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FileExists / FileCopy errors

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I am puzzled by the follwoing:

------ start code -----

$mozkonf = "I:\netconf\mozilla"

If FileExists("$mozkonf\mozilla.bmp") Then

MsgBox(0, "Existence - Yes", "File exists")


MsgBox(0, "Existence - NO", "File not found")


FileCopy("$mozkonf\mozilla.bmp", "C:\TEMP\TEST\mozilla.bmp")

If @ERROR == 0 Then

MsgBox(0, "Copied - Yes", "File copied")


MsgBox(0, "Copied - No", "File not copied")



------ end code -----

First I am getting "File not found" and then "File copied" message.

My first questions is:

How can FileCopy succeed if FileExists failed to find the file?

(I am sure that the path is correct, and the file exists, and I have all the necessary access.)

Second, the file doesn't get copied, but the errorlevel after FileCopy command is 0. Which would mean the command completed successfully.

The behaviour doesn't change even if I replace the network path with local exact path.

The OSes on which this is tested is XP Pro and W2K.

Anyt help and hints are appreciated.



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$ is some kind of wild card... maybe that has sumpin' ado wid it.

Hi again, I tested the code without $ but still incorrect filecopy success report:

--- start code ---

If FileExists("E:\AUTOIT\SOURCE\mozilla.bmp")

MsgBox(0, "Existence", "file exists")


MsgBox(0, "Existence", "file does not exist")


FileCopy ("E:\AUTOIT\SOURCE\mozilla.bmp", "E:\AUTOIT\DEST\mozilla.bmp" ,1)

If @ERROR == 0 Then

MsgBox(0, "Copied - Yes", "Filecopy command returned 0=Success !")


MsgBox(0, "Copied - No", "Filecopy command returned 1=Fail !")



--- end code ---

If file really exists at source dir, it does report existence and does get copied and get reported as success.


If file does not exist at source, it gets corrrectly reported by FileExists command as not existing,

AND it gets reported by FileCpy command as "Filecopy command returned 0=Success !"

Perhaps FileCopy command reports errors differently.


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niranjan ,

I see the same issue that it returns an 0 even when it didn't copy anything.

It returns a 1 if an error occurs.

Think the code should be something like when you want to test the returncode:

$rc = FileCopy("$mozkonf\mozilla.bmp", "C:\TEMP\TEST\mozilla.bmp")

If $rc = 0 Then

MsgBox(0, "Copied - Yes", "File copied")


MsgBox(0, "Copied - No", "File not copied")




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niranjan ,

I see the same issue that it returns an 0 even when it didn't copy anything. It returns a 1 if an error occurs.


Thanks JdeB.

I am a newbie, aand code you have suggested is of course more neat.

Re errorcode:

I would like to hear from the gurus in this forum :whistle: , but it looks like a bug.

In addidion is also the issue of getting no syntax error when I tried

If FileExists("$mozkonf\mozilla.bmp") Then

and Larry corrected it to

If FileExists($mozkonf & "\mozilla.bmp") Then

and it started to work, which BTW seems to be the case in your line too

$rc = FileCopy("$mozkonf\mozilla.bmp", "C:\TEMP\TEST\mozilla.bmp")

regards, niranjan.

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niranjan ,

I copied your Filecopy statement without checking its validity... sorry :whistle:

Just wanted to share with you that the filecopy returns its "returncode" into a variable .. not into @ERROR..

You are correct that Filecopy doesn't return a 1 if theres nothing to copy...don't know why.....thats for the developers to answer.

As far as your syntax error question: I assume that "$mozkonf\mozilla.bmp" could be a valid filename. So is not really wrong... just doesn't exist.



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Just wanted to share with you that the filecopy returns its "returncode" into a variable .. not into @ERROR..



My understanding is that @ERROR is just an internal Au3 Macro for retruncode. A full list of Internal Macros is in the helpfile, and a full test of all of these Macros is done by van_renier availabel at:


FULL Test of Auto-it Switches and innate variables.zip

from Autoit3 help file



Read only variables with special values. Similar to the AutoIt v2 "A_DAY"

type variables. e.g. @MyDocuments, @StartupCommon

Full list:


"SEC", "MIN", "HOUR", "MDAY", "MON", "YEAR", "WDAY", "YDAY",

"ProgramFilesDir", "CommonFilesDir",

"MyDocumentsDir", "AppDataCommonDir", "DesktopCommonDir", "DocumentsCommonDir", "FavoritesCommonDir",

"ProgramsCommonDir", "StartMenuCommonDir", "StartupCommonDir",

"AppDataDir", "DesktopDir", "FavoritesDir", "ProgramsDir", "StartMenuDir", "StartupDir",

"Computername", "WindowsDir", "SystemDir",


"ScriptFullPath", "ScriptName", "ScriptDir", "WorkingDir",

"OSType", "OSVersion", "OSBuild", "OSServicePack",

"AutoItVersion", "IPAddress1", "IPAddress2", "IPAddress3",

"IPAddress4", "CR", "LF", "CRLF", "DesktopWidth", "DesktopHeight"


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