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Im having problem with my script.


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Sorry for making such many questions but im learning programing and every 1 learns with errors xD.

heres the thing im making a GUI script and when i try to loop the script.

Heres my full script

#include <GUIConstants.au3> 
GUICreate ("Testthing",450,280) 
$button1=GUICtrlCreateButton ("Start",1,68,445,30) 
GUICtrlSetTip ($button1,"Start","Start",0,1) 
$button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Exit",400,20,40,40) 
GUICtrlSetTip ($button3,"Stop and Exit","Exit",0,1) 
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("To Pause the script Press Pause",10,1) 
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("To Exit Press Esc",10,15) 
GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Loot for",10,29,145,40) 
$time=GUICtrlCreateInput ("Time in Milliseconds",14,43,135,20) 
GUICtrlSetTip ($time,"Type in milliseconds how long you want to bot. To get the time 1sec= 1000 milliseconds 1000 1min= 60000 1 Hour= 3600000, 7200000= 2Hours and so on.","Time in Miliseconds",0,1) 
GUISetBkColor (0xEFFFFFF) 
$pic = GUICtrlCreatePic("",0,100,450,180) 
GUICtrlSetImage($pic, @ScriptDir & "\mainbg.jpg") 
GUISetState () 
Global $Paused 
Hotkeyset ("{Pause}","Pause") 
Hotkeyset ("{Esc}","Terminate") 
Func Pause () 
$Paused = NOT $Paused 
While $Paused 
Sleep (100) 
ToolTip ("Paused",0,0) 
ToolTip ("") 
Func Terminate () 
Exit 0 
While 1 
   $msg = GUIGetMsg() 
       Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE 
$i = 1
Do  ;This is the part that when i start the bot gives me an error saying "Case" statement with no matching "select" or "switch" statement. its like blocking the Select stame ment, i donno what to do.
Case $msg = $button1 
ToolTip ("Please go to Notepad Window to Begin") 
WinWaitActive ("NotePad","") 
ToolTip ("") 
Send ("f") 
Sleep (1000) 
Send ("f") 
Sleep (1000) 
   Case $msg = $button3 
  Case $msg = $time 
   WinWaitActive ("NotePad","") 
   Sleep (GUICtrlRead ($time)) 
   WinWaitClose ("NotePad","") 
   Run ("Notepad.exe") 
Sleep (2000) 
Send ("time has finished.",$lvl) 
Send ("{Enter}") 
Send ("ThankYou for using the script.") 
Send ("{Esc}") 
$i = $i + 1
Until $1 = 10
While 1 
   $msg = GUIGetMsg() 
   If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop 

If the loop is infinit it would be even better.

i realy dont know what to do at this rate.



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Sorry for making such many questions but im learning programing and every 1 learns with errors xD.

heres the thing im making a GUI script and when i try to loop the script.

Heres my full script

#include <GUIConstants.au3> 
GUICreate ("Testthing",450,280) 
$button1=GUICtrlCreateButton ("Start",1,68,445,30) 
GUICtrlSetTip ($button1,"Start","Start",0,1) 
$button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Exit",400,20,40,40) 
GUICtrlSetTip ($button3,"Stop and Exit","Exit",0,1) 
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("To Pause the script Press Pause",10,1) 
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("To Exit Press Esc",10,15) 
GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Loot for",10,29,145,40) 
$time=GUICtrlCreateInput ("Time in Milliseconds",14,43,135,20) 
GUICtrlSetTip ($time,"Type in milliseconds how long you want to bot. To get the time 1sec= 1000 milliseconds 1000 1min= 60000 1 Hour= 3600000, 7200000= 2Hours and so on.","Time in Miliseconds",0,1) 
GUISetBkColor (0xEFFFFFF) 
$pic = GUICtrlCreatePic("",0,100,450,180) 
GUICtrlSetImage($pic, @ScriptDir & "\mainbg.jpg") 
GUISetState () 
Global $Paused 
Hotkeyset ("{Pause}","Pause") 
Hotkeyset ("{Esc}","Terminate") 
Func Pause () 
$Paused = NOT $Paused 
While $Paused 
Sleep (100) 
ToolTip ("Paused",0,0) 
ToolTip ("") 
Func Terminate () 
Exit 0 
While 1 
   $msg = GUIGetMsg() 
       Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE 
$i = 1
Do;This is the part that when i start the bot gives me an error saying "Case" statement with no matching "select" or "switch" statement. its like blocking the Select stame ment, i donno what to do.
Case $msg = $button1 
ToolTip ("Please go to Notepad Window to Begin") 
WinWaitActive ("NotePad","") 
ToolTip ("") 
Send ("f") 
Sleep (1000) 
Send ("f") 
Sleep (1000) 
   Case $msg = $button3 
  Case $msg = $time 
   WinWaitActive ("NotePad","") 
   Sleep (GUICtrlRead ($time)) 
   WinWaitClose ("NotePad","") 
   Run ("Notepad.exe") 
Sleep (2000) 
Send ("time has finished.",$lvl) 
Send ("{Enter}") 
Send ("ThankYou for using the script.") 
Send ("{Esc}") 
$i = $i + 1
Until $1 = 10
While 1 
   $msg = GUIGetMsg() 
   If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop 

