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CaretCoordMode Problems


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I have been trying to get this to work but can't seem to. I want to move the mouse to a specific control (drop down list) and click on it then move the mouse down to a specific selection.

First here is my code.

WinActivate ("Inbox - Thunderbird","")

Opt ("CaretCoordMode",0)

MouseClick ("left",290,90)

MouseClick ("left",280,180)

This is just an example I am trying to learn with.

The problem is this, no matter what I set the CaretCoordMode to, the result is, that the mouse moves to the absolute screen coordinates of the full screen, not the active window, which is what I want.

I can get it to work if I maximize the window first, but what if I am trying to use a child windw that won't maximize?

I have tried to put the Opt statment before the WinActivate statement but it doesn

t seem to make a differance.

Incidently I used the Window info tool set in 'Window' Coord mode to get the Coords I needed.

I am trying to learn how to use this really cool tool, so any help would be great!

Thanks in advance.


Edited by Gknoll
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WinActivate ("Inbox - Thunderbird","")

Opt ("CaretCoordMode",0)

MouseClick ("left",290,90)

MouseClick ("left",280,180)

Try the Mouse* option

WinActivate("Inbox - Thunderbird")
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0)
MouseClick("left", 290, 90)
MouseClick("left", 280, 180)

Ensure you set AutoIt Info Tool to relative mode as well if needed.


Edited by MHz
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Is it possible to use keystrokes instead of a mouse click to do it? Try it and see. You may be able to do a control send directly to the control, which would make it more stable. You can use the AutoIt Window Info tool that is included in the Standard release to get a ID on the control.

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THANKS! That did it. To be honest I missed that staement in the help file.

Now if you would be so kind as to enlighten me as to what the CaretCoord would refer to? Would that be a text cursor position?

Search CaretCoordMode in the helpfile would help you there. It would have an effect on WinGetCaretPos.
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