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Change a value and submit real quickly

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Hellow all,

Firstly hellow, im kinda new here.

I used to script alot in autoit in the past (2.4 or something). After I kinda stoped scripting but now im back.

Basicly, im playing a online game called SlaveHack, its a virtual hacking game, kinda addictive.

Basicly, when you log in to someone's machine in that game you get your IP adress in the log, you dont want that because then other peeps can hack you aswell.

The log is a IE textarea, in this textarea you need to quicly get out your IP otherwise, well they can hack you back.

So, i wanna automate that for me.

First, i already writen me some code that when i press ESC i call a function.

In this function i wanna create the script wich reads the form textarea on the webpage im on, search it for a particullary string of text and replace it with "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx".

Found out i needed the IE library and included that one in my project.

So i went on with a little searching about the _IE script and found IE-Builder.

Im kinda stuck here now, cant find something good about it.

Can you guys help me?

I copyed the source of the page with the form

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<TD background=layout/t_b.jpg><SMALL>Computer time format: 1172833763 Standard time format: 02-03-2007 12:09 []</SMALL>

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<CENTER><BR>You are logged in to<BR><BR>[<A href="index2.php?page=internet&amp;gow=;action=log">Access logfile</A>] [<A href="index2.php?page=internet&amp;gow=;action=files">Files</A>] [<A href="index2.php?page=internet&amp;gow=;action=logout">Logout</A>]



<H3>Log file</H3><BR>The logfile holds information about all events:<BR>Loggin onto the computer, running programs, copying or deleting programs and even more.<BR>Do not underestimate the logfile, it is the most important file on the computer.<BR>The logfile can not exceed 1 Gb.<BR><BR>

<FORM action="" method=post><TEXTAREA class=form name=logedit rows=35 cols=100>02-03-2007 12:09 admin logged in from ]</TEXTAREA><INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=poster><BR><INPUT type=submit value="Edit logfile"></FORM><BR><BR></CENTER></TD>

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<CENTER>All contents on this site are copyrighted.<BR>Powered by <A title="LeaseWeb Hosting" href="http://www.leaseweb.com" target=_blank>LeaseWeb</A> </CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Thanks for the help?


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