If the loop is infinit it would be even better.

i realy dont know what to do at this rate.



I have no clue what you are trying to do, but use tidy and you will see your errors - in Scite hold down Ctrl and press T

Then fix your code and repost - and maybe put some spaces between your functions so that it is easier to read.

All by me:

"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." 

"Everybody catches up with everyone, eventually" 

"As you teach others, you are really teaching yourself."

From my dad

"Do not worry about yesterday, as the only thing that you can control is tomorrow."



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Well I can tell you one major mistake you made just by glancing over the code. You need all of your events to happen during your 'While 1' loop. If you want to get your program to work then take a minute and read the following a few times and make sure you understand what I am saying. If you get what I'm about to see you it will help you here and in future programs. AutoIt is NOT an object-oriented programming language. This means that when you run any AutoIt script, it will run line by line until it gets to the end of the last line, then it ends. Now there are things to can do to get around this such as adding delays to your program (Sleep()) but the most common way is using the 'While 1' loop. This gives you the ability to keep the program from ending until you want it to and you can have control over what happens when something is clicked. With that said here is (in my opinion) what the basic layout of an AutoIt script should be:

Create any variables that you will be using (if any).

Then create your window and all your buttons, etc. (GUI and controllers).

-Note: you should give all you controllers names. (EX: $button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("My Button",25,100,40,40)

Now that you have everything set up you are ready to wait for the user to do something. Use a 'While 1' to keep your program open. Inside the loop user the GUIGetMsg() function with a case select. Now when the user pressed a

$button1 it will do whatever you want $button1 to do.

Finally, after the WEnd line add Functions that will be executed when $button1 is pressed.

Ok, so by now you're probably thinking I've said a bunch of junk, but how does this help YOU. Well here is an example of what I've just said.

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

#include <Array.au3>


Global $uiAll_Win = 0, $uiAll_Lost = 0, $uiAll_Un = 0, $uiAll_Total = 0


Global $Paused, $Debug = "false", $xmax = 9, $ymax = 9, $minemax = 10


HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")


GuiCreate("Auto Minesweeper GUI", 400, 500,0,0)

GuiSetIcon(@SystemDir & "\winmine.exe", 0)


$FileMenu = GuiCtrlCreateMenu("File")

$ExitItem = GuiCtrlCreateMenuitem ("Exit",$filemenu)

; Buttons

$button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("My Button 1",25,100,40,40)

$button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("My Button 2",25,100,40,40)

$button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("My Button 3",25,100,40,40)



While 1

$msg = GUIGetMsg()


Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Case $msg = $exititem


Case $msg = $button1


Case $msg = $button2


Case $msg = $button3




Function StartBot()


If ... Then ...


Function StopBot()

If ... Then ...


Function Something($SomeVar,$SomeVar2)

If $SomeVar = 0 Then ...

if $SomeVar = "text" Then ...


