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Embedding Windows Explorer

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Simple question.

What is the Windows Explorer version of this which calls INternet explorer?


I know this is simple, but I did go through the help file, installed and used the OLE/COM object viewer for a long time and just cant seem to locate Microsoft Windows Explorer VersionINdependentProgID.

It is probably right in front of my eyes :whistle: . IN my defense, it is very late here...


I am currently passing a .navigate command to the shell.explorer.2 to create a dual pane file browser. The odd behavior of using IE to browse to network files is what is driving me to try to find how to call Windows Explorer.

And can someone let me know how they found it? "Teach a man to fish..."

Thank you in advance.


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Simple question.

What is the Windows Explorer version of this which calls INternet explorer?


I know this is simple, but I did go through the help file, installed and used the OLE/COM object viewer for a long time and just cant seem to locate Microsoft Windows Explorer VersionINdependentProgID.

It is probably right in front of my eyes :whistle: . IN my defense, it is very late here...


I am currently passing a .navigate command to the shell.explorer.2 to create a dual pane file browser. The odd behavior of using IE to browse to network files is what is driving me to try to find how to call Windows Explorer.

And can someone let me know how they found it? "Teach a man to fish..."

Thank you in advance.



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This component is part of C:\WINDOWS\System32\shdocvw.dll component

ProgID 'Shell.Explorer.2' - but there is different versions

ClsID {8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}

The function list is here


You could use the 'InternetExplorer.Application.1' too, this is a little different but there is a lot of IE's components around...

This function list is here


Hope this helps

kjactive :whistle:

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Well there's a lot of function calls to the two components and they are a bit different but semilatities too - Look at MSDN or the provided GUID links abowe

a simpel Shell.Explorer.2 example

#include "GUIConstants.au3"
; Simple example: Embedding an Internet Explorer Object inside an AutoIt GUI
; The full example is available in the test\ActiveX directory (TestXInternet.au3)
; See also: http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/browser/webbrowser/reference/objects/internetexplorer.asp

$oIE = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2")

; Create a simple GUI for our output
GUICreate("Embedded Web control Test", 640, 580,(@DesktopWidth-640)/2, (@DesktopHeight-580)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)
$GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj( $oIE, 0, 0 , 640 , 580 )

GUISetState ();Show GUI


Until NOT $oIE.Busy

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
     GUIDelete ()
     $oIE = 0; Remember to free object

This is a simpel InternetExplorer.Application example

$ObjIE = ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
With $ObjIE
   .Visible = True
   .Navigate ("http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/browser/webbrowser/reference/properties/registerasdroptarget.asp")
   While .ReadyState <> 4

$ObjIE = 0; remember to free component


The examples provide vital information from MSDN dev. page and ofcourse one needs the two components installed on the computer but mostly they are already as include into the native MS OS...

kjactive :whistle:

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Superb, thnx kjactive - I looked through the URLs listed here but the nfo (also from google) on Shell.Explorer.2 seems rather limited.. probably the reason why this topic got started to begin with.. :whistle: Any idea as to how to get the Shell.Explorer.2 to show a detailed view, while also possibly disabling right button context menu?!


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Hallo Sunaj

disabling right button context menu

I remember that this is an HTML command but I do not recall how - the same goes with detailed view...

HTML do take a lot of control of explorer and this is the first place to look, as scollbars on / off ec....

kjactive :whistle:

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Ok, cool, if that's the case then it shouldn't be too hard for me to track down - question is.. does this also apply when using the Shell.Explorer.2 to browse directories on the local harddrive..? and if yes.. should I then pass a HTML/CSS file to the Shell.Explorer.2 that then looks up the correct dir harddisk dir?!

Can see this working out just fine actually--thanks for your continued help on this one kjactive! :P


Hallo Sunaj

I remember that this is an HTML command but I do not recall how - the same goes with detailed view...

HTML do take a lot of control of explorer and this is the first place to look, as scollbars on / off ec....

kjactive :whistle:

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There is a component called Shell.Folderview.1 that is a variant of Shell.Explorer.2 to do only folderview but I do not have that much experiment with this lately but I do know that It works alright with SvenP autoit3 activeX interface...

Naaa Shell.Explorer.2 is a limited version of InternetExplorer - 'does this also apply ', I don't know - HTML can control a lot of explorer intuition behavements as well as all the display matters, actually totally control the dam thing as the buildin explorer component functions is more about how to contain things and ready/busy statements ec.

Remember to free the components at exit...

Prectice makes expert...

kjactive :whistle:

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