

so I used only information about winter/summer time state from there.

Here is code snippet from there:

; take time shift for winter/summer time
$TZI_struct = DllStructCreate("dword;char[64];int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;dword;char[64];int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;dword")
$posun = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","GetTimeZoneInformation","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($TZI_struct))
TZI_struct = 0

; note: time shift (bias) in structure TZI isn't correct, so only state of winter/summer time
    Case $posun[0] = 0
        $posun = "+?" ; can't get time shift
    Case $posun[0] = 1
        $posun = "+1" ; winter time
    Case $posun[0] = 2
        $posun = "+2" ; summer time
Edited by Zedna
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For those still interested, I figured it out:

#include <string.au3>
$zone = RegRead ("HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\TimeZoneInformation", "StandardName")

$disp = RegRead ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\"&$zone, "Display")

$aOffset = _StringBetween ($disp, "(", ")")
$offset = $aOffset[0]
$offset = StringReplace ($offset, "GMT", "")
If $offset = "" Then $offset = "+00:00"
$addSubtract = StringLeft ($offset, 1)
$offset = StringTrimLeft ($offset, 1)
$offsetSplit = StringSplit ($offset, ":")
$offset_hour = $offsetSplit[1]
$offset_mins = $offsetSplit[2]

MsgBox (0, "", "Hours: "&$offset_hour&@CRLF&"Minutes: "&$offset_mins)

Using this you can easily convert to gmt time.

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  • 5 months later...

Look at my Radar.au3 project - it's in my signature.

I used these API calls there. But I discovered that number of hours was in that structure wrong

so I used only information about winter/summer time state from there.

Here is code snippet from there:

; take time shift for winter/summer time
$TZI_struct = DllStructCreate("dword;char[64];int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;dword;char[64];int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;dword")
$posun = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","GetTimeZoneInformation","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($TZI_struct))
TZI_struct = 0

; note: time shift (bias) in structure TZI isn't correct, so only state of winter/summer time
    Case $posun[0] = 0
        $posun = "+?" ; can't get time shift
    Case $posun[0] = 1
        $posun = "+1" ; winter time
    Case $posun[0] = 2
        $posun = "+2" ; summer time
Any progress?

The Registry method for getting the timezone doesn't work on the italian Windows version, because Time Zones are listed in english, while my TimeZoneInformation/StandardName is in italian.

Here is the VB code that converts a GMT date to a TimeZone date I tried to mograte to AutoIt (with no success):

Declare Function GetTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" (lpTimeZoneInformation _



wYear As Integer

wMonth As Integer

wDayOfWeek As Integer

wDay As Integer

wHour As Integer

wMinute As Integer

wSecond As Integer

wMilliseconds As Integer

End Type


Bias As Long

StandardName(0 To ((32 * 2) - 1)) As Byte 'unicode

StandardDate As SYSTEMTIME

StandardBias As Long

DaylightName(0 To ((32 * 2) - 1)) As Byte 'unicode

DaylightDate As SYSTEMTIME

DaylightBias As Long

End Type

Public Function dateTimeZone(dteGMT As Date) As Date


Dim dwBias As Long

Select Case GetTimeZoneInformation(tzi)


dwBias = tzi.Bias + tzi.DaylightBias


dwBias = tzi.Bias + tzi.StandardBias

Case Else

dwBias = 0

End Select

dateTimeZone = DateAdd("n", -dwBias, dteGMT)

End Function

Any help is appreciated.



Edited by gcriaco
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For those that are interested, Auto3Lib has all of the Windows Time API calls implemented. Here's a short list:

_Time_DosDateTimeToFileTime: Converts MS-DOS date and time values to a file time
_Time_FileTimeToDosDateTime: Converts MS-DOS date and time values to a file time
_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime: Converts a file time based on the Coordinated Universal Time to a local file time
_Time_FileTimeToSystemTime: Converts a file time to system time format
_Time_GetFileTime: Retrieves the date and time that a file was created, accessed and modified
_Time_GetLocalTime: Retrieves the current local date and time
_Time_GetSystemTime: Retrieves the current system date and time expressed in UTC
_Time_GetSystemTimeAdjustment: Determines whether the system is applying periodic time adjustments
_Time_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime: Retrieves the current system date and time expressed in UTC
_Time_GetSystemTimes: Retrieves system timing information
_Time_GetTimeZoneInformation: Retrieves the current time zone settings
_Time_LocalFileTimeToFileTime: Converts a local file time to a file time based on UTC
_Time_SetFileTime: Sets the date and time that a file was created, accessed and modified
_Time_SetLocalTime: Sets the current local date and time
_Time_SetSystemTime: Sets the current system time and date, expressed in UTC
_Time_SetSystemTimeAdjustment: Enables or disables periodic time adjustments to the system's time of day clock
_Time_SetTimeZoneInformation: Sets the current time zone settings
_Time_SystemTimeToFileTime: Converts a system time to file time format
_Time_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime: Converts a UTC time to a specified time zone's corresponding local time
_Time_TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime: Converts a local time to a time in UTC
Auto3Lib: A library of over 1200 functions for AutoIt
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For those that are interested, Auto3Lib has all of the Windows Time API calls implemented. Here's a short list:

_Time_DosDateTimeToFileTime: Converts MS-DOS date and time values to a file time
_Time_FileTimeToDosDateTime: Converts MS-DOS date and time values to a file time
_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime: Converts a file time based on the Coordinated Universal Time to a local file time
_Time_FileTimeToSystemTime: Converts a file time to system time format
_Time_GetFileTime: Retrieves the date and time that a file was created, accessed and modified
_Time_GetLocalTime: Retrieves the current local date and time
_Time_GetSystemTime: Retrieves the current system date and time expressed in UTC
_Time_GetSystemTimeAdjustment: Determines whether the system is applying periodic time adjustments
_Time_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime: Retrieves the current system date and time expressed in UTC
_Time_GetSystemTimes: Retrieves system timing information
_Time_GetTimeZoneInformation: Retrieves the current time zone settings
_Time_LocalFileTimeToFileTime: Converts a local file time to a file time based on UTC
_Time_SetFileTime: Sets the date and time that a file was created, accessed and modified
_Time_SetLocalTime: Sets the current local date and time
_Time_SetSystemTime: Sets the current system time and date, expressed in UTC
_Time_SetSystemTimeAdjustment: Enables or disables periodic time adjustments to the system's time of day clock
_Time_SetTimeZoneInformation: Sets the current time zone settings
_Time_SystemTimeToFileTime: Converts a system time to file time format
_Time_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime: Converts a UTC time to a specified time zone's corresponding local time
_Time_TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime: Converts a local time to a time in UTC
Thanks Paul. The function I need is _Time_GetTimeZoneInformation. It works perfectly.

Your job is very awesome. Any plan to include your UDFs in the AutoIt package?

IMHO there is no need to have 2 helpfiles, 2 setup, 2 sets of UDFs (sometimes similar), and so on.

I know that is a big effort, but think that in this way the AutoIt community could use a better/simpler tool.

Hope that you and any other interested Autoitter (Jdeb, Gafrost,...) agree.

All the best


Edited by gcriaco
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