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port foward

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YEs its very possible, but it will probably all be done "Visually" not behind the scenes ( I.E. program opens a browser window and manually inserts the information into the port forwarding part of your router )... It could very well be done by sending POST / GET information, but im not familiar with that :whistle:

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Found this leftover code in my script test folder, but it is unfinished as I wanted to check if the background uPnP service was running first and do some more checking before invoking the commands and afterwards to see that they actually worked, but if you can make use of it then any code would be appreciated as I have concentrated on other things in the meantime...

;This adds the specified ports to the router port forwarding tables using uPnP
;See [url="http://www.knoxscape.com/Upnp/NAT.htm"]http://www.knoxscape.com/Upnp/NAT.htm[/url]
; http://forums.practicallynetworked.com/showthread.php?t=5324
; http://www.vbdotnetforums.com/showthread.php?t=2175
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ics/ics/istaticportmapping.asp

;This program enables an IRC file transfer port
;And then puts up a prompt waiting for the user
;to be finished transferring files

$theNatter = ObjCreate( "HNetCfg.NATUPnP")
Dim $mappingPorts
$mappingPorts = $theNatter.StaticPortMappingCollection

If IsObj($mappingPorts) Then
 ;We add a new port saying that externally accept from port 1024
 ;route to internal port 1024 on computer with IP
 ;Enabling the forward, and giving a name of the forward to be 'IRC'
 $mappingPorts.Add (1024, "TCP", 1024, "", True, "IRC")
 MsgBox(0, "Ports added", "Total number of ports after add is " & $mappingPorts.Count & ". Hit OK when you're done transfering")
 ;To uniquely specify a forward, you give the external port
 ;and the protocol - here we remove the forward that we added
 $mappingPorts.Remove (1024, "TCP")
 MsgBox(0, "Ports removed", "We're done and the total number of ports is " & $mappingPorts.Count)
 MsgBox(0, "Problem","Could not create a uPnP object")
You should find that most modern routers support uPnP unless it has specifically been turned off in the configuration (mainly for security reasons).
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