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Algorithm - I want it to be very completed!

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At school we are learning algorithm, which I know what is. He gave us (the teacher) some examples of algorithms and I bet with him that if I make a program with a specific algorithm (from the examples), I will get A!

The algorithm calculates the area and the perimeter of a (2D) square/box and the algorithm is:

1) Read A (first side)

2) Read B (second side)

3) Calculate A*B

4) Calculate 2A+2B

5) Print area & perimeter

Here is what I tried:

$a = InputBox("Side A", "Length of side A (cm)")
If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value")
$b = InputBox("Side B", "Length of side B (cm)")
If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value")
MsgBox(64, "Area and Perimeter", "Area: " & $a*$b & "cm²" & @CRLF & "Perimeter: " & (2*$a)+(2*$B) & "cm")

But it is not complete. That it misses is:

1) If @error then show msgbox BUT go to the first step again. (ask for side A lenght)

2) The same problem with the up one but if it happens to the second inputbox, which asks for side B lenght.

3) If the entered value isl letters (a, b, c, etc...) instead of numbers show msgbox and ask for side lenght again

4) And the last I can think is if the value is >0 (I can do this)

Can you help me finish it?

Did I forgot something?

Are these very noob questions?

Edited by Hello Me You
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Some suggestions

- You want to check the value entered is numeric and also that its a number small enough to make a calculation ( StringRegExp )...... will you handle floating numbers ? If not StringRegExp then a check involving Length and isNumber()

- Declare variables

- Make the cancel button in your msgbox do something

- put you inputbox statement in a Do - Until loop ..... once algo is happy it go's to next stage

- It may work that math exression can be done in a msgbox but I think its just not good practice, Maybe others have views on this

- Comment your code.....just to impress your teacher :whistle:

My 2 cents :P

Edited by Hasher

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I still can't figure it out. Here is my source:

$a = InputBox("Side A", "Length of side A (cm)")
If $a<0 Or @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value")
$b = InputBox("Side B", "Length of side B (cm)")
If $b<0 Or @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value")
MsgBox(64, "Area and Perimeter", "Area: " & $a*$b & " cm²" & @CRLF & "Perimeter: " & (2*$a)+(2*$B) & " cm")


1) I can't use isNumber(). I tried but I can't do it.

2) I maked a do-until loop but loops and even when I type a number..

3) Any help?

Edited by Hello Me You
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I still can't figure it out. Here is my source:

$a = InputBox("Side A", "Length of side A (cm)")
If $a<0 Or @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value")
$b = InputBox("Side B", "Length of side B (cm)")
If $b<0 Or @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value")
MsgBox(64, "Area and Perimeter", "Area: " & $a*$b & " cm²" & @CRLF & "Perimeter: " & (2*$a)+(2*$B) & " cm")oÝ÷ Ø@ÈORj}ý¶ëÃn·«"ÚâyÖî´mv­ØçZv§¶)e¢[ºÙh¢×¯z|!zr-Êéz½À(^êº^1¬zëiÚ.Ø¥Zê뢶®¶­s`¦Fð¢b33c¶ÒçWD&÷gV÷Cµ6FRgV÷C²ÂgV÷C´ÆVæwFöb6FR6ÒgV÷C²§VçFÂb33c¶fwC³÷"äõBW'&÷

code not tested

All by me:

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My only problem is that I can not an error when value contains letters..

$a = InputBox("Side A", "Length of side A (cm)")
If $a<0 Or @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value")
$b = InputBox("Side B", "Length of side B (cm)")
If $b<0 Or @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value")
MsgBox(64, "Area and Perimeter", "Area: " & $a*$b & " cm²" & @CRLF & "Perimeter: " & (2*$a)+(2*$B) & " cm")
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From the help file



Displays an input box to ask the user to enter a string.

Therefor your input is always going to be a string

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Suspense is worse than disappointment................Robert Burns
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$a = InputBox("Side A", "Length of side A (cm)")
until not StringIsAlpha($a)
$b = InputBox("Side B", "Length of side B (cm)")
until not StringIsAlpha($B)
MsgBox(64, "Area and Perimeter", "Area: " & $a*$b & " cm²" & @CRLF & "Perimeter: " & (2*$a)+(2*$B) & " cm")

Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time ......T.S. Elliot
Suspense is worse than disappointment................Robert Burns
God help the man who won't help himself, because no-one else will...........My Grandmother

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Thanks BigDod, finally I am done. What do you think, is it complete (for algorithm)? Here it is:

    $a = InputBox("Side A", "Length of side A (cm)", "Numbers Only")
    If @error = 1 Then Exit
    If StringIsAlpha($a) Then MsgBox(16, "Numbers Only!", "Please enter numbers only.")
    If $a < 0 Or @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value.")
Until $a > 0 And Not @error

    $b = InputBox("Side B", "Length of side B (cm)", "Numbers Only")
    If @error = 1 Then Exit
    If StringIsAlpha($B) Then MsgBox(16, "Numbers Only!", "Please enter numbers only.")
    If $b < 0 Or @error Then MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Invalid value.")
Until $b > 0 And Not @error

SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav")
MsgBox(64, "Area and Perimeter", "Area: " & $a * $b & " cm²" & @CRLF & "Perimeter: " & (2 * $a) + (2 * $B) & " cm")
Edited by Hello Me You
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