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Creating access keys

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I would like to set up access keys to each of the controls on a form, so that the user just has to press Alt and a key to get to a control. I thought that all that was required was to put a & in front of the appropriate letter within the caption of the control, but this does not just allow Alt+key to be used; it also allows Shift+key and Ctrl+key and even just the key itself to be used, as you can see in the following example:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
$frmTest = GUICreate("Test", 233, 137, 193, 123)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "frmTestClose")
$cmdButton1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Test 1", 12, 28, 73, 29, 0)
$cmdButton2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("T&est 2", 12, 62, 73, 29, 0)
$cmdButton3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Te&st 3", 12, 96, 73, 29, 0)
$lblTest = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Te&xt", 112, 34, 29, 17)
$inpTest = GUICtrlCreateInput("Some text", 144, 30, 61, 21)

While 1
Func frmTestClose()

When I set the form up the same way in Visual Basic, only Alt+key can be used. This is what I would expect and is what I would like to achieve in AutoIt.

Please can you tell me how to set things up so that only Alt+key works, and not all the other combinations, as I would like to use Shift and Ctrl for other purposes.

Thanks for your help.



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Thank you both for your replies.

I have investigated them both, and found out that HotKeySet was not suitable anyway (in addition to the reason stated by Emiel) because Alt+key has to be pressed and also released before the function is executed. This is not standard Alt+key behaviour, where the function should be executed as soon as Alt and the key are pressed down.

So I'll be going with Emiel's solution.



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