Func TogglePause()

$Paused = NOT $Paused

While $Paused


ToolTip('Script is "Paused"',0,0)






Now don't try copying this code, pasting it into a blank script and running it because I doubt if it will really work. (Well I guess you can if you really feel like it. Couldn't hurt.) This is some chopped up code of a program that I made but if gives you a template.



Hotkey (run a function when a key on the keyboard is pressed)



While 1

-Select case

--controller is clicked

---what do what when controller is clicked (which function to run)

-end case


functions (ran when controller is clicked or when a hotkey is pressed)

Well, I hope this helped you out. Once again I recommend you read this over at least 2 or 3 times and make sure you understand the general layout (don't worry, you don't have to understand every single line, guess understand the idea and why the idea works). I also recommend coping all of this and saving it in a text file on your computer so you can refer back to it in the future. Hope this helps you out!

~Bryan AKA Flint Brenick~

Edited by FlintBrenick
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AutoIt is NOT an object-oriented programming language. This means that when you run any AutoIt script, it will run line by line until it gets to the end of the last line, then it ends.

~Bryan AKA Flint Brenick~

With everything that was written - this is the only thing that sticks out and should be corrected. Though AutoIt is not an object-oriented programming language - it does not differ from one the way the code is ran - one line at a time. This is how most code will run and you can skip code by using conditions and function calls. If I am wrong I am sure I will hear it, but object-oriented programming languages goal is to stick all variables and functions dealing with a certain object. Lets say a car is the object and the car can have variables like wheel types and paint color. And a function of the car might be installing tiers or the engine. You can see how this code can be used for 100's of cars - not just one.

Hope it helps.

All by me:

"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." 

"Everybody catches up with everyone, eventually" 

"As you teach others, you are really teaching yourself."

From my dad

"Do not worry about yesterday, as the only thing that you can control is tomorrow."



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no gabb... just cleaned it up for you...

nice effort

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Global $Paused, $lvl

HotKeySet("{Pause}", "Pause")
HotKeySet("{Esc}", "Terminate")

GUICreate("Testthing", 450, 280)
$button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 1, 68, 445, 30)
GUICtrlSetTip($button1, "Start", "Start", 0, 1)
$button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 400, 20, 40, 40)
GUICtrlSetTip($button3, "Stop and Exit", "Exit", 0, 1)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("To Pause the script Press Pause", 10, 1)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("To Exit Press Esc", 10, 15)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("Loot for", 10, 29, 145, 40)
$time = GUICtrlCreateInput("Time in Milliseconds", 14, 43, 135, 20)
GUICtrlSetTip($time, "Type in milliseconds how long you want to bot. To get the time 1sec= 1000 milliseconds 1000 1min= 60000 1 Hour= 3600000, 7200000= 2Hours and so on.", "Time in Miliseconds", 0, 1)
$pic = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 0, 100, 450, 180)
GUICtrlSetImage($pic, @ScriptDir & "\mainbg.jpg")

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $msg = $button1
            ToolTip("Please go to Notepad Window to Begin")
            WinWaitActive("NotePad", "")
        Case $msg = $button3
        Case $msg = $time
            WinWaitActive("NotePad", "")
            WinWaitClose("NotePad", "")
            Send("time has finished.", $lvl)
            Send("ThankYou for using the script.")

Func Pause()
    $Paused = Not $Paused
    While $Paused
        ToolTip("Paused", 0, 0)
EndFunc   ;==>Pause

Func Terminate()
    Exit 0
EndFunc   ;==>Terminate


Edited by Valuater


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With everything that was written - this is the only thing that sticks out and should be corrected. Though AutoIt is not an object-oriented programming language - it does not differ from one the way the code is ran - one line at a time. This is how most code will run and you can skip code by using conditions and function calls. If I am wrong I am sure I will hear it, but object-oriented programming languages goal is to stick all variables and functions dealing with a certain object. Lets say a car is the object and the car can have variables like wheel types and paint color. And a function of the car might be installing tiers or the engine. You can see how this code can be used for 100's of cars - not just one.

Hope it helps.

My main point was that they really need to set up their script with something like 'While 1' and having all the events take place within the 'While 1' which will allow the to control what takes place in the script. Anyway between what I said and what you said hopefully any newbs reading this thread will atleast get the idea.


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