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post data to webpage

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Ok, this should be an easy one but I havent found a simple solution yet. All I want to do is post a timestamp to a url silently, like http://www.mydomain.com/test.asp?timestamp=whenever. I dont even need a response back from the webserver. I would hate to have to create an instance of IE when I dont need any kind of response and the user wont be seeing anything. I see the Inetget function but Im not trying to get a file so Im thinking posting data that way wouldnt work.

The webpage is actually updateing an SQL database but Im not sure I want a few thousand PCs each opening a connection directly to the database.

Anyone have a simple solution?

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A function I like to use that is super fast, you can also use a proxy with this code..just google proxycfg.exe for its options

Hope this helps

$oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") ; Install a custom error handler 
$ResolveTimeout = 5000
$ConnectTimeout = 5000
$SendTimeout = 5000
$ReceiveTimeout = 5000
$sUrl = "http://www.mydomain.com/test.asp"
$PostData = "timestamp=whenever"
$oHttpRequest = ObjCreate("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
$oHttpRequest.Open ("POST", $sUrl,True)
$oHttpRequest.setRequestHeader  ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ; Need to change as per your webpage
$oHttpRequest.setRequestHeader  ("Connection", "Keep-Alive")
$oHttpRequest.Send ($PostData)
$oHttpRequest = ""
Edited by Hasher

Firefox's secret is the same as Jessica Simpson's: its effortless, glamorous style is the result of — shhh — extensions!

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Ok, this should be an easy one but I havent found a simple solution yet. All I want to do is post a timestamp to a url silently, like http://www.mydomain.com/test.asp?timestamp=whenever. I dont even need a response back from the webserver. I would hate to have to create an instance of IE when I dont need any kind of response and the user wont be seeing anything. I see the Inetget function but Im not trying to get a file so Im thinking posting data that way wouldnt work.

The webpage is actually updateing an SQL database but Im not sure I want a few thousand PCs each opening a connection directly to the database.

Anyone have a simple solution?

2 ways to do it, besides the one already mentioned:

1) use IE.au3 to create an invisible instance of IE that navigates to that site then closes

2) something like this:

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Thanks, I like this method but I seem to be missing something. It wont use the date/time stamp.

#Include <date.au3>
$oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") ; Install a custom error handler 
$ResolveTimeout = 5000
$ConnectTimeout = 5000
$SendTimeout = 5000
$ReceiveTimeout = 5000
$sUrl = "https://mydomain:444/timestamp.asp"
$PostData = "name=test"
$PostData = $PostData & "&stamp=" & $var
$PostData = $PostData & "&status=1"
$oHttpRequest = ObjCreate("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
$oHttpRequest.Open ("POST", $sUrl,True)
$oHttpRequest.setRequestHeader  ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ; Need to change as per your webpage
$oHttpRequest.setRequestHeader  ("Connection", "Keep-Alive")
$oHttpRequest.Send ($PostData)
$oHttpRequest = ""oÝ÷ ØàÄr^©
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What I woud do is install fiddler for IE and do a post how you normally would with the browser. It should return a POST '200' which means its ok. This will give you a complete summary in fiddler how the post works.

The most common error would be in the setup of 'content type' ....this value "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

Its a bit hard reading the code excatly how post works ( my failing) :-X

Sorry thats a bit vague but best I can give !

Edited by Hasher

Firefox's secret is the same as Jessica Simpson's: its effortless, glamorous style is the result of — shhh — extensions!

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Thanks, Fiddler doesnt currently support HTTPS, I tried working around that but all I could determine is that posting via IE posted the data in the format I thought it was which doesnt tell me why its isnt working.

I did realise that I could just as easily use the NOW function in ASP rather then submit the date/time and that will fix my problem.